Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Product Market Analysis Essay
In 1873, Adolph Coors and Jacob Schueler, both German migrants built up Golden, Colorado bottling works. In 1880, Coors purchased out his accomplice and turned into the sole proprietor of Coors Brewing Company. Today Molson Coors Brewing Company is the third biggest preparing organization in the United States (Molson Coors, 2013). In 1990, Coors Brewing presented Coors Rocky Mountain Spring Water. The item was fleeting and was removed the market in 1992 after just two years. There are a couple of issues with the promoting and publicizing of this item. To remarket this item I would begin with the utilization of different kinds of media correspondence. TV, radio, magazine, and other web based life outlets would be exploit. TV and radio advertisements will be communicated during game on the significant games systems. The emphasis on the games and outside network will be the principle target. The Coors Company didn't focus on these business sectors with their item. Magazines commercials will be added to open air and wearing magazines. The item will be publicized on social Medias, for example, Facebook and Twitter. Facebook likewise gives the choice of paying for greater ad. This can significantly increase the items arrive at in excess of 1000 distinct perspectives daily. The promotion for this item was constrained to TV and magazines. The issue with the TV is that Coors was attempted to focus on their lager drinking client. The occasions the ads were publicized were during similar occasions that brew ads. The client base that they were arriving at constrained the presentation. That customer base isn't keen on the Rocky Mountain Spring Water except if is has the remainder of the fixings in it. The enormous issue that this item has is in the name. Coors Rocky Mountain Spring Water makes you think about the mixed refreshments that they are known for. This by itself disheartened the individuals who don't drink or those too youthful to even think about drinking. In 1987, the normal individual would devour 4.5 gallons of filtered water every year. That developed in 1997 to 12.7 gallons for every individual. There a no motivation behind why with that much increment in the utilization of filtered water this item didâ not take off (Natural Resource Defense Council, 2013). This item has a basic fix. Initially, it is significant that we change the name of the item. At any rate drop the Coors of the name, Rocky Mountain Spring Water. This will even now get the reliable clients to the Coors item. Any obvious fan on Coors will recall that Coors is made by Rocky Mountain Spring Water. This will likewise disassociate the item from the mixed drinks. The first item was packaged in glass bottles. This could likewise obstruct the deals of the item. The glass bottles are substantial and harder to store. Change the glass bottles into plastic containers. This will eliminate the cost of the item and make it simpler to bearer. The subsequent stage would be to us media to get the item out to general society. We have to carry more ads to TV and radio during games. Publicizing on the web should be possible from various perspectives. There are approaches to arrive at online client by email or online notices. Facebook, Netflix, and a web recordings offer ads during cooperation with their administrations. Online magazines and papers additionally offer commercials while on the sites. Facebook has more than one billion individuals who us its administrations month to month. Individuals spend a normal of six hours and 35 minutes per month. Due to the way Facebook works it has a 94% focusing on exactness. This is exceptionally powerful when attempting to arrive at the objective market (Facebook, 2013). Web radio is an extraordinary method to contact individuals. Web radio records for 23% of the normal week after week listening time among purchaser between the ages of 13 and 35. 49% of US purchasers tune in to Internet radio 30 minutes before going into a store and the normal online audience will listen very nearly 12 hours per week (Factbrowser, 2013). Every one of these things I have recorded will assist with expanding the open mindfulness for the item. The more the general population knows about the item, the more consideration it will get. In 2012 9.67 billion gallons of filtered water was devoured in the U.S. That was up from the 9.1 billion gallons that was expended in 2011. In spite of the endeavors of some dissident individuals are as yet going to filtered water, and it is appearing in the commercial center. References Facebook. (2013, Summer). The Power of Facebook Advertising. Recovered from https://www.facebook.com/business/intensity of-promoting Factbrowser. (2013, Fall). Examination disclosure motor. Recovered from http://www.factbrowser.com/labels/radio/?page=2 Molson Coors. (2013, November). MolsonCoors. Recovered from http://www.molsoncoors.com/en/Index.aspx Natural Resource Defense Council. (2013, July 15). Filtered water. Recovered from http://www.nrdc.org/water/drinking/bw/chap2.asp
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Gender Roles in Harry Potter
Young ladies in youthful grown-up dream books will in general toll rather ineffectively, particularly in the light of Susan from the Chronicles of Narnia. When Aslan admits the Pevensies into heaven, Susan is banned in light of the fact that she has overlooked Narnia and is increasingly inspired by stockings and the genuine grown-up world, since she has challenged to need to grow up. Jill Pole remarks: aâ‚ ¬? She’s keen on nothing these days with the exception of nylons and lipstick and invitationsaâ‚ ¬? 1. C. S. Lewis presents a moderate perspective on young ladies in the dream classification, that they will be brought into their own immature dreams and will surrender the optional world.Philip Pullman intensifies this with his treatment of Lyra in the His Dark Materials set of three where she is the hero in the main novel yet surrenders dynamic and capacity to Will through the staying account. Hermione Granger begins testing this traditionalist view in any case she is transformed into a mother and sidelined from the universe of activity. Her job changes through the novel and this isn't expected just to the development of the character as she ages yet in addition the necessities of the male overwhelmed bunches around her, from the school bunch with Harry and Ron to the Order of the Phoenix.A brisk look offers the view that somewhere in the range of 11 and 15 she is increasingly insubordinate while between the ages of 16 and 17 she takes on a careful job before her last debut as a mother. In the Harry Potter novels Hermione is differently an erudite person who supports and aides Harry through her exploration and work. She is the predominant power in Harryaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s accomplishment until the 6th novel, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, where her job as Harryaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s teacher is taken by Dumbledore. Eliza Dresang sees Hermione as being unquestionably more effective than she is portrayed as by Farah Mendlesohn. Hermione gains office and can assume greater responsibility for her circumstance than Mendlesohn gives her kudos for through her own activities, discovering aâ‚ ¬? proof in the content to be significantly more idealistic about Hermione’s self-assurance than does Mendlesohnaâ‚ ¬? 2â through her assurance about being arranged by the Hat and aâ‚ ¬? will not be hindered from her motivations, regardless of whether it be picking up, scolding about standards or †¦ advocating the underdogaâ‚ ¬? 3. Mendlesohn remarks that aâ‚ ¬? Hermione is acknowledged in the social structure of the school simply because she is Harry’s friendaâ‚ ¬?  and that aâ‚ ¬? [r]adicalism, as epitomized by Hermione, is silly, oblivious, and basically transientaâ‚ ¬? 5. Despite the fact that her endeavors at liberating the house-mythical people are damned, she is progressively effective at stirring her friends and empowering Harry’s accomplishment through her com mitments. There is another issue to consider however and that is one of kind. The initial five Harry Potter books are obviously school stories. Themes, for example, the yearly appearance by means of the steam train and the term times with the authorized remain over Christmas, originate from this genre.Instead of just contending in sports for respect, for example, Quidditch, house focuses are granted or removed for conduct or demonstrations of courage. In the last two books, the structure of the books change to being a progressively traditional dream arrangement wherein Harry must defeat Voldemort in a last clash. This change to the awesome, specifically a male ruled fabulous world, implies that Hermione must change jobs to stay on the planet since we once in a while observe any solitary witches who have not gone to Voldemort, for example, Bellatrix Lestrange. This difference in sort changes the desires set on the characters by perusers and the jobs which they play.School stories, in the shape of Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers or St Clare’s,â offerâ the peruser a story of a gathering of youngsters who go on experiences constrained in scale by area, a secluded school, and time, terms end and the year is punctuated by occasions. They offer a degree ofâ carnivalesqueâ expressed in the tricks of the understudies which are subdued by the educators yet in addition a proceeding with talk of development and cultural assimilation to the more extensive grown-up world which must be entered. Guardians exist at the edge of the story, alluded to in letters or carrying their kids to school.Once the anarchic opportunity at school reaches a conclusion, the guardians speak to the jobs that the youngsters will embrace. The awesome world that Rowling develops is one which starts as possibly rebellious with Hermione testing apparent wrongs and increasing an all the more remarkable organization on the planet through her insight. As she develops, the world is c ompletely reached out past Hogwarts and turns out to be profoundly moderate and male ruled and Hermione needs to re-learn her social remaining on the edge of the gathering, her empowering organization now of no immediate use to Harry.Hermione develops in the arrangement transforming from the bashful, adademic outcast to being, as a result, an older sibling character to Harry and Ron however at the expense of her own office and gifts. As she develops into this job, she changes from being a curious individual, pushing her own limits of information and even her mental soundness, to being marginally more settled yet obviously not of equivalent remaining with Ron and Harry who are permitted to bring dynamic jobs into world. When we initially meet Hermione on the train going to Hogwarts, Rowling presents her an unkempt, investigating youngster unafraid to make new companions or to go up and visit the train driver.She is depicted as having aâ‚ ¬? a bossy voice, loads of rugged earthy colored hair and rather huge front teethaâ‚ ¬? (Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, p 79) and right now wearing the school hues. She interferes with Ron and Harry who are tucking into a carriage route blowout of desserts. Inquisitive, she moves Ron to show him the enchantment stunt which he is endeavoring. As the train moves toward the station, she urges the two young men to wear their robes and questions whether they have been battling as of now. Her drive towards flawlessness is appeared in her exhaustive information on the school drawn from perusing the history.Already knowing the explanation behind the charmed roof, she accomplishes a situation in the recently shaped social triumvirate as the information vault. Hermione returns from the school occasions a day ahead of schedule while the companions are attempting to discover who Nicholas Flamel is and is aâ‚ ¬? torn between the loathsomeness at Harry being out of bed†¦ and dissatisfaction that he hadnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t at any rate discovered who Nicholas Flamel wasaâ‚ ¬? (Philosopher’s Stone,â p158). Her interest and great conduct are at chances since she knows that the appropriate response may well lie in the illegal area of the library yet that entryâ transgressesâ the school rules.Although it is Harry who finds Flamel unintentionally on the rear of the collector’s card he jumped on the train, it is Hermione who joins him to the Philosopher’s Stone through a book she got aâ‚ ¬? out of the library weeks back for somewhat light perusing aâ‚ ¬? (Philosopher’s Stone, p. 161). Ron’s just remark, aâ‚ ¬? Light? aâ‚ ¬? (Philosopher’s Stone, p. 161), a recommendation that information isn't profoundly prized in Hogwarts as contradicted to Quidditch. It was Hermione who seen that Fluffy was remaining on the trapdoor (Philosopher’s Stone, p120), a reality that both Ron and Harry missed. However her accomplishments come at a social price.Hermione’s adherence to the school rules is demonstrated inPhilosopher’s Stoneâ after the finding of the trapdoor around evening time. When Harry gets another brush after the demolition of his old one, her remarks aâ‚ ¬? So I guess you think that’s an award for disrupting norms? aâ‚ ¬? (Philosopher’s Stoneâ p. 123). Her frankness about the 12 PM occurrence is tempered by the contention with Ron and Harry. She is obviously steamed at their response which is aggravated by Ron’s reckless remark about her not having any companions. Surging past Harry, he sees that she is crying (Philosopher’s Stoneâ p. 127).When the troll is reported, the two young men understand that it has gone to the girls’ toilets where Hermione is caught. At the point when Professor McGonagall enters, Hermione deceives ensure them all and cases that she needed to handle the troll herself. Despite the fact that this implies aâ‚ ¬? from that second o n, Hermione Granger turned into their friendaâ‚ ¬? (Philosopher’s Stone, p. 132), she can just do as such by misleading an educator thus topples her past inflexible adherence to rules. She needs to embrace the young men own reality see. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hermione offers to make the Polyjuice Potion to perceive what Malfoy thinks about the chamber’s opening.She tricks Lockhart into marking a slip for ‘Most Potente Potions’ to trick the Librarian (Chamber of Secrets, p. 124). When Ron says that they should take from Professor Snape’s private stores, she answers: aâ‚ ¬? All things considered, in the event that both of you are going to chicken out, fine†¦Ã‚ I don’t need to defy the norms you know. aâ‚ ¬? (Office of Secrets, p. 125). Hermione knows that they have just gotten an authorization slip that Lockhart has marked without acknowledging what it is (utilizing his own egotism), that the formu la depends upon unlawful merchandise and that the young men can't find Malfoy’s saw job without trickery.Despite her protestations about the standards, she knows that these should be broken to be fruitful. When they come to making the mixture, the gathering need portions of their casualties and Hermione is excessively hurried in taking some hair from Millicent Bulstrode in Wrestling and unintentionally transforms herself into a feline a lot to Myrtle’s enchant, aâ‚ ¬? Hold up till everybody discovers you’ve got aâ tailaâ‚ ¬? (Office of Secrets, p. 169). While Ron and Harry have utilized her Slee
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Words Phrases I Remember Learning Specifically From Books
Words Phrases I Remember Learning Specifically From Books The Publishers Weekly blog ran a piece by Gabe Habash entitled Every World I Learned From Infinite Jest. If youre familiar with David Foster Wallaces mammoth tome, the length of the list and the obscurity of many of the words probably wont surprise you. I had a similar experience with Jest, but for some reason chtonicrelating to the underworld is the one that always comes back to me. But the article got me thinking. One of the greatest tools for a writer is an expansiveassuming you can use it for anything besides showing off and being obnoxiousvocabulary. And however expansive my vocabulary is or is not, I owe it to the amount of books Ive read. I made a list of a few words I specifically remember learning from books. All definitions from dictionary.com. Sinew: A piece of tough, fibrous tissue uniting muscle to bone, or bone to bone Learned from: Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott ODell Young Karana is marooned on an island. She proceeded to have many adventures and close calls, and she also proceeded to use sinews to bind and fix just about everything. Sinew was the duct tape of the island. Ive never forgotten it. Inscrutable: Impossible to understand or interpret Learned from: Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake From the first of the Gormenghast books. Gormenghast exposed me to approximately one billion things Id never felt or considered before. Theres truly nothing like it. It is, if I had to choose a word, inscrutable. If youre unfamiliar with the series, I wont try to describe the plot to you, but these books create a mood that Ive never even come close to feeling in anything else. If you can steer me to anything you think Id like based on this statement, Id be grateful. Chrism: A mixture of oil and balsam, consecrated and used for anointing at baptism and in other rites of Catholic, Orthodox, or Anglican churches Learned from: The Oxford Writers Thesaurus I have a favorite Thesaurus. It includes lots of lovely mini-essays on words the editors (including David Foster Wallace and Zadie Smith) were enamored of. Chrism was one of those. Its a pretty word. Say it out loud. Harder to find a use for it in chitchat, but I like how it sounds. Steatopygia: An extreme accumulation of fat on the buttocks Learned from: The Superior Persons Book Of Words by Peter Bowler What superior person wouldnt need a word like this in his obfuscated-insult holster? I honestly dont think I knew more than ten of the words in this book. Lots of words about sex: Take your pick Learned from: Many, many Dean Koontz books. I liked the gore and monsters in Koontz novels. My junior high phase was pretty much just a rotation of Terry Brooks, Piers Anthony, Stephen King, and Koontz. But Koontz was the one who drove my teenage self wild with his ridiculous love scenes. I had no idea that phrases like hidden nubble werent sexy yet. But wow, back then, it was good for what ailed me. Twilight Eyes and Koontz were the real standouts. How about you? Any words that have stuck with you, whose origin in your memory is not shrouded in mystery? _________________________ Sign up for our newsletter to have the best of Book Riot delivered straight to your inbox every week. No spam. We promise. To keep up with Book Riot on a daily basis, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, , and subscribe to the Book Riot podcast in iTunes or via RSS. So much bookish goodnessall day, every day.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Government Surveillance of Internet Activity Essay
Government Surveillance of Internet Activity 1. Background Back to late 1980s in China, some young people in college or research institute had a chance to surf the Internet through a fairly low speed, roughly routed World Wide Web connection. But a big surprise for them was that the Internet was a real freeway, a freeway escaping from strict government control, a freeway for people who wanted to see but couldn’t see and who wanted to say but couldn’t say. Stepping into the 21st century after more than a decade, the Internet service in China has already been almost the latest generation in the world. However, a new surprise for those â€Å"old†surfers and new comers is that the traffic on the Internet freeway is jammed or totally†¦show more content†¦There are true stories covering a wide span of time and continents, from the secret police in East Germany last century [2], to the intelligence gathering activities in some campuses today controlled by CIA [3]. As a solid example, wiretapping is conducted in nearly every country in the world and is frequently abused. The US Department of State, in its annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1994, reports widespread, illegal or uncontrolled use of wiretaps by both government and private groups in over 70 countries [4]. Government surveillances are generally targeted to human rights groups, reporters and political opponents. In some countries, the state owned t elecommunications companies were active participants in helping the security services of their government to monitor human rights advocates. In other countries, multiple forms of surveillance are used. For instance, hidden microphones were found in the offices of the Mexican Human Rights Commission in 1991 [5]. 1.2 Communication through the Internet is no longer a freeway as what people might imagine. Internet has the capability to gathering and distributing information in a huge volume and at a tremendously faster speed. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Army to College Essay - 1127 Words
From Army to College As the bus entered the heavily guarded military instillation, I gazed upon the sign that read, Be All that You Can Be. When the bus stopped, several angry Drill Instructors boarded and began introducing us to a very colorful vocabulary, usually reserved for drunken Sailors. They instructed us to gather our belongings, get off the bus and assemble in a circular formation. As I searched for the strength to get up, I found myself moving, while several Drill Instructors yelled at us for our clumsy attempt to dismount the bus and fall into formation. I wondered if I had made the right choice. However, I have come to realize that my military experiences have tremendously enhanced my self-worth. From those first eight†¦show more content†¦The experience provided me with invaluable skills that will prove critical in the legal profession. For example, I was required to analyze intricate electronics circuitry, find problems and then fix them appropriately. I also had to interact with co-workers, supervisors, and engineers while I was trying to solve these difficult technical problems. As a result, I learned the importance of articulating my thoughts in a coherent and logical fashion while under duress. Being forced to independently solve complicated problems in a short period of time strengthened my discipline and tenacity, qualities that will be essential at Harvard. Moreover, the military also gave me the opportunity to travel abroad. Living in countries such as Korea, Spain, and Germany and immersing myself in their cultures has given me perspective on the differences between the United States and other countries. Each place I have lived has been unique in some way, from the different languages to the variations in cultural practices. Dealing with individuals with different backgrounds has helped me develop a good rapport with people. From my travels, I also learned that there can be more than one solution to a problem. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Asahi Glass Free Essays
TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary3 Recognizing Opportunities4 Company Structure 5 Issues Facing Asahi Glass5 Questions to Answer6 Conclusion6 Recommendations6 Executive Summary Asahi Glass Company was founded in the early 1900’s to relieve Japan’s dependence on foreign imports. It was the first successful endeavor into the flat glass industry. The company was able to continue to succeed through mergers, acquisitions, and organic growth. We will write a custom essay sample on Asahi Glass or any similar topic only for you Order Now The company’s core businesses are: 1. Glass and related products, 2. Chemical products, 3. Ceramics and refractory products, 4. Electronic products, and 5. All other miscellaneous products The synergies that were created by combining management’s expertise with the company’s knowledge, resources, and technologies have contributed to the success of Asahi Glass Company throughout the years. The organizational structure of Asahi Glass’ domestic productions are effective for their business’. There is a top down management system, with each division having its own managers and balance sheet. However, globalization efforts have been depleting company resources in past years. Management has yet to be able to perfect their foreign operating organization. The company is unable to establish mutual trusting relationship with several overseas joint ventures. ? Asahi Glass Company was founded in 1907, by Toshiya Iwasaki, a nephew of one of the founders of the Mitsubishi business group. Iwasaki wanted to ease Japan’s dependence on imports, by establishing a flat glass industry. It took three years after production started in 1909 to make a profit, but the endeavor was well worth it; Asahi Glass Company established themselves as the dominate player in the market and has remained that way ever since. Throughout Asahi Glass’ existence, their decisions and objectives have been focused on growth. They achieve this by exploring new technologies and growing organically, as well as acquiring companies, and merging with others. Their management style is also a key factor to their success. Recognizing Opportunities During the First World War, Asahi Glass was having trouble importing the soda ash they needed for manufacturing, so they started producing it themselves. This led the company into the exploitation of the raw-materials scope economies. They soon developed technological expertise in ceramics and alkali chemicals, which became two of the three core business â€Å"pillars. †After World War II, management made a sensible strategic decision to license a new float glass process from the Pilkington Brothers in order to maintain their market position. In the 1960s, Asahi Glass took advantage of growing TV and auto industries, and moved into them, becoming a domestic leader in both industries. Soon after, they progressed into producing construction materials. When the chemical industry took off in Japan, Asahi Glass merged in with their alkalis, halogen, and other petrochemical additives. They were market leaders in every industry they infiltrated. Asahi Glass created new, unique markets and took the lead in many specialty markets. In the 1970s, the current president, Takeo Sakabe, took the initiative to introduce a fourth â€Å"pillar†to the company’s core businesses: electronics. He chose electronics because management had some expertise in it and the industry had room for growth. Asahi Glass began penetrating the global market in 1956, when they built a plant in India. Then, the company entered into joint ventures in Thailand and Indonesia in 1964 and 1972 respectively. Not long after establishing their presence in those markets for glass, Asahi Glass’ chemical business followed into the areas. Once the company began to expand, they accelerated their efforts through the 1990s. Company Structure Asahi Glass had â€Å"a matrix style organization structure. †Each of the six general divisions and the five individual divisions had their own managers and kept their own balance sheet. Asahi Glass had an International General Division, which communicated with domestic product divisions, and monitored the subsidiaries and affiliates who were abroad, as well as help formulate business plans. The company tried to localize their oversea activities, and let them manage day-to-day operations and only held executive meetings about once every four months. Issues Facing Asahi Glass In 1993, Asahi Glass’s domestic glass business was declining due to the Japanese economy. The answer for the company was to continue globalization efforts. However, the company’s quick response and accelerated efforts caused the company to lose focus of their traditional international practices. The company’s domestic operational structure was not the same as their international operating structure. Because many of the international were joint ventures, and still relatively fresh, the two companies still lacked trust and coordination. Asahi Glass was still realizing that moving into foreign markets took more integration and stronger efforts than operating domestically. Questions to Answer In 1993, president Seya was faced with a decision for the electronics department. He was analyzing a report of long term strategy for the business, and the position of its major products. The report offered proposals ranging from intense divesting, to rigorous investing. Mr. Seya needed to decide if investing the capital needed to ascertain a dominant position in the electronics business was worth the risk. His decision would be the foundation of the business’ strategic direction and he felt that direction should be aligned with Asahi Glass’ other divisions, and their overall objectives for the years to come. Conclusion Asahi Glass Company has always been an aggressive, dominant company. They exhort their knowledge, expertise, and technology in order to gain a leading position in whatever industry or market they endeavor. In the latest years, it seems that the company is trying to spread themselves too thin by globalizing. Until Asahi Glass finds a better way to organize and operate their foreign affairs, they should focus on domestic mergers, acquisitions, and internal growth. Recommendations I believe that Asahi Glass has had an excellent history of creating successful synergies that have propelled the company to success. From its beginnings in the early 1900s, the company’s management has recognized opportunities to expand their core businesses and grow organically. As their core businesses expanded, so did the company’s knowledge, experience, and technology. As these assets have interacted over the years, they have combined to make synergies that allowed the company to expand into new markets, products, and industries. Asahi Glass has an excellent foundation in the way of management as well as financial prosperity. I recommend that Asahi Glass invest in the establishment of the electronic business as a dominant position. Looking at the electronics business’ history shows that the division is among the top three in relative market position already, despite that they have a low share in the market (exhibit 10). They are also already well established, having joint ventures with at least five companies, three of which are in the top six market positions (exhibit 10). The electronic division contributed 5. 6% to sales in 1992; compared to ceramics contribution of 2. 4% (exhibit 6). How to cite Asahi Glass, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Electrix Pty Ltd Australian Consumer Law
Questions: Question 1 Mary buys an expensive food mixer for $4000 from Electrix Pty Ltd. The mixer worked perfectly well as a domestic appliance, but proved to be useless in the new Coffee and Cake outlet that the customer has recently opened. The customer argues that she paid a lot of money for the mixer and therefore it should be suitable for domestic and commercial use. The manager of Electrix says that his particular mixer is imported from Switzerland and that the customer pays for the name and superior quality and that the customer didnt specify that she wanted a commercial mixer. Advise Mary if she has an action against Electrix under the ACL. Question 2 Jakes Meats advertises, by way of a letterbox drop, that it has rump steak available for one week selling for only $2 per kilogram. The shop is filled with eager customers. Jake tells them that to purchase the rump steak at that price they need to buy at least 15 kilograms. Some customers are angry about this. Advise Jake Meats if it has breached the ACL. Hypothetical Question Lauren is the sole owner of 10 health beauty salons in Brisbane. Demand for health and beauty services has increased dramatically in the last few years and so profits have also increased significantly. As the business has surplus funds Lauren has decided to invest some of the profits. The following Monday Lauren visits Aaron, a financial planner and investment advisor at his office at Rags to Riches Investments Pty. Ltd (RRI) and discusses possible investment opportunities. Aaron has over 20 years of experience in the investment advice industry and has a very good professional reputation in Australia and China. Aaron receives a salary of $280,000 per year, plus superannuation and commissions. Aaron tells Lauren about a new casino in Perth named Marco Polo Casino Ltd. (MPC), which has just been listed on the Australian stock exchange. MPC has been offering special Stay and Play packages to the South East Asian gambling market. The Stay and Play packages have proved enormously popular. Aaron is so impressed with MPCs marketing success he tells Lauren that MPC is a great investment opportunity and that she should get in quick before the share price increases. Aaron even tells Lauren that he is about to sell some of his other shares to get in on the MPC boom. Aaron provides Lauren with a written prospectus of MPC, which sets out its future plans and profit expectations. As MPC is a new company Lauren asks Aaron whether she should perhaps diversify her investment over some more traditional and established shares. Aaron advises Lauren that more established company shares will be less likely to appreciate as quickly and that MPCs share price has already increased 30% since the original offering and that he expects the share price to double shortly after the launch of the Stay and Play package in China. Lauren follows Aarons investment advice and purchases $1,000,000 in MPC shares. Lauren purchases the shares through Aaron and RRI and does not seek any other financial advice. Unfortunately a few days later the media begins reporting news of the Asian Financial Meltdown crisis. As a result of the Asian Financial Meltdown crisis the Stay and Play package sales cease and the prospective sales in China do not eventuate. The MPC share price falls dramatically. A short time later MPC is declared insolvent and is subsequently wound up. Lauren has now lost all the money she invested in MPC. a. Advise Lauren whether she is entitled to claim damages from Aaron for her investment losses in an action in negligent misstatement, including any relevant defences. Answer: 1. The action undertaken by Mary against Electrix under the Australian Consumer Law is not tenable. A person is to be considered as a consumer under this act where he acquires goods or services of value less than $40,000 or acquires such goods or services to be used for personal, household or domestic use or acquires a commercial road transport vehicle for the transportation of goods on roads. In the given case if Mary intends to use the mixer for commercial use then she would not be considered as a consumer under the Australian Consumer Law. The conduct of Electrix Pty Ltd cannot be also considered as misleading or deceptive in any form as the expensive price of the mixer is not conclusive of the fact that it is used in both domestic and commercial use. Hence the action against the company Electrix Pty Ltd is not valid as per the provisions of the law just because of the reason that the appliance was expensive and was not usable for commercial purpose. (Desiatnik, 2013) 2. The Australian Consumer Law contains consumer protection provisions which does cover the following mentioned areas: (1) Section 18 - Misleading or deceptive conduct (2) Sections 20 22 - Unconscionable conduct (3) Section 29 - False Representation of specified goods and services A person should restrict from engaging in conduct of trade and commerce that turns out to be misleading or deceptive or that has possible likelihood to mislead or deceive. Often silence is considered as a misleading or deceptive conduct where due to the silence there is a failure on part of the person to be not be able to disclose or provide incomplete information. This is because of the reason that the Australian Consumer Act defines the conduct of doing something or the not doing of something. The very act of making false or misleading statement is not allowed as per the relevant provisions of the law. A person must not trade in regard to those goods and services which gives false representation regarding the standard, grade, quality, style, model or composition of the history or prior use of that particular good or service. (Steinwall Griggs, 2013) Hypothetical Question Issues: 1 Does Aaron owe Lauren a duty of care The issue is regarding Lauren a successful entrepreneur of health and beauty salons in Brisbane. Lauren has substantial profits from her business venture which she wishes to invest and has been looking for investment options. Lauren hence decides to take aid of an investment advisor and financial planner. Lauren finally took financial advice from Aaron regarding investment options and opportunities Application Damages suffered due to negligent advice had no remedial law other than those instances where the relationship was based on contract. A tort is defined as an act of omission or wrongful doing which generally gives rise to civil action in the court of law against the party who has been charged of committing a wrongful act. The tort of negligent misstatement has been defined as an incorrect statement made not intentionally. It is an advice made with honestly but somewhere carelessly by a party who is in possession of special skill or knowledge to the other party that does not possess such specific skill or knowledge. As per the law of Torts it is concerned with the compensation of the victim rather than focusing on punishing the wrongdoer. Issue 2: Has Aaron breached his duty of care to Lauren? Aaron is expertise in the financial advising industry since last 20 years. He possesses a good reputation in Australia and China in this particular professional field. Aaron advice Lauren to invest in Marco Polo Casino Ltd which is a newly listed company in the Australian Stock Exchange. Stay and Play packages introduced by the company have been widely popular and share prices have high probability to be appreciated in near future.. Application The convicted party must at the first place owe a legal duty of care to the other party in order to be held responsible and liable for the act of negligence. Duty of care is defined as a primary form of duty to undertake reasonable care during the performance of an act. Once it was ascertained that a duty of care existed between the parties, then there is a need to address the standard care which was being breached by the wrongdoer through observing the conduct towards the plaintiff. A reasonably appropriate standard of care can be defined which would be followed by a reasonable, ordinary and prudent person would tend to follow. Issue-3 Did P suffer harm as a result of Ds breach of duty? Aaron also provides the written prospectus of the company which outlines the future ventures and profit expectations. Lauren consulted regarding investing in other established blue chip companies with Aaron, but he advised to invest in MCP which made a 30% hike from its original issue price and has high probability to increase soon Application The Duty of caregenerally refers to the given circumstances and relationshipswhich the related law is responsible to recognize it in order to give rise to a legal duty of care. A failure on the part of the defendant can result in bearing the liability of damage payment to the plaintiff who suffered injury or loss on account of the breach ofduty of care. Therefore it is absolutely necessary for the plaintiff to establish the very fact that defendant owed them aduty of care.The existence of aduty of carebasically dependsonthe nature and type of lossand various other legal tests applied to different losses. Issue-4 Can the Defendant rely on any defenses? Lauren invested $1,000,000 in MCP without seeking any other financial advice. Unfortunately the Asian Financial Meltdown crisis occurred and share price of MCP fell drastically and the company finally became insolvent and Lauren lost all her money due to the debacle in the Asian Financial Meltdown. Now the issue is whether Lauren is entitled to claim damages from Aaron for the investment losses on account of negligent misstatement. Application The onus of proof therefore lies with the plaintiff to present that he owes a duty of care by the defendant. In order to prove that the plaintiff need to take into consideration the three state test. These three would aid in proving that the duty of care existed between the defendant and the plaintiff which are FORESEEABILITY TEST determine the question lies that whether it is reasonable to ascertain the foreseeable harm due to the wrongful act or omission of the alleged wrongdoer. PROXIMITY TEST determine was there any existence of physical, factual or circumstantial relationship between the parties. VULNERABILITY TEST determine whether it is possible in the given circumstance is it possible that the plaintiff was vulnerable to any form of harm due to the defendants conduct or subsequent course of action. In order to make a claim for damages due to negligent misstatement the basic elements of negligence requires to be proved which must be in existence during the tortuous act including the link of special relationship. The special relationship The meaning of the term special relationship has not been explained fully in Hedley byre and therefore it has become an area of judicial policy. It has been further suggested that that any professional or business has the potentiality to be in a special relationship. The related case law is Howard Marine and Dredging Co. LTD V Orden and sons ltd. It is not always possible in social relationships unless there exist circumstances to prove that advice was being genuinely sought. The related case law Chaudhry v Prabhaker 1988 Various cases does involve surveyors or valuers. The relationship between surveyors and purchasers of houses are not of contractual nature but it is might be of special nature. The related case law is of Yianni v Edwin Evans and sons 1982 The complex issue is regarding to whom the accountants owe a duty of care It has definitely influenced how the existence of such duty has been determined; Originally it was held to be no duty as any form of duty would be contractual. Related case law is Candler v crane Christmas and co 1951 Since in the case law of Hedley bynre the existence of the duty of care has been established. Related case law is JEB fasteners v marks bloom and co 1983 Bidders during take-over deals or lenders or investors cannot rely on the annual audited accounts as by the accountants. Therefore there is no duty for the accountants. Related case law is of Caparo v Dickman 1990. Issue-5 What damages can P claim?. Application It was so held in the case of Derry v Peek, there can be no remedial action against negligent statements other than an instance of fraud. In recent times there have been few amendments and it has been established with the help of certain case laws as mentioned below Hedley Byrne Co Ltd. v Heller Partners Ltd. the court upheld in this particular case that there exists a duty of care which is implied by law where there is a special relationship between the parties. The Special relationship indicates that there should be existing proximate relationship between the advisor and the client. Special relationship is determined of the following criteria Whether the plaintiff was relying on the skill and judgement of the respondent Reasonable for the plaintiff as per the existing circumstances to rely on the respondent Respondent must be aware of such reliance. It has to be an instance where the party acquiring the advice or information was on the basis of trust that a reasonable degree of care has been undertaken by the other person and the circumstance was favorable for him to do that. It also takes into account that the other person must be aware of the fact that the inquirer was relying on him regarding the advisory matters. Mutual Life Co Citizens Assurance Co. Ltd. v Evatt Shaddock Associates Pty Ltd. v Paramatta City Counci Conclusion In the case of Donoghue vs Stevenson, the House of Lords confirmed the negligence as a tort. As per the law of tort, a plaintiff is liable to take civil action against the respondent where due to the negligence of the respondent, plaintiff ahs to suffer injury or loss. Earlier there was the provision where the plaintiff had to initially prove the existence of contractual arrangement for a negligence to be proven. The case law established that the manufacturers have to bear the duty of care towards their consumers or end users of the product. The case law of Donoghue vs Stevenson produced the controversial neighbourhood principle. The test of neighbourhood is required to determine the law of duty of care which can be further broken downinto two distinct requirements: the reasonable foresight of damage or harm the proximity relationship To establish duty of care with respect to reasonable foresight, the related case laws are Topp v London Country Bus[1993] Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd[1970] To establish duty of care with respect to proximity, the related case law - Bourhill v Young[1943] Before the case law ofDonoghue v Stevenson,a claimant is required to establish a prior existing duty relationship in order to be successful.The neighborhood test taken in a wider sense can be quite broad allowing occurrence of liability in a wide range of situations. However the range is narrowed when it comes to the situation where the consumer is suing a manufacturer. The Duty of caregenerally refers to the given circumstances and relationshipswhich the related law is responsible to recognize it in order to give rise to a legal duty of care. A failure on the part of the defendant can result in bearing the liability of damage payment to the plaintiff who suffered injury or loss on account of the breach ofduty of care. Therefore it is absolutely necessary for the plaintiff to establish the very fact that defendant owed them aduty of care.The existence of aduty of carebasically dependsonthe nature and type of lossand various other legal tests applied to different losses. The convicted party must at the first place owe a legal duty of care to the other party in order to be held responsible and liable for the act of negligence. Duty of care is defined as a primary form of duty to undertake reasonable care during the performance of an act. In the given case Lauren consulted regarding investing in other established blue chip companies with Aaron, but he advised to invest in MCP which made a 30% hike from its original issue price and has high probability to increase soon. Lauren invested $1,000,000 in MCP without seeking any other financial advice. Unfortunately the Asian Financial Meltdown crisis occurred and share price of MCP fell drastically and the company finally became insolvent and Lauren lost all her money. As per section 22 of the Civil Liability Act, a professional is not considered to be guilty of professional does not breach a duty of care if the professional has acted in a way widely accepted by others in the profession provided the practice is not prohibited by law or irrational in any terms. As per the law of tort, a plaintiff is liable to take civil action against the respondent where due to the negligence of the respondent, plaintiff ahs to suffer injury or loss. It was so held in the case of Derry v Pe ek, there can be no remedial action against negligent statements other than an instance of fraud. In recent times there have been few amendments and it has been established with the help of certain case laws Hedley Byrne Co Ltd. v Heller Partners Ltd. being one such case law. The onus of proof therefore lies with the plaintiff to present that he owes a duty of care by the defendant. In order to prove that the plaintiff needs to take into consideration the three state test: foreseeability test, proximity test and vulnerability test. Proximity test is also to be seen and judged to determine negligent misstatement. Hence in the given case of Lauren and Aaron, it cannot be said that there existed a vivid special relationship between them and taking into account the three state tests of foresee ability, proximity and vulnerability to apply the Civil Liability Act. (Steinwall Griggs, 2013) Bibliography Desiatnik, R. (2013). Australian Journal of Competition and Consumer Law: Online. legal,tax and accounting australia , 1-1. Steinwall, R., Griggs, L. (2013). Competition and Consumer Law Journal. lexis nexis , 1-1.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Wisconsins Labor Unions
Introduction Many state employees including teachers and government employees are protesting against a proposed legislation that seeks to curtail the collective bargaining rights of workers unions. They are also opposed to a move spearheaded by the Republican Governor, Scott Walker of raising employee’s contribution towards the pension scheme from 0.2 percent to 6 percent and increasing the health insurance contribution from 6% to 12%.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Wisconsin’s Labor Unions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Proponents of the proposed legislation, including Walker, support it as the best effort to solve the current economic crisis and avoid layoffs of public employees. The bill has the support of Republican lawmakers who have the numbers in both the state Assembly and the Senate to pass it. Once passed, the legislation will demand that the unions’ employees pay will be line wi th the guidelines of Consumer Price Index. The efforts of the protesters to stop the legislation from becoming law through labor unions represent a clear example of Marxist theory. The protesters want to avoid exploitation by protecting their collective bargaining rights. The Marxist concept of surplus value outlines how a capitalist economy exploits state employees. According to this theory, state employees can avoid exploitation through forming workers union that gives them effective bargaining rights since labor is the generator of value. Labor Theory of Value Karl Marx formulated the concept of surplus value to refer to the unpaid surplus labor claimed by enterprises as gross profit (Hollander 78). Marxist idea implies that capitalist states exploit state employees. He argues that the commodity value is derived from the labor value. The surplus labor reinvestment generates more wealth resulting to huge gross profits and thus, Marx concludes, capitalist states engage in business for profits. Marx argues that the accumulation of wealth in the 19th century by capitalist economies was because of competitive efforts to get the highest surplus value from the labor. This implies that capitalists were exploiting the workers on a massive scale leading to large-scale amassment of wealth by these states. Marxism holds that every person is justified in maintaining the fruits of his/her labor. However, he argues that the worker receives only the portion of labor that is basic for life while the remainder i.e. the surplus produce constitutes the profits accrued by capitalist enterprises. Marxist’s idea of surplus value led to the labor union programs to protect the rights of the workers from the perceived exploitation by capitalist states. Sociological Concepts Various social concepts explain the form of modern social and economic organizations in the world (Dillon 45). Disenchantment capitalism involves private ownerships of the markets, allocation of the resour ces and distribution of goods. The concept arose during the industrial revolution of the 16th century and enabled countries to exploit new colonies.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The new system led to an increase in the level of trade both domestic and multilateral trade between a state and its colonies. This amounted to exploitation of the colonies and the accumulation of wealth by the rich countries. The non-rewarding labor in the colonies necessitated uprisings against foreign governance. The sociological concept underscores the need of people coming together to push for common goals. For instance, workers working in a given organization might team to push for better payment. Better payment here plays as the denominator of these workers staying together for they pursue similar goals and objectives. Workers of an organization bond together through workers union so that t hey are enough force to make demands pertaining to their work conditions. In mechanical solidarity, the people feel connected based on mutual interests for a certain course. The mass protest of workers in Wisconsin shows that they are united by a common goal. The workers unions act as an umbrella body, which unites these workers and provides bargaining rights for them. Sociability involves the social interactions for different purposes not on personal purposes. People enter into any form of sociability with personal capacities, attractions, and interests with an objective purpose in mind (Dillon 47).The workers get into unions for personal and subjective gains. In sociability, the members are equal and are therefore democratic in nature. Sociability influences major decisions in the lives of the people. The sociological concept of world life focuses on a situation in which the world is experienced or lived. World life sociological concept provides the background environment that is responsible for an individual’s practices and attitudes. Wisconsin has had a history of passing regulations that promote the rights of workers like the collective bargaining legislation passed in 1959 that gave rise to a union that covers public employees. Therefore, the proposal to limit the effectiveness of the workers union faces opposition through mass protests. Conclusion The workers union offers an opportunity for the workers to have bargaining rights with the state. Marx’s theory of surplus labor led to the rise of workers union. However, unions based on various sociological concepts that shape their response towards any measures that will eliminate these unions unite people as seen by the protests in Wisconsin over the proposal to limit the role of workers unions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Wisconsin’s Labor Unions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Dillon, Michele. In troduction to Sociological Theory: Theorists, Concepts, and their Applicability to the Twenty-First Century. West Sussex: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2009. Hollander, Paul. The many Faces of Socialism: Comparative Sociology and Politics. California: ICON group International, 2009. This essay on Wisconsin’s Labor Unions was written and submitted by user Cooper Hurley to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
discovering truths essays
discovering truths essays How do human beings make decisions? What triggers a person to take action at any given point? Have you ever found yourself asking these questions? An attempt to make sense of these questions can be as easy as studying psychology or the science of the soul. While many people have contributed greatly to the science that seeks to understand human behavior it takes dedication to specialize in this area of work. Completely and exclusively learning, understanding, studying, and explaining the answer to these questions can only be understood by a true psychologist. Psychologists study the behavior of individuals and groups to understand and explain their actions. They specialize in a wide variety of areas. Experimental psychologists concentrate on human behavior as well as rats, monkeys, and pigeons. Environmental psychologists study the influence of environment on people. Clinical psychologists work in mental hospitals or clinics or maintain their own practice. The psychologist field I wish to pursue a career in is a counseling psychologist, who helps people with daily problems concerning their personal, social, educational, and vocational life. Along with the few I have named there are many other types of psychologist professions. Each psychologist contributes by applying his or her own knowledge and expertise to the field of psychology. Becoming a Psychologist is no easy task. A masters degree in psychology takes about 2 years of schooling. It qualifies a person to assist psychologists in the same field. However without much schooling and training opportunities are limited. Your best bet is to get a doctoral degree, which takes anywhere from 5 to 7 years it, is required for employment as a licensed clinical psychologist. Advancement in this field is limited due to how far you pursue schooling but, most psychologists with doctoral degrees venture out on their own after several y ...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Vonage current situation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Vonage current situation - Essay Example The company claims that its technology is unique as it allows higher flexibility, more features, low cost and ease in operation and size. It has reached higher number of customers due to announcement of free unlimited calling to landline phones in all cities and locations in more than 60 countries. It also provides important facilities like call waiting and call forwarding at an affordable price. It is in touch with all the customers of different nations through web and it connects to people in USA through national retailers like Best Buy and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Recently it launched Vonage Mobile which is its first mobile calling service and it is considered to be a free downloadable service that enables low cost international calling through cellular network or Wi-Fi. Vonage Holdings Corp. has its headquarter in Holmdel, New Jersey. Its financial status has been improved considerably relative to previous year. Though its operating revenue recorded for the second quarter i.e. April-June 2009 was lesser ($222 million) than that recorded in second quarter of 2008 ($227.5 million), it recorded a net profit of $2.28 million in 2009 compared to a net loss of $6.88 million in 2008. This is due to reduction in operating expenses in 2009. The average monthly direct costs of telephony services per line was reduced to $6.76 in 2008 from $7.22 in 2009 resulting in reduction in operating expenditure which in turn resulted in higher net profit. Vonage has gone to public in May 2006 though IPO for raising $250 million and registered as public company with New York Stock Exchange. Around 13.5% of its shares were sold to the public and 60 % of its shares were retained with the directors of the company. It was quoted at $1.76 on 7th October 2009. Its 52 week high and low values were $2.63 and $0.31 respectively which indicate that the
Monday, February 3, 2020
How significant was the division between the Scottish Highlands and Essay
How significant was the division between the Scottish Highlands and Lowlands - Essay Example It is interesting to note, that the topic of Highlands-Lowlands division is closely connected with the discussion of the British imperialism and its impact on the development of Scottish nationalism (or national identity), as it is a historical fact, that the development of imperialism had already reached rather significant level, but its spreading onto the Highlands territory was prevented by the division between Highlands and Lowlands; although the connection between the division and the Scottish nationalism is seen, the work will not make special accent on this topic, but we will here look at the general impact on people, their culture and the whole future history of Scotland which was made by this division. The division of the Highlands and Lowlands has created a major impact on the fact that Scottish people didn't feel like entire nation and the notion of nation has ceased to exist for them. However, this impact was created through the number of factors, which are to be consider ed separately in this work. The feudal movement, which existed in Scotland, was one of the major engines, making the division of the Scotland closer. The roots of the division lay in the fact, that King David, being active supporter of the feudalism and making everything possible to spread it over the country, has unconsciously divided Scotland into two parts: the estates, which he often granted to his lords, were mainly situated in the southern part of the country, making it more bourgeois and developed, and thus closer to Britain - not physically, but in economic development and culture. It is already by that time, that Scottish nation was characterized by two different languages spoken, and two different political preferences - while the Highlands was closer to Ireland, the Lowlands at the moment tended to speak Teutonic (modern English) and thus culturally to be closer to England. The manners and customs of the Scots vary with the diversity of their speech. For two languages spoken amongst them, the Scottish and Teutonic, the latter of which is the language of those who occupy the seaboard and plains, while the race of Scottish speech inhabits the Highlands and outlying islands. The people of the coast are of domestic civilized habits; the Highlanders and people of the islands, on the other hand, are savage and untamed race, rude and independent, given to rapine, ease-loving, hostile to English people and language - and exceedingly cruel.'1 This extract makes it evident, that though the division between Highlands and Lowlands is mostly discussed through the period, starting with the 17th century, the roots of the problems were already apparent in the 14th century. Knowledge and understanding of these roots is essential for defining the significance of this division both for the history and for the people. Though the later period became a mark of more equal feudal development of both Scottish parts, but the discrepancies, planted earlier, remained to grow into more serious forms, which later turned into huge cultural, religious and attitudinal division between the people of one state. Closer to the beginning of the 18th century, it has become apparent that the division betw
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Geographic Profiling of Serial Offenders
Geographic Profiling of Serial Offenders As psychological profiling seems to garner all the attention with television shows that feature FBI profilers, one should be reminded that there is another method of criminal profiling that, while less glamorous, seems to provide a very high degree of reliability. The ‘other’ method is geographic profiling that had it beginnings in a London crime spree involving a serial rapist. In these cases occurring in the mid-1990’s, stumped police called in David Canter, Professor of Psychology at the University of Surrey to assist. After analyzing crime data superimposed over a map, Professor Canter made the suggestion that the perpetrator was to be found in a very specific geographic area based upon these furloughs of crime (Wilson 2002, pp. 14-16). Subsequent retroactive studies have confirmed a number of precepts regarding the proposition that one can predict the â€Å"base†of criminals from computerized algorithms that use generally one of two validated heuristic methods. In fact, of the area defined by a â€Å"search†algorithm that states that is inclusive of a circle defined by the two furthermost crime scenes, fully 51% of the serial rapist offenders lived within the first 5% of the defined area and an overwhelming lived within 87% of the first 25% of the defined search area (Canter, Coffey, Huntley, Missen 2000, p. 457). This algorithm holds regardless of the crime as indicated by the table below (Canter, et al 2000, p. 458): In addition to the â€Å"circle†algorithm described above, another method utilized is the â€Å"Decay†method with analyzes data from the assumption that perpetrators commit crimes near where they live. This method is based upon the idea that crimes ‘decay’ as the distance to the criminal’s residence decrease, in effect, creating something of a ‘buffer zone’ immediately surrounding their house (Snook, Taylor, Bennell 2004, p. 107; Canter, Coffey, Huntley, Missen 2000, pp. 459-460). Somewhat against these two algorithms are the approximately 10% of perpetrators that are labeled as â€Å"commuters†and do not live near the crime scene (Snook, Taylor, Bennell 2004, p. 117). Nevertheless, in these cases as in the easier to classify â€Å"marauder†-type crimes, there is the idea that criminals operate from a base of familiarity such as a home or workplace or other personally significant locale or the route that connects them. While focusing on geography, this brings into the consideration the important psychological construct of â€Å"mental maps†in that the location must have significance from the perspective of the perpetrator†¦ it need not be an actual geographic landmark to have psychological significance that plays out geo-centrically (Holmes Holmes 1996, p. 152). As such it is no surprise that both methods are reliable and that there is a significant degree of overlap in the two model predictions. Of greater interests to both researchers and law enforcement are â€Å"serious†crimes such as murder, rape, arson and burglary. While there is likely a logical high correlation between other ‘petty’ crimes such as speeding tickets or parking violations due to the correlates of where one most spends time is of course most likely a location where there is a high likelihood of violation. With regards to the applicability of the model with regards to even serious crimes, the model is based upon serial crimes, that is, a perpetrator who does so multiple times. Research suggests that as criminals gain â€Å"experience†there is a statistically significant correlation with the distance from home the criminal is (Snook 2004, p. 53). Further, in regards to burglary, there is the additional significant correlation of the value of the crime with the distance traveled to commit the crime (Snook 2004, p. 55). While difficult to put a value on personal crimes, this find ing may extend to crimes such as murder, arson or rape in which it is conceivable that victims could have some relative value to the criminal, similar to the monetary value gained from burglary. Such a concept may partially explain that, as these types of criminal gain experience, they tend to venture out further from their base as they commit additional predatory crimes. In terms of geographical profiling and the case in which an investigator believes that a number of crimes have been committed by a single person, this has special significance as it can serve to focus the hunt for the offender in the vicinity of the first few crimes (Holmes Holmes 1996, p. 155). Of particular interest is that these methods can be utilized without the computer or complex mathematical algorithms. Studies indicated that, in lieu of years or experience or ‘gut feelings’, incorporating these methods simply as heuristic models whose basic precepts can be taught in a class, students can nearly equal the computerized version (Snook, Canter, Bennel 2002, pp. 116-117). Though all law enforcement operates with the goal of catching the perpetrator, authorities do not have unlimited resources of time or finances to investigate all leads thoroughly. Geographical profiling also serves to focus the attention and other resources of an investigative department into the area in which validated statistics indicate there is is a pay-off. By using these methods, search costs can be minimized and offender can be apprehended faster, ideally prior to the accumulation of an additional victim that shows up as a simply data point on a geographic profile (Canter, Coffey, Huntley, Missen 2000, pp. 459-460). Works Consulted Canter, D., T. Coffey, M. Huntley, C. Missen. (2000). â€Å"Predicting Serial Killers’ Home Base Using a Decision Support System†. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, (16), 4, pp. 457-478. Holmes, R. S. Holmes. (1996). Profiling Violent Crimes: An Investigative Tool, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, California. Snook, B., P. Taylor, C. Bennell. (2004). â€Å"Geographic Profiling: The Fast, Frugal and Accurate Way†. Applied Cognitive Psychology, (18), pp. 105-121. Snook, B., D. Canter, C. Bennel. (2002). Predicting the Home Location of Serial Offenders: A Preliminary Comparison of the Accuracy of Human Judges with a Geographic Profiling System†. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, (20), pp. 109-118. Snook, B. (2004). â€Å"Individual Differences in Distance Traveled by Serial Burglars†. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, (1), pp. 53-66. Wilson, J. (2002, November). â€Å"Mapping Murder†. Geographical, (74), pp. 14-17.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Racism: Black People and New York Times Essay
I think everybody has heard about segregation. We all know about how everybody used to say separate but equal is okay. I think that racism is still going on today, even though it isn’t as obvious. It’s a disease that a lot of people have, which we must find a cure for. It’s a little harder to cure than the common cold though, but I think that it’s just as bad as it used to be. The first example of racism is when they are going to the trial in the book, To Kill A Mockingbird when Scout, Jem, and Dill are going to the trial and trying to find a seat in the balcony it says, †. . . and steered us gently through the black people in the balcony. Four Negroes rose and gave us their front-row seats. †(Lee 164) This is a good example of racism because it shows that blacks had to stand if whites wanted to sit down. So it shows segregation. Another quote is, â€Å"The colored balcony ran along three walls of the courtroom. Like a second veranda† ¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Lee 164) This says that there was still a lot of segregation because it was just a â€Å"colored balcony†. That’s the only place blacks were allowed to sit or they could stand in the back. One more quote that I have from the book that says racism was, and still is a problem is, â€Å"But around here once you have a drop of Negro blood, that makes you all black. †(Lee, 162) I really think that this is a strong quote, because I think that it’s true. If someone doesn’t like one group of people and then they find out that your slightly one of them. They automatically push you away. My reasoning for them doing this is because they are either scared or jealous of them. It also says that people don’t try to get to know people very well. Lots of people did and still do make judgements based on outward appearance. In this paragraph, I’m going to prove to you that racism still exists, just as bad as it did in the 1930’s. Even though there isn’t segregation anymore racism is still a problem. People are racist mainly against blacks. Like this article says, †. . . 88 black men have been executed for killing whites, while only two white men have been executed for killing blacks. †(New York Times, February 24, 1995. A Long History. Laws once gave penalties by race.) It shouldn’t matter what your skin color is depending on how severe your punishment is. Another article says, †. . . when blacks committed crimes against each other without involving whites, the legal consequences wee lower than when whites were harmed. †(New York Times, February 24, 1995. A Long History. Laws Once Gave Penalties by Race. ) This one shows that once whites were involved the crime suddenly got a lot worse than they were making it. I think that with some proof from the book that shows how it used to be. Then some proof of how it has been in the last few years, I think that anyone can clearly see that racism is just as bad as it used to be. My solution to the problem of racism is very hard to do. It is known as a disease, but this isn’t one we can take some medicine for and cure it. This is one we have to teach. Racism is not caught, but taught. We have to teach each other that it doesn’t matter what we look like on the outside, but it’s what’s on the inside that counts. How do we teach this? We can go to schools all around the country. Do a lot of different public speaking sessions. That is how I would cure racism. So in conclusion, I hope that I have convinced some of you that racism is just as bad as it was in the 1930’s. You can plainly see that Harper Lee, even as a little child could see that racism was going on. Then it was a little more obvious, but we still need to realize it. Just because racism is just as bad as it was before doesn’t mean that we can’t change that.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Essay On The North Coast Town Essay
There are multiple connotations of discovery that could be analyzed and explored in the poem north coast town by Robert Gary. Two main principles of discovery that could be allocated throughout the poem is the illustration of the small town becoming more commercialized, illustrated by the persona. From evaluating the poem, the audience is able to recognize and understand that this north coast town was once a traditional Australian town, however it has transform due to the influences of Americas California. One poetical device that Robert Gary manipulates in his poem north coast town to elaborate the image of time going by slowly is alliteration and reputation. From the quote†car after car now†¦Ã¢â‚¬ located in the third stanza third line, the readers can see that the persona is standing and watching what is happing in the town. The persona can see that this north coast town is changing excessively through period of time due to the influence of America. ‘(With their men’s locked), a closed hamburger stand â€Å" locked and closed are diction words composed by the composer suggesting that people are not made to fell welcome here, no trust. It could also suggest that the member of the town has changed so much from commercialism to â€Å" tattoos and greasy fifties pompadours†Another technique that the composer has operated throughout his poem to convey the concepts of discovery made by the persona is visual imagery. If you investigate the first line of the fourth stanza†a car slowed and I chased it.two hoods going shooting. Tattoos and greasy fifties pompadours. Rev in high streets, drop their first can†the composer generates build up words in hoods, shooting, tattoos, greasy, rev and drop to associate the members of the town with tough, destructive, drunk and uncaring males. They display a lack of concern for their environment, littering it. As a result the audience of the poem is contributed a image of the characteristics of the members of the town having lack in spiritual and modern values, there a bit behind time having the fifties pompadour hair cuts in the seventies. The tattoos on the members of the town represent the rebellious as only the rebels got tattoos in seventies. All these characteristics and features of the characterizes of the town is produced by employing a colloquial language technique in the forth stanza, especially ‘rev in high street, drop their first can demonstrating and leaving a negative impact of the members of the town on the audience. Robert Gary has also used third person language in the last stanza†they’re making California’. Distancing the poet from the changes in Australia. There is a negative feeling towards trying to change the Australian landscape to California-an image that doesn’t meet our landscape. Robert gray has also used contrast in the last stanza comparing the abo to California, isolating the aboriginal person from the audience attentention to the ‘real’ and ‘original’ Australia has been violated and taken over comparing to the landscape to been violated and taken over by the influence of California. In conclusion, it has come to my understanding that Robert Gary, Australia’s finest poet has written this poem about a north coast town which is/has been under the influence of the characteristics and features of Americas California. As a result, changing the structure and behaviors of the members of the town. From understanding this poem as a reader I have understand that the persona is going through a physical and mental discovery as he/she observes the towns and the changes that had occurred over time and how members of the town have been influenced by Americanism and commercialism.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Biography of Blaise Pascal, Inventor of the Calculator
French inventor Blaise Pascal (June 19, 1623–Aug. 19, 1662) was one of the most reputed mathematicians and physicists of his time. He is credited with inventing an early calculator, amazingly advanced for its time, called the Pascaline. Fast Facts: Blaise Pascal Known For: Mathematician and inventor of an early calculatorBorn: June 19, 1623 in Clermont, FranceParents: Étienne Pascal and his wife Antoinette BegonDied: August 19, 1662 in Port-Royal abbey, ParisEducation: Home-schooled, admitted to meetings of the French Academy, studies at Port-RoyalPublished Works: Essay on Conic Sections (1640), Pensà ©es (1658), Lettres Provinciales (1657)Inventions: Mystic Hexagon, Pascaline calculatorSpouse(s): NoneChildren: None Early Life Blaise Pascal was born at Clermont on June 19, 1623, the second of three children of Étienne and Antoinette Bà ©gon Pascal (1596–1626). Étienne Pascal (1588–1651) was a local magistrate and tax collector at Clermont, and himself of some scientific reputation, a member of the aristocratic and professional class in France known as noblesse de robe. Blaises sister Gilberte (b. 1620) was his first biographer; his younger sister Jacqueline (b. 1625) earned acclaim as a poet and dramatist before becoming a nun. Antoinette died when Blaise was 5. Étienne moved the family to Paris in 1631, partly to prosecute his own scientific studies and partly to carry on the education of his only son, who had already displayed exceptional ability. Blaise Pascal was kept at home in order to ensure he was not being overworked, and his father directed that his education should be at first confined to the study of languages. He requested that mathematics not be introduced until his son was 15. This naturally excited the boys curiosity, and one day, being then 12 years old, he asked what geometry was. His tutor replied that it was the science of constructing exact figures and of determining the proportions between their different parts. Blaise Pascal, stimulated no doubt by the injunction against reading it, gave up his play-time to this new study, and in a few weeks had discovered for himself many properties of figures, and in particular the proposition that the sum of the angles of a triangle is equal to two right angles. In response, his father brought him a copy of Euclid. A genius from a young age, Blaise Pascal composed a treatise on the communication of sounds at the age of 12, and at the age of 16 he composed a treatise on conic sections. A Life of Science At the age of 14, Blaise Pascal was admitted to the weekly meetings of Roberval, Mersenne, Mydorge, and other French geometricians, from which, ultimately, the French Academy sprung. In 1641, at the age of 18, Pascal built his first arithmetical machine, an instrument which, eight years later, he further improved and called the Pascaline. His correspondence with Fermat about this time shows that he was then turning his attention to analytical geometry and physics. He repeated Torricellis experiments, by which the pressure of the atmosphere could be estimated as a weight, and he confirmed his theory of the cause of barometrical variations by obtaining at the same instant readings at different altitudes on the hill of Puy-de-Dà ´me. The Pascaline The idea of using machines to solve mathematical problems can be traced at least as far back as the early 17th century. Mathematicians who designed and implemented calculators that were capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division included Wilhelm Schickhard, Blaise Pascal, and Gottfried Leibniz. Pascal invented his numerical wheel calculator called the Pascaline to help his father, by then a French tax collector, count taxes. The Pascaline had eight movable dials that added up to eight figured long sums and used base ten. When the first dial (ones column) moved 10 notches, the second dial moved one notch to represent the tens column reading of 10. When the second dial moved 10 notches, the third dial (hundreds column) moved one notch to represent one hundred, and so on. Blaise Pascals Other Inventions Roulette Machine Blaise Pascal introduced a very primitive version of the roulette machine in the 17th century. The roulette was a by-product of Blaise Pascals attempts to invent a perpetual motion machine. Wrist Watch The first reported person to actually wear a watch on the wrist was Blaise Pascal. Using a piece of string, he attached his pocket watch to his wrist. Religious Studies In 1650 while he was in the midst of this research, Blaise Pascal suddenly abandoned his favorite pursuits to study religion, or, as he says in his Pensà ©es, contemplate the greatness and the misery of man. At about the same time, he persuaded the younger of his two sisters to enter the Benedictine abbey of Port-Royal. In 1653, Blaise Pascal had to administer his fathers estate. He took up his old life again and conducted several experiments on the pressure exerted by gases and liquids. It was also about this period that he invented the arithmetical triangle, and together with Fermat he created the calculus of probabilities. He was meditating marriage when an accident again turned his thoughts to religious life. He was driving a four-in-hand carriage on November 23, 1654, when the horses ran away. The two leaders dashed over the parapet of the bridge at Neuilly, and Blaise Pascal was saved only by the traces breaking. Death Always somewhat of a mystic, Pascal considered this a special summons to abandon the world. He wrote an account of the accident on a small piece of parchment, which for the rest of his life he wore next to his heart to perpetually remind him of his covenant. He moved to Port-Royal shortly after, where he continued to live until his death in Paris on August 19, 1662. Constitutionally delicate, Pascal had injured his health by his incessant study; from the age of 17 or 18 he suffered from insomnia and acute dyspepsia, and at the time of his death he was physically worn out. He neither married nor had children, and at the end of his life he became an ascetic. Modern scholars have attributed his illness to a variety of possible ailments, including gastrointestinal tuberculosis, nephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and/or irritable bowel syndrome. Legacy Blaise Pascals contribution to computing was recognized by computer scientist Nicklaus Wirth, who in 1972 named his new computer language Pascal (and insisted that it be spelled Pascal, not PASCAL). The Pascal (Pa) is a unit of atmospheric pressure named in honor of Blaise Pascal, whose experiments greatly increased knowledge of the atmosphere. A pascal is the force of one newton acting on a surface area of one square meter. It is the unit of pressure designated by the International System.100,000 Pa 1000 mb or 1 bar. Sources OConnell, Marvin Richard. Blaise Pascal: Reasons of the Heart. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1997. OConnor, J. J. and E. F. Robertson. Blaise Pascal. School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews, Scotland, 1996. WebPascal, Blaise. Pensà ©es. Trans. W.F. Trotter. 1958. Intro. T.S. Eliot. Mineola, NY: Dover, 2003. Print.Simpson, David. Blaise Pascal (1623–1662). Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2013. Web. Wood, William. Blaise Pascal on Duplicity, Sin, and the Fall: The Secret Instinct. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
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