Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Online Shopping And The Future Of All Business - 1867 Words
Popularized by websites like Amazon and eBay. Online shopping and the virtual store may be the future of all business. Online shoppers spent an estimated 126 billion in the U.S. alone in 2013. Seeing exponential growth in coming years, Many major retailers have already made efforts to set up online shops. Retail juggernauts like Walmart and Target have thrown their hats into the online arena with websites of their own. Many more entrepreneurs have begun creating entire businesses online. The reasons to take your company digital may be plentiful. As more of the world gains access to the internet even more markets become accessible. With the advent of drone technology and better delivery methods online sales and logistics are becoming easier and more cost efficient. Also online stores and warehouses require less manpower making them cheaper. But a major impact of this growth is the decline in recent years of big box retailers and subsequently the fall of The Mall. As more consumers choose to do their shopping online many retailers and shopping centers are being left behind. As the number of failing malls begin to rise and consumers choose in larger numbers to forgo the lines and do their shopping online, it is a trend that we predict will grow in importance and impact in the coming years. So in this paper we will discuss online retail and e-commerce as a whole. We will look at it’s history and current impact. Then we will make some predictionsShow MoreRelatedOnline Shopping And The Future Of All Business1936 Words  | 8 Pageswebsites like Amazon and eBay. Online shopping and the virtual store may be the future of all business. Online shoppers spent an estimated 126 billion in the U.S. alone in 2013. Seeing exponential growth in coming years, Many major retailers have already made efforts to set up online shops. Retail juggernauts like Walmart and Target have thrown their hats into the online arena with websites of their own. Many more entrepreneu rs have begun creating entire businesses online. The reasons to takeRead MoreEffects Of Online Shopping For Brick And Mortar Stores906 Words  | 4 Pages The Effects of Online Shopping for Brick-and-Mortar Stores Retail businesses and other small businesses have seen a huge drop in sales due to the convenience and simplicity of shopping online when and where the customer wants too. According to Market Line’s 2015 Industry Profile, Table 4 and Figure 4 show the expected percent of the retail sector value to grow 10.5% by the year 2019 and to reach a projection of 574.5 million dollars. (Market Line) The retail businesses and other small businessesRead MoreThe Future of Online Shopping1047 Words  | 4 PagesThe future of online shopping: Welcome to the matrix? Shopping online is about to blow up. Retailers of all types are increasing product offerings, adding in-store pickup, free shipping and testing social media. Its getting harder to tell pure play Internet retailers from the bricks and mortar shops with online portals, and all of them are reinventing how well shop online in the future (Heller, 2011). Whether it is by way of a mobile device, tablet computer, in-store kiosk or computer, theRead MoreDiffernce Between Online and Physical Shopping1194 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Online shopping or online retailing is a form of electronic commerce whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet without an intermediary service. An online shop, eshop, e-store, Internet shop, webshop, webstore, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or shopping centre As we know that online shopping is the easy way shopping but also there are certain advantages asRead MoreEvaluate How Future Changes in Economic, Political, Legal and Social Factors May Impact on the Strategy of a Chosen Organisation997 Words  | 4 PagesEvaluate how future changes in economic, political, legal and social factors may impact on the strategy of a chosen organisation Changes in a number of different factors can affect the way in which the business is run in the future and this could mean that the business has to look into different ways of tackling problems, which would mean they have to forecast what they believe the future is going to be like. Tesco as an organisation is constantly expanding because of the amount of people who needRead MoreOnline Shopping versus Traditional Retail Store639 Words  | 3 PagesOnline Shopping vs. Traditional Retail Store One of the most debatable decisions for most Americans during the sale event or holiday is whether to shop or not to shop. Especially, when considering that some of the online shopping websites such as Amazon and eBay are established. To shop online or to shop in the store has become a more practical question. I used to be a traditional shopper, but I changed my mind sometime over years since I found that shopping online is much cheaper and more convenientRead MoreImpact Of Online Shopping On Businesses1439 Words  | 6 Pagesthat applies in Australian workforces. The issue is the impact of online shopping and what effects it has on businesses. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics, 43% of Australians use the internet to buy products and services . This states that the internet is changing consumer shopping habits fast, and most likely, forever. As reported by the National Retail Association, 50,000 people will lose their jobs due to internet shopping . These statistics wil l significantly affect the work place withRead MoreBackground. Today, People Are Engaging In E-Commerce More1742 Words  | 7 Pagesareas of business including retail, services, wholesaling and manufacturing. The growing acceptance of the Internet and e-commerce in the early 1990’s changed the way people shopped, shifting consumer preference from traditional to online shopping. With the introduction of personal electronic devices and more readily available wireless internet, Amazon’s customer membership continues to grow. As online retailers continue to experience high demand among American consumers, small business owners areRead MoreAmazon s Major Competitors Are Divided1086 Words  | 5 Pages C. Shawn and Peilan Amazon’s major competitors are divided in two parts. The first part is physical stores such as Walmart or Target. The second area of competition is through the online market eg; EBay and BestBuy. As opposed to Amazon, customers in a physical store could have more comprehensive experience, especially for specific products like clothes and electronic devices. Some customers need to be able to see and try the product themselves before feeling comfortable enoughRead MoreE Commerce : A Market Scale1690 Words  | 7 Pagesfor other activities and it is not only tedious but time consuming to go out shopping in physical stores. In a market scale this could be an astounding figure providing enormous market space. E-business can be used interchangeably with the term E-commerce with occasional use of the term e-tail to refer to online retailing activities. In a retail interest shopping carts are normally established upon which customer shopping habits and preferences can be monitored although some entrepreneurs using the
Monday, December 16, 2019
Context, Violence and Leadership in Cormac McCarthys...
Cormac McCarthy’s â€Å"Blood Meridian†does a marvelous job of highlighting the violent nature of mankind. The underlying cause of this violent nature can be analyzed from three perspectives, the first being where the occurrence of violence takes place, the second man’s need to be led and the way their leader leads them, and lastly whether violence is truly an innate and inherent characteristic in man. Cormac McCarthy once said, â€Å"I think the notion that the species can be improved in some way, that everyone can live in harmony is a really dangerous idea.†(Overview) This quote leaves us with the impression that humanity as a whole is innately violent, and we will explore this idea by examining â€Å"Blood Meridian.†This paper consists of three†¦show more content†¦The question to ask is what caused the West to be such a formidable location? The first theory to explore is that which states the land â€Å"Blood Meridian†took p lace in, Southwest America and Mexico, caused an absence of responsibility, which then caused the violent acts. In â€Å"Blood Meridian†massacres occur almost daily, yet civilization is neither built up nor hurt because there is no civilization to break down. (Kiefer) At the beginning of the book, The Kid has been brought to Captain White to be interviewed for a spot in the company. Captain White exclaims to the Kid, â€Å"There is no government in Mexico. Hell, there’s no God in Mexico. Never will be.†(Blood Meridian 36) While this statement may be the byproduct of racism on Captain White’s part, there is no doubt that some part of this statement holds true. On many occasions the gang of scalp-hunters engage in illegal behavior in Mexico and are met by little law enforcement. For three weeks the gang of Americans make Chihuahua city theirs, feasting, drinking and whoring. It becomes so bad that the locals write on walls of the city, â€Å"Mejor Los In dios.†This translates to, â€Å"Better the Indians.†(Schopen) Of course the gang encountered little to no resistance during their three-week takeover of the city, proving the
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Importance of Data Management
Question: Describe about the Importance of Data Management and Drawbacks in Data Management? Answer: Introduction Data management is executing and developing the policies, procedures and practices which help in managing the data lifecycle that is mainly needed for the enterprise in a successful manner. This is the administrative part of the system where the datas are stored, acquired, protected, processed and validated through which the timeliness, accessibility and reliability are ensured in satisfying the wants of information users. Data are the one of important assets of the company (Clougherty and Moliterno, 2010). In Data management, there are various steps for managing the data. At first the plan is made that how to manage the data and other requirements, then comes the storing of the data where the organization of files is done. The data are secured and back up is made so that if any tampering is done with those data then a back up file is available. Formats are made on files so that it benefits in the long run(Baldoni, 2006).After the storing is done then comes the sharing of the data where the data storing is found and with that requirements of the journals are met. The database management system is an important feature in the sector of IT management where the resources are the idea of new economy. The significance of database management is not at all like the filing of information in traditional system but it gives more importance to the current technologies in this field (Wiggins, 2012). Under the data management system there are different sections like- data integration, data preparatio n for Hadoop, data quality and data governance (Loshin, 2009). Importance of Data Management For research work data management is one of the important areas and it is one of the complex tasks in any field. While doing a new project the researchers at first tackle the issues which they might face while doing the work because its save their effort and time in the later stage. Data management plays an important role in an organization (Vakali and Jain, 2011). It generates the costs and revenues and lessens the risks. It successfully shares, protects and stores the data and brings a competitive benefit in todays business. Managing the data results of the customers binds a good relationship with the customers. While expanding, the storage of the data requirements has also increased with investment of the equipments. There are many costs which are hidden are mainly associated with the data management. These costs includes the consumption of current, cooling of this requirements, cabling, backup of this data and recovering them are also done (Liao and Triantaphyllou, 2007). Benefits for managing the data- Detect and interpret the data when it is needed. Evade undesired duplication. If required try to prove the results. Ensure that the research work has its own impact. Take credits when others commend the work. Data management plays an important role in the risk area of the organization. Like- establishing a confinement policy which helps in reducing the costs of the storage and decreases the risk assessment (Choi and Huang, 2014). Drawbacks in Data Management If there is a loss of data then it is a huge risk for the organization and this matter is generally neglected by the organization and this error causes huge loss for the organization. Loss of data is a risk which causes both in external and internal area of the organization. Loss of data can take place by hacking and also by the negligence of the employee (Bilitewski, Darbra and BarceloÃÅ'Â , 2013). Every company both private and public has a review system which processes the data regularly. The information is made up-to dated and the protection and recovery of the data are also important. The infrastructure of the IT sectors is becoming complex. Accurate security policies are made so that the loss of data can be safeguarded. At every step the data are checked daily to confirm that the data are fitting the purposes or not. So, it is important to keep the back up of the data and storing them rightly and if by chance there is a loss of data then there should be way of recovering those data. Conclusion In todays world of technology data management is one of the important factors. Every organization has lot of data which are used every day of for working and managing and securing those data is a very important job. If by any chance any data gets hacked, misplaced or it gets lost then it will create a lot of problems for the organization. So to keep those data secure the organization should keep more than backups so that it does not affects the work of the organization (Richardson and Hoffman-Kim, 2010). References Baldoni, R. (2006).Global data management. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Bilitewski, B., Darbra, R. and BarceloÃÅ'Â , D. (2013).Global risk-based management of chemical additives II. Berlin: Springer. Choi, S. and Huang, X. (2014). Maximum likelihood estimation of semiparametric mixture component models for competing risks data.Biom, 70(3), pp.588-598. Clougherty, J. and Moliterno, T. (2010). Empirically eliciting complementarities in capabilities: integrating quasi-experimental and panel data methodologies.Strategic Organization, 8(2), pp.107-131. Liao, T. and Triantaphyllou, E. (2007).Recent advances in data mining of enterprise data. Singapore: World Scientific. Loshin, D. (2009).Master data management. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann. Richardson, J. and Hoffman-Kim, D. (2010). The Importance of Defining Data in Data Management Policies.Sci Eng Ethics, 16(4), pp.749-751. Vakali, A. and Jain, L. (2011).New directions in web data management 1. Berlin: Springer. Wiggins, B. (2012).Effective document and data management. Farnha
Sunday, December 1, 2019
One Love free essay sample
As he approaches me, he cheerfully greets me saying â€Å"Hey, how are you?†, and warmly shakes my hand. A bit unsure of my new surroundings, I give a shy response with a timid handshake. He asks, â€Å"Would you come this way please?†I slowly stand up and he leads me out of the waiting room and we start walking through a maze of hallways. There are classrooms on both sides of me. Finally, we reach his room and step inside. I look around and see a drum set, a marimba, and two drum thrones that are facing each other. The room seems small, and I wonder how all of this equipment is able to fit inside such a tiny room. On the walls, I see posters with pictures of famous musicians, most of whom have gone before us. Because of my uneasiness about this unfamiliar place, I was a bit doubtful about taking drum lessons here. We will write a custom essay sample on One Love or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Little did I know that this classroom in Meridian Music Studios in Carmel, Indiana, would serve as a place that holds some of my life’s greatest experiences. It is a place where I learned much more than just the art of music. To me, a hero is someone that a person looks up to and has a lot of respect for. It is someone that has made a profound impact on another’s life, and does so much without expecting repayment. Walking down the street, one might think that Wade Parish is just another â€Å"average joe†. He doesn’t have a superman cape or a jet pack. Standing at six feet tall, with broad shoulders, any other person would think he’s another ordinary guy going to work. Dressed in dark blue jeans and a sweater or jacket, he looks like another ordinary person. However, his long dark hair as well as his artsy yet contemporary style of clothing accurately expresses his independent outlooks on life. Wade forms his own views on life and refuses to conform to others’ beliefs. He carries on this independency in his music as well. â€Å"The silent space that we instill in music is sometimes more powerful than the music itself†He would often tell me this to relay the mess age that music is not about how fast you can play. Instead, it is about the emotions that musicians express to the audience. The musical creativity that Wade expresses is just as admirable as his overall non-conforming attitude toward today’s society. One of Wade’s favorite quotes is â€Å"Carpe Diem†. I see him live by this quote each and every day. He knows that every day is his, and sees that each day is an opportunity to do something worthwhile. He knows that the days that he has are limited, so he chooses to live each one to the fullest. In our interview, he explains to me that many people are driven by materialistic things such as money, cars, and success. The most important thing in one’s life is doing what you love. â€Å"Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life†. Another admirable trait that Wade possesses is the passion that he has for music. Wade has always told his students, to follow their dreams and do what is most important to them. He too follows this philosophy. Wade first moved out of his parents’ house when he was 18 and had taken ordinary jobs such as a waiter and a landscaper. However, he soon came to be unhappy with these jobs because they interfered with the schedule that he had with his band. If his employers refused to give him time off to play at shows, he would easily quit the position he held. Wade started to play the drums when he was 14. Even though he was a poor academic student, he worked hard in the field of music. For someone to love a hobby so much that they would quit their job just to pursue it is a truly courageous action. He would also reduce the amount of time that he spent with other hobbies, such as motorcycle racing, so he would be able to play more music. Wade would look hypocritical if he told his s tudents to follow their dreams when he himself did not do that. This is what makes him most respectable. Not only did he take a risk financially, but he followed his dream which makes him one of the most successful people I know. The final trait that I really admire in Wade is the sense of love that he shows everyone. When teaching, he never gives up on his students. Even if they themselves give up, he still sees the talent that they have and tries to get them to see it too. One time, while I was in a lesson, I was being a little too hard on myself. I had had a rough day and I was expecting to be perfect. The more I played, the more I became upset. Finally, Wade told me to stop and we would play something else. So, he went over to his stereo and turned on â€Å"One Love†by Bob Marley. That’s when he told me to drum to that song. I drummed to that song for 20 minutes and afterward I felt very relaxed. That’s when he explained that I am not a bad drummer. I was actually his only student that could do that. I had a lot more confidence after that because what he said about my great skills meant a lot. â€Å"I believe that everyone wants to be loved, but they show this desire in warped ways.†When he told me this, it really showed me that there is no such thing as purely evil people. We all need each other when we are hurt, and some people just don’t know how to ask for support. Whether we choose to see it or not, there will always be at least one person that unexpectedly walks into our lives and makes a profound impact that we are most certainly not expecting. For me, that person was Wade. I can only hope that everyone will come to see the values that others unconsciously instill in us, and hopefully cherish them. Above all else, Wade taught me to follow my dreams and do exactly what I love. After I met Wade, I realized life is wasted when one does not do what they love. â€Å"Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life†.
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