Thursday, October 31, 2019
Frito Lay Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Frito Lay - Essay Example Some of the features of the sales job that made it appropriate for a results based approach to job performance are that the number of sales that the employees make determines the amount of profits that the company will make. Secondly is that the payment mode of the job is on a commission basis depending on the number of sales that an individual makes. 2. One of the advantages that accrue to Frito Lay in defining the performance of its route sales employees in terms of its behaviour is that it is able to concentrate on areas that will increase the sales depending on the route. However, a major disadvantage of this method in defining behaviour is that it makes it difficult to shift employees from one route to another due to the different behaviours that are required to make sale. In order to address these issues, a commission pay system should be modified to include a system of payment that is dependent on the timeliness of arrival for the high-volume route employees and the ability of low-volume route employees to negotiate for the ideal shelf space. 3. Frito Lay emphasized on behaviour of the route employees in its research to increase its sales, however there are other dimensions that are equally important, such as the different abilities and educational levels of the employees, as they will determine how effectively they will be able to handle their duties. Overlooking these aspects of performance is bound to make the route employees unable to meet their targets, which lead to low pay, and the company will record low profits. Indonesia- Asia stumbling giant 1. The poor economic performance that has been experienced in Indonesia has been because of political and economic factors. Some of the political factors that contributed to the poor economic performance include the rule of Dictator Suharto that left the country with huge debts to pay, in addition, the levels of corruption and lack of political goodwill has led to the stagnation of the economy. The economi c factors that have contributed to the poor economic performance include the reduction in foreign direct investments, the bureaucratic process that takes up to 151 days in order for a person to get a license to operate a business have also contributed to the low economic performance of Indonesia (Lewis, 91). These two factors are related since the political class, who have embezzled public funds and failed to formulate policies to spur economic growth has created the poor economic environment in the country. 2. Some of the reasons that might have led to foreign firms leaving Indonesia in the early 2000’s include the corruption levels in the country and bureaucratic processes; this meant a decline in GDP since there was no revenue generated by the firms any more. In order to reverse this trend, the levels of corruption and bureaucratic processes should be addressed. 3. Corruption in Indonesia is a challenge since the political class lack the goodwill to eradicate it, as they a re also involved, this has made foreign investors shy away from investing in the country. 4. A major risk that foreign firms in Indonesia face is jailing of their employees or their operation licenses not being renewed due to failure to give bribes to the authorities. To reduce these risks, these firms should lobby the government to create a favourable business environment for foreign firms. Japan’s economic malaise 1. The Japanese economy has stagnated because after the economic depression that the country faced, the country has been unable to spur economic growth again despite the government efforts. 2. The downward trend in the Japanese economy
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Reward strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Reward strategy - Essay Example The case study "The Reward strategy" discusses the development of a talented pool of personnel and the retention of those personnel is now becoming one of the primary focuses of the HR department in any sound business. Classic Travel need to put systems into place that attract, retain, and develop talent. The case study highlights that these systems also have the double-duty of keeping the job itself interesting and exciting for the staff. Programs such as those that rotate employees between different kinds of units within the organisation, that encourage directed learning as well as promoting interagency communication across the entire company are becoming an integral part to any business unit. Furthermore, the HR department must develop a system of recognition and reward for the staff in regards to their contributions to the agency. Furthermore, on a practical level Classic Travel, nor any company, can give out reward without some return on that investment. They would need to examine the overall cost of the reward system as compared to the overall benefits not only to the employee but to the company as well. Being a travel agency which provides exclusive city breaks and short holidays to all major European countries. The case study emphasizes that Classic Travel may be able to combine work and reward in one package. For instance a yearly training session could be held in Morocco, or some other vacation site where a three day training could also provide some much needed fun and even team building experiences. The company could pay travel training expenses and even base accommodations on a reward basis. Those staff with more customers or bigger increases in their overall business may get a private suite, and so on.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Performance Management In Lloyds Banking Group Management Essay
Performance Management In Lloyds Banking Group Management Essay Corporations organisations look for individuals with potential techniques to develop their management skills, who in current market conditions are facing many challenges to gain skills, qualification, qualities competencies that would make them better leaders managers. Both organisations individuals looks to make investment that can get the best return. One way to achieve this is through the Management Development Program that seeks to set out the purpose of management development by considering what managers do in various contexts, and how they learn. As per Cannell. M (2008) Management development is a process through which individuals gain managerial skills through learning in turn helping themselves organisations. Management Development is an important aspect in an organisation as in house development gives employee a chance to utilize or develop their skills, make them feel loyal to the company and saves cost in the long term. Growing management talent means increased effi ciency profitability for organisations. [] Value of Management Development (MD) As per Mumford, A and Gold, J (2004) MD is valued as it has to be linked determined by the business needs as per strategic plans and also provide inputs to strategic plans. This top down approach can be contrasted with the one that lays emphasis on the way managers learn develop through actual opportunities. (Garavan et al, 1999; p.193) In relation to MD, a key consideration for many organisations is to show the improvements in performance of managers leading to success of organisation. Effective Management Development As per Mumford (1993) Management Development is an attempt to improve managerial effectiveness through a learning process. Effective Management Behaviour Development Focused on Effective Learning Effectiveness Process The purpose of this effectiveness triangle is that management development is not only focused on development or learning processes but these directly affect the management behaviour. John Kotter (1982) described effective behaviour as building networks for colleagues, executing by working and developing multiple objectives and maintaining relationships spending time with other people to achieve those objectives. This can then help managers to assess their development needs based on the meaning of effectiveness that is important to them or organisations. This then looks at the activities that are carried out by managers, meet their requirements to carry out their work, leading us to the second point of triangle which looks at the needs depending on the desired results from managers and action to achieve those results. The organisation then looks at the needs for learning and development depending on the processes through which those needs can be met effectively to help individual/org anisation. Measuring MD through Management Development Audit (MDA): MDA is a tool for organisations to find out what managers want, how they feel about what they are getting is management development effective, adding value and in line with organisation requirements and goals. MDA is a continuous activity of gaining a broader view of management development needs, assessing its value controlling costs in constantly changing environment. for e.g. in Lloyds banking group there is a Group Operations team which deal with gathering of data by means of interview, surveys, observations documentation. They look after the needs for management development and perform assessment gathering data on individual request and offer relevant courses that can be done online or class-room based to develop required skills and measure those in line with the organisation goals or achievements. Approaches to Management Development (MD): As per Mumford, A and Gold, J (2004) Organisations have different approaches towards management development, the four stages of management development in any organisations are: Unplanned experimental Management Development: This informal approach is based on learning by practical experience while working/experimenting things and situations. In past individuals were promoted based on the product knowledge they possessed regarding an organisation who had little training about supervision, e.g., about delegating, interpersonal skills, stress management, career developments, etc. Unplanned reactive Management Development: This approach is based on immediate situation or pressure. for e.g. the survey of IFA satisfaction report shows dissatisfaction, requires raising awareness or doing courses in respect to those skills. Another example is handling change in difficult situation, where companies like LBG have brought effectiveness by reducing costs. Planned Management Development: This approach is based on planned structured procedure of an organisation where appraisals, performance reviews identify the needs of development. for e.g. Formal Development/learning, a job change will identify the skills possessed required to do the particular job, which will identify the needs of development. An individual with expertise across various management topics is an effective manager. Effective management gives systems view of an organisation, reviewing how major functions affect each other. Strategic Management Development: This approach looks at the longer term issues with the management development for e.g. the development of managers required to handle mergers acquisition over the coming years. Organisations respond to the environmental changes such as customer demands, globalisation and technological changes, here MD could prove to be vital in acting as a tool to achieve implement the strategy and business performance for e.g. The EFQM Model. [] Learning Development at Lloyds Banking Group There are quite a few different definitions of learning. The one provided by Kolb (1984), has been of particular importance in MD. Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. The definition has further two implications, firstly if managers have achieved knowledge, skills and/or insight, learning is an end result or outcome. Secondly, to achieve an end result requires a process by which mangers acquire knowledge, skills or insight. As per Pedler and Boydell (1985) learning was more concerned with increase in knowledge or a higher degree of an existing skills, whereas development was, in their view a move towards a different state of being or functioning. At LBG, executives are committed to the development of every colleague, including themselves, so as one team the organisation is well-positioned to deliver against the strategic priorities. Learning at LBG is as follows: Your Learning web portal available for all colleagues to manage learning activities online. Effective Performance Management Leadership Management at Glance [Lloyds Banking Group Internal Database] Performance Management in Lloyds Banking Group Holbeche (1999) refers Performance Management is about setting clear and measurable objectives, taking time to regularly monitor performance, having open and honest conversations and coaching colleagues on their performance and development. Organisation like Lloyds banking group concentrates more on their performance management which is a key driver to keep track of improvements, skills achievements. Effective Performance Management to LBG means that colleagues are clear about what needs to be done and this is communicated in regular conversations throughout the year. These conversations may be formal, for example 1-2-1 meetings or annual reviews, or informal, such as quick chats with managers. Staff can also discuss their performance with colleagues other than line managers, such as peers or colleagues whom they work regularly with. These reviews provide an opportunity for colleagues and managers to identify any areas of improvement or development required, where colleagues have th e capacity to stretch themselves in their role. LBG performance management comprises of five elements as shown in the figure below: 1 Effective Performance Conversations Across the whole Business we act As one 5 Clear Simple Actions for 2 Clear, Consistent and For Development and Aligned Objectives Improvements 4 Effective Differentiation 3 Performance Ratings Based of Performance on Overall Contributions [Lloyds Banking Group Internal Database] Effective Performance Conversations (EPC) As per London and Smither, (1995), the purpose of EPC is to enable an improved understanding amongst managers and employees. Managers strengths or weaknesses could be recognised via staff feedback, thus needs for development are recognised where MD can play important role. EPC could be of any form between staff, managers or colleagues; like informal chats about the aspirations frustrations or a formal chat regarding a particular objective its achievement progress. EPC should be conducted regularly so they form an integral part of the daily activities. One of the major drawbacks for EPC is, can mangers take criticism in a positive manner or would they act defensively. As per Meyer et al, (1965) research suggested that it is a very sensitive issue and the key findings from a research carried out onto the impact of feedback on managers during performance appraisals was that, the more criticism a manager received the more defensively they reacted by denying shortcomings and blaming others. It was further found that criticism continued to negatively affect performance after reviews. [Lloyds Banking Group Internal Database] Clear, Consistent and Aligned Objective LBG (Lloyds Banking Group) objectives ensure that the deliverables are aligned with overall objectives of business where all employees actively work and contribute to deliver the organisational strategic goals by appropriate approach. LBG uses Balanced Scorecard approach for clear, consistent aligned objectives. The Balanced Scorecard: The balanced scorecard approach focuses on the clarity of organisations overall business strategy and objectives and the will to work towards them as per Kaplan and Nortons (2001, p52). LBG focuses its development activities on the whole of its workforce because of the importance of high quality customer service. In seeking to develop the talent and capability that are key to its future growth, it is interested in mapping the skills and attitudes of employees at all levels. Balanced scorecards are set at the beginning of each year and have structured objectives with clear metrics, covering five categories. Each category represents elements essential for long term growth and success. Every colleague will have their own balanced scorecard and the content should be appropriate to their role. This means that every scorecard supports individual, team and organisational objectives. The use of balanced scorecard in LBG is to support delivery of business objectives and values in the context of prudent risk management, and ensure that all colleagues work together to achieve this outcome. [Lloyds Banking Group Internal Database] Effective Differentiation of Performance (EDP) LBG staff is distinguished through their performance and thus recognises those individuals who would require more support for better performance. This would imply that ratings are fairly and consistently applied throughout the organisation. Peer Comparison Approach for EDP: LBG uses peer comparison as a technique to differentiate performance. In particular, it helps to ensure that the performance ratings provided are fair and accurate reflection of colleagues performance in relation to the rest of the organisation. For example, it helps prevent one colleague from receiving the same performance rating as another when the evidence shows that they have contributed less during the year. As part of regular reviews, line manager will consider staff performance in relation to their peer group. This could be members of team at the same level, or other colleagues performing a similar role at the same level in another part of the organisation. Bettenhausen and Fedor (1997) found that peer comparison was viewed positively when used for development but negatively when used for evaluation. For example, because managers often have to work closely and associated with other managers, their peers, they tend to give positive feedback bec ause they do not wish to disturb the relationship or damage careers. Peers may require making comparisons between individuals, and this may harm the working of team. Clear Simple Actions for Development Improvements Colleagues should constantly look for opportunities to develop themselves. For example, staff can be thinking about how to improve performance in current role or even what they need to do to move into a new or promoted role. If everyone focuses on development at an individual level, this will in turn have a positive impact on the success of organisation. Businesses tends to change and therefore even colleagues who have been in their role for a significant period of time will find that they need to develop in order to meet the objectives set at the beginning of the year. Every colleague should have a Development Plan, which they will discuss with their line manager. This should include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ What staff needs to do to develop them in current role (closing any skills gaps you have). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ What behaviours you need to develop. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ What aspirations you have for your long-term career and how you will work towards this. Our approach to Performance Management also allows us to identify at an early stage where colleagues may need support/development to help them meet their objectives, for whatever reason. If you are experiencing difficulty in meeting your objectives at any point in the year, you and your line manager will work together to recover your performance via an Action Plan. Action Plans are required for all colleagues who are considered to be underperforming. [Lloyds Banking Group Internal Database] Case Study: This case study is about LBG undergoing change due to acquisition of HBOS and the employee engagement survey indicated that the change was poorly managed by the organisation and the line managers. There was a very low level of employee satisfaction with both the organisation and management behaviour. Customer satisfaction was worse/lowest to such an extent that LBG was top of the customer complaints with 22,242 complaints in first half of 2010 (Jill Insley 2010 Analysis of questions used in employee survey showed that the crucial elements of satisfaction were: From Employers/Organisation: Employees wanted job security, generalised market pay and decent conditions for working environment. From Team Leader/Managers: Employees wanted to be kept informed about organisation changes, realistic targets, clear direction, notice taken of their views and setting SMART goals. From Team: Employees expected team bonding/socialisation, fairness of system for deciding duties and opportunities to influence decision. The response for many of the items on this satisfaction index can be influenced by changing management behaviour (i.e. upward appraisal approach Jones, 1996 and conducting workshops). The key aspect was to develop management/organisation behaviour which was linked to effectiveness. LBG provided workshops for senior managers on process skills and their application in developing staff, input of ideas for quality improvement, vision building team problem solving. These workshops were then cascaded down to lower managers and then all employees. As a result of these workshops many new processes were put in place (e.g. People Voice Going for Gold), most of them for solving the problems associated with change. The effect of this was then monitored on employee satisfaction through quarterly surveys. The results from survey were compared with high average scores to those which had lower scores for effectiveness. LBG improved communication to ensure colleagues are kept up to date on the integration programme and other projects within organisation. Managers held daily team huddles to provide information on the current changes within organisation, suggestion boxes were placed in each teams for employees to have their say. The feedback from employees/managers implemented change into infrastructure that provided small pods for meetings, group discussions and appraisals within group areas to give managers and staff more privacy. Meeting rooms were designed with new technology for managers to present clients/customers with product information building relationship. Relaxing areas were introduced for staff and managers with facilities like TV, Xbox, reading rooms message chairs for time out from b usy working environment. Executive managers hold quarterly meeting with teams, using the sessions to provide update on organisation, also expectations reflections on teams followed by QA sessions for colleagues to put forward their views on current issues. These sessions provide management team with useful feedback from the business and enables them to take action accordingly as to what colleagues want to make organisation a great place to work. The result of which provided employees to socialise with other teams and learn their processes/ways of working, it also provided teams to have quarterly business lunch to enable better bonding between teams. This change implemented a People voice team which would now collect data from staff members and understand their requirements or any achievements that were made by them. The Intranet published stories about staff members providing excellent customer service and feedbacks from customers to make colleagues feel as one team. Rewards were offered to staff members providing excellent service or the best recommendations made, this helped to manage changes/improve things in working environment. Staff suggestions helped LBG to implement these strategies and help them to boost motivation, efficiency performance and as a result it had the highest level of sigma scores for IFA satisfaction in October 2010.The overall effect was staff innovation, working as one team increased loyalty of staff towards organisation. [Lloyds Banking Group Internal Database] Conclusion The management development programme demands a lot of commitment and desire to participate in learning process. This requires an evaluation of the situation and thus formulating the appropriate strategy or plan for effective development to work in any given organisation. The techniques used for development in the above case study have effectively achieved the strategic goals of the organisations thus proving to be successful. Provision of the facts or the realisation of short comings could not improve the situations in this case; some sort of strategy was required to be implemented to effect all these changes. The timely implementation of these development learning plans implemented across all levels in LBG lead to better customer relations, improved team bonding and achieving target objectives of the organisation.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Just Say No! A Profile Of Cocaine And Its Effects On Two Lives Essay
Just Say No! A Profile Of Cocaine and It's Effects On Two Lives      Greek mythology tells of a young god, Morpheus, god of dreams. Morpheus planted a special purple flower called the lotus. Soon the people of the land smelled the sweet flowers and ate them. They immediately feel into a deep and troubled sleep. From that day on, they awoke only long enough to gather the lotus flowers and sleep again. Eventually they lost their strength and willpower and wanted only to drift in and out of sleep.1 The story of the lotus-eaters and similar tales from ancient times show us that drug use is not new. Today this problem threatens all of our society. The worst, most deadly of drugs, however, is cocaine. This report will talk about what cocaine is, what it does to the human body, and two fantastic people who gave their lives because of it.      Today, over 5 million people use cocaine each month. Each day, 3,000 people try cocaine for the first time.2 Cocaine is a white powder made from the leaves of the cocoa plant. Cocaine is first pressed to form a paste; then, the paste is mixed with strong chemicals to make a white, powdery mixture. Most cocaine comes from South America. It is estimated that about 400 tons of cocaine is smuggled out of South America each year. Half of this cocaine ends up on the streets of the United States.      Cocaine is a stimulant. That means that when it is us...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Florence Nightingale: Her life and dedication Essay
Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy, May of 1820 and was named after this city. She was home schooled by her father, a highly educated man. Both Florence’s parents were wealthy and loved to travel. Although Florence’s family wanted her to marry, she knew from an early age that this was not for her. She had many callings from God, her first being when she was 17. In 1843, a man who tutored Florence asked her to marry him. She turned him down then and two years later, turned him down again. In 1842 Florence had her first thoughts about nursing. She became aware of hungry people in towns and villages and was aware of workhouses, hospitals and prisons that were completely overfilled. Florence became concerned for the poor and sick of villages that contained agriculture workers and weavers. She asked her mother for food, bedding and clothes and usually her mother would have helped her out, but not this time. Florence became unhappy with her life and felt that getting married like her mother wanted would not satisfy her. At the age of 24, she received another calling from God and decided to follow it. She felt she belonged in hospitals caring for the sick. When she asked her parents to learn more about nursing, they were not suitable with the idea and did not agree with it. In 1846, she decided that she might receive training in Germany at a hospital run by deacons and pastors where discipline and supervision was strictly enforced. Florence traveled to Kaiserwerth where she worked with the children in the hospital and attended an operation. Although there was no nurse training at kaiserwerth, she was happy to be helpful assistance to the patients. In March of 1854, England and France declared war on Russia known as the Crimean war. Sidney Herbert who was Secretary at War contacted Florence regarding her taking a party of nurses to the hospitals of the British Army. An article was written and published in October of 1854 stating that there was much anger that there were no sufficient medical preparations for the proper care of the wounded. Along with Florence, there were 14 other professional nurses and a number of people from religious institutions. When Florence returned from the Crimea, she was very much in demand, and received many social invitations, but refused them all. Although tired, she still wanted to continue with her work. She was concentrating on working for the reform of the Army Medical Services where she wanted to set up a Royal Commission. Although she had become tired and slightly ill, she still managed to work hard and turned all her attention to the Nightingale Training School. While she had to go back home to care for her parents and her sister, she still worked on the reconstruction of the Nightingale School. Her parent’s sickness became worse and the only way for her to keep control of the school was by writing letters or paying visits when she could. Nightingale was now left to enjoy her old age. She received an award which was a great honor because it was the first time it had been given to a woman. When people read about this great victory, she received many letters of congratulations and flowers. August of 1910, Florence Nightingale passed. She requested to not have a National funeral and to be buried alongside her parents at East Wellow. Florence Nightingale was an extremely important leader during the Crimean war and long after as well. What many might not know about this highly dedicated woman is there is an unusual part about her. Florence once noted â€Å"A small pet animal is often an excellent companion for the sick†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Since then, the medical profession has encouraged the use of animal companionship as a means to improve human health. Florence has been reported to carry a small owl with her that she named â€Å"Athena.†She carried the owl for years during the Crimean War. She also kept a pet tortoise in her pocket that she named â€Å"Jimmy†and took around with her when she traveled. This is weird because most people leave their pets at home, however Florence kept it with her for luck.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
My Beloved City
The bustling city is alive. The stimulation of crowds and traffic generate energy that challenges the human spirit. Perhaps that is why the city dweller reflects the image of an angry, stressed and unfriendly person. But that was not my case. Young, impatient, eager to make a difference, I was trying to open my way through the crowded streets, noisy and indifferent people. You could smell the excitement. Unfortunately, the revelry would not last too long. The tranquility of the country life that appealed my mind was recorded history. Bucharest, distinguished. The sheer amalgamation of cultures and eras comes together wonderfully and uniquely and is easily identifiable by simply looking at the objects that render a city â€â€the buildings. The way they were erected, the style that is embedded in them, and even the political statements that they seem to shout, it all makes the architecture of Bucharest extraordinary. I started wondering the streets and found myself amazed that beyond all the hostile appearance I could notice the three most prominent styles of architecture that could be seen in Romania’s capital. The old fashioned and classic style of the baroque era that transformed Bucharest into the Paris of the East; The totalitarian and dominant style of the communist regimes and the style that immediately followed: modern Romanian architecture. The baroque and romantic years swept through the East and soon artisans of all sorts were embarking on journeys of creative freedom that permeated all aspects of life. Architecture was no exception. Around Bucharest, gargoyles loomed, guarding elaborately arched windows. The city skyline began to teem with decorated roofs, high and sweeping, shingled with coppers and stained woods. The sight of medieval architecture that survived the communism, combined with modernism, gave a special meaning to this city. Although the excitement is far from gone as the buildings collapsed in people’s indifference, I still find myself trapped in the magic that Bucharest inspired me from the beginning, to live and learn and mostly try to survive. I cannot say it is the best city I have ever seen. Far from being home, for me it was the best place to get lost in.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Important Internet Properties In Marketing Information Technology Essay Essay Example
The Important Internet Properties In Marketing Information Technology Essay Essay Example The Important Internet Properties In Marketing Information Technology Essay Essay The Important Internet Properties In Marketing Information Technology Essay Essay Harmonizing to the research, 530 million users are linking to the cyberspace which is about 8.5 % of planetary population. Today we see most of the company utilize the cyberspace to make their client as extra channel to their existing traditional selling. In the yesteryear, a manner for the company to acquire client feedback is thru telephone and electronic mail. But now they can acquire their client feedback thru cyberspace immediately. Thus company today must alter their schemes to get by with internet impact on their selling schemes. Internet is all about spots non atoms, all the information, merchandises, and communicating in digital can be stored, sent and received immediately. For seller, the traditional selling to make client by utilizing physical shops and catalogue while utilizing internet advertisement will be more effectual. Task Automation besides one of the cyberspace belongingss that affect selling. For illustration, self service online that makes machine-controlled dealing and payment online possible besides make operational cost lower for the company. Internet besides had bought with it the interceding engineering. Social web, music file sharing and concern partnership can be formed irrespective of geographical location. It s besides has extinguish the boundaries and distance in this on-line universe. And eventually, clip moderateness is where client have high outlook to the company on communicating facet. Customer want their job and issues be solved rapidly and at that place come client services section in the company to cover with it. What concerns about consumer privateness are raised by the increased usage of radio computer science and hand-held devices outside the place or workplace? The rapid used of wireless web engineering outside the place and wokplace has resulted in addition concern over their privateness. Consumer now can entree the radio web site and service through assorted device such as nomadic phone, smart phone, PDA and their two manner wireless. The common privateness concerns are location-base aggregation, tracking visit to website and increased of personal informations aggregation by unauthorised party. There are possible utilizations of location based information by unauthorised party in wireless infinite. This is because consumer specific location can be tracked whenever the consumer radio device is on. This information is highly sensitive and can be used and provides chances for maltreatment of the information. Another privateness concern is tracking utilizing cooky as consumer browse forms on the radio cyberspace being monitored and traced by single. Wireless device tend to be strongly tied to an person more than computing machine as people are less likely shared their device with other so there is possible user being tracked in radio web more than normal web site. Wireless content is often most valuable to client when it is personalized. Businesss may seek to roll up big sum of extremely personal information for used in personalization. Abuse by companies, jurisprudence enforcement bureau and civil litigator are possible maltreater of this information. How will societal media and consumer-generated content alteration the manner sellers operate? Explain Social media and consumer-generated content such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Wikipedia etc has changed the selling universe to certain extend. They represent low-priced tools that are used to unite engineering and societal interaction with the usage of words. Nowadays marketer need to alter their method from seeking to sell to link with client. In order to alter the client relationships from seeking to sell to seeking to prosecute and link with clients, sellers need to utilize assorted methods, including sites like Facebook and Twitter to socially interact with their client. Sellers have to gain that alternatively of merely trusting on large runs they have to do reliable, helpful relationships and communicating the new run. They need to use the societal media platform as their personal broadcast medium web because people will necessarily portion such experiences through the societal web. Its will be on-line mouth-to oral cavity advertisement run for sellers. Social media besides allows sellers to construct their ain sole online communities built around industry subjects, specific involvement, or organisations. Through this sole community ability they can pull off their client within their ain gross revenues informations. In bend, leting seller to message their full community as proprietor of the community. It is observed that the planetary Internet has driven manners, gustatory sensations and merchandises to meet and make a more homogenous, planetary market place, and making an on-line monoculture. Explain the observation. From my point of position, the observation is about planetary small town where universe s civilization shrinkage and spread outing at the same clip due to permeant technological progresss i.e. cyberspace that allow for instantaneous sharing of civilization. On the Internet, physical distance is even less to the real-time communicative activities of people, and hence societal domains are greatly expanded by the openness of the web and the easiness at which people can seek for on-line communities and interact with others that portion the same involvements and concerns. Due to the enhanced velocity of communicating online and the ability of people to read about, spread, and respond to planetary intelligence really quickly. This is because the cyberspace Bridgess clip and infinite, people will come together in a big planetary small town. Internet is now yearss one of those platform where one can hold any necessity of life at place while he/ she is sitting in forepart of the computing machine. Everybody will happen concern proprietors from the universe who are running their concern from their place holding a room and a personal computing machine. Concept of concern is now yearss come oning quickly among the concern communities. The merchandises offered by concern proprietors are non limited merely to the specific parts but cyberspace has opened the doors of planetary small town for every concern proprietors.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Debate Topics for the High School Classroom
Debate Topics for the High School Classroom Debates are a great way for students to get involved in class. Students have to research topics, prepare for the debate with their team, and think on their feet as they practice public speaking. Learning how to debate does more than improve speaking skills; it also makes for better listeners. As a result, students are better prepared for college and the diverse career world beyond. Joseph Joubert â€Å"It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.†(1896) The following list of 50 debate topics is for use in high school classrooms. While some of these are specifically written for a particular part of the curriculum, others can be modified or used in a number of different classes. Each item is listed as a proposition that one side (student or team) argues to defend while the other side (student or team) argues to oppose. 1:53 Watch Now: Ideas for Great Classroom Debate Topics Science and Technology Human cloning should be banned.Renewable forms of energy should be subsidized by the government.The U.S. government should fund a space mission to Mars.Social media comments should be protected by free speech.Parents should be allowed to choose their babys gender.Animal testing should be banned.The U.S. government should provide internet service for every citizen.Video games are too violent. Politics and Government America should be able to provide foreign aid to countries that kill endangered animals.It is never appropriate for the government to restrict freedom of speech.Democracy is the best form of government.All citizens who do not vote should pay a fine.The right to bear arms is a necessary constitutional amendment.Progressive tax rates are unfair.The voting age should be lowered.The driving age should be raised.A border fence should be constructed between the U.S. and Mexico.America should not give foreign aid to other countries.Drone attacks against specific targets are a necessary part of modern warfare.Affirmative action should be abolished. Social Issues Partial-birth abortion should be illegal.All parents should be required to attend parenting classes before having a child.All people should be vegetarians.Mixed martial arts should be banned.The death penalty should be abolished.Sports stars should be positive role models.People should be fined for not recycling.Performance-enhancing drugs should be allowed in sports. Education All students should have an after-school job.Every student should be required to take a performing arts course.Homework should be banned.School uniforms should be required.Year-round education is not a good idea for student learning.Physical education should be required of all students throughout high school.All students should be required to perform one year of community service.Schools should block YouTube.Students should be able to leave school for lunch.Single-sex schools are better for students.Schools should punish cyberbullying that occurs outside of school.Teachers should not be allowed to contact students through social media.Public prayer should not be allowed in schools.High-stakes state testing should be abolished.Poetry should be removed from the curriculum.History (or another subject) is an important subject in school.Schools should not be allowed to track students by academic level.Students should be required to pass algebra to graduate.Students should not be graded on their handwriting. All students should take an online course.The theory of Intelligent design should be taught in science classes.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Help Assignment
Help Assignment Help Assignment Help Assignment: Get It On Time If you need some help with any assignment, you have received at your college, do not drag things out, and appeal to our assignment writing service in order you to be able to cope with your assignment according to your deadline and not to face any troubles because of missing it. You see many students make one and the same mistake. When they receive an assignment, which it is rather difficult for them to deal with, they try to do it on their own first, after failing to manage the assignment, they waste their time for nothing, and when the deadline is here, they start the panic and do not know what to do. However, everything is much simpler. If you see that you can not cope with this or that assignment there is no any use in staring at this very assignment for several days. If you have failed to complete your assignment for the first time, you will never be able to do it. This fact is checked by the years of experience. That is why, do not wait until your deadline is here, make use of our custom writing service, and make your assignment to be ready with our help assignment in time: Professional Help With Assignments Our professional assignment writers are able to offer you any help assignment as we have specialists in all the possible spheres and disciplines you may receive assignments in. Just contact one of our representatives and find your own tutor who will gladly give you proper help assignment in any discipline you need. It does not matter which kind of help assignment you need. If you just have questions concerning this or that assignment or if you want the professional writer to complete your assignment for you, you are welcome to receive your help assignment in both of the cases. Our assignment writing company gives you one hundred per cent of guarantee of confidentiality that is why you may use our help assignment without any fear that someone will get to know that you have used our assignment writing service to complete your task instead of writing it on your own. Assignment Help Guarantee We also guarantee the high level of service that is why after you have received our help assignment you can do nothing but gain the highest grade for your assignment completing. Therefore, if some assignment does not let you sleep, appeal to our assignment writing help and get your help assignment. Popular posts: Writing a Term Paper Write a Term Paper Term Papers Essays Term Paper Writing Term Paper Topics
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Case analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Case analysis - Assignment Example For example, in 2010 the company recorded low profits for the holiday quarter. The management blamed the sluggish global economy for the decrease in profits. Additionally, the Wal-Mart’s management argued that the cuts in food stamps would have a negative impact on the profits. They further singled out high taxation, reduce in government benefits, and tighter credit as threats to the store’s profits. 4. The store evolves around with social trends. For instance, Wal-Mart’s top management has embraced online shopping. Additionally, the business goes in line with the customers’ demand for healthier foods. However, Wal-Mart did not embrace the use of technology early. The store’s founder, Sam Walton, did not care about technology. Currently, the store’s website is behind its competitors. Their marketing in the social media did not yield much success. The alternative is for the store to give the best customer experience to its customers and hire employees that would give better service to the customers. Additionally, they have to make their business more attractive by making classy colors inside the store. Furthermore, the store has to give low prices to their goods. An improvement in the store’s public image will be a sign that they have improved the customer experience. If there will be an increase in the number of customers, it will be evident the store has reduced its prices and the goods are more affordable to all. A general rise in the profits will indicate the store has implemented all its alternatives. The company will be in the right direction if it improves the customer experience. However, no one can fulfill human wants because they are insatiable. Additionally, a reduction in price in order to attract more customers would hurt the store’s profits. The paper recommends the store to open more branches. It will make the store become more popular globally. The management should consider more
Friday, October 18, 2019
Inventory Management System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Inventory Management System - Essay Example The term computer means an electronic device that is capable of accepting information which is the form of data and thereby converting it to the desired outcome based on the set of instructions handed over (DeMarco, 2005). Also, a program may be used to influence the desired out. However, the main purpose of a computer comes down to storing of useful information which may include records on inventory. Printer: this is an output hardware that is capable of printing documents in an alphanumeric or graphic way. In this case, the printer will be used in printing out daily and sales reports. This is very important since it is a source of backing up documents for future use. Barcode scanner: this is a special device that scans the barcodes and interprets the information therein (DeMarco, 2005). There is the need of using it when making a sale so as to prevent any mistakes from happening. Therefore, the moment it captures the data, the system automatically subtracts the bought item from the available stock. Material: these are funds which will be used for purchasing the necessary materials. The materials are necessary for the general running of the system and the include printers, computers and furniture. The purpose of these reports is to help the manager in understanding which orders that are open and the ones that are overdue. This is very important because the manager is aware the orders they are yet to receive and the ones that are overdue.
Drug Development and Toxicology (High-performance liquid Essay
Drug Development and Toxicology (High-performance liquid chromatography) - Essay Example is also vital in actiation of various carcinogens and detoxification of toxic epoxides (Bauer, Faiola, Abernethy, Marchan, Pluta, Wong, Gonzalez, Butterworth, Borghoff, Everitt and Recio, 2003). The deficiency of epoxide hydrolase does not show any abnormal phenotype. This suggests that it is not important for physiological homeostasis and reproduction. However, deficiency in epoxide hydrolase results in the organism been unable to bioactivate DMBA to the carcinogenic metabolite. This results in the organism been highly resistant to DMBA induced carcinogenesis. Its deficiency causes a decrease in reaction to toxicity that is as a result of benzene as there is a reduction in the quantity of metabolites that are toxic (Bauer, Faiola, Abernethy, Marchan, Pluta, Wong, Gonzalez, Butterworth, Borghoff, Everitt and Recio, 2003). As shown in the test results, the concentration of 4, 5 – dihydrodiol reduces day after day. This means that the catalysis of epoxide hydrolase leads to its reduction. This means that the toxicity of 4, 5 – dihydrodiol is relatively reduced. For 7, 8 – dihydrodiol, the catalysis of epoxide hydrolase leads to its complete reduction. Hence, it is rendered non-toxic. The concentration of 7, 8 – diol – 9, 10 – epoxide continually rises after each day. This means that the inhibition of the catalysis of 7, 8 – diol – 9, 10 – epoxide by epoxide hydrolase leads to a rise in the concentration of this metabolite which results in an increase in its toxicity. Mr. X is likely to develop a cancer as a result of this accident. From the graph, it can be inferred on that the concentration of 7, 8 – diol – 9, 10 – epoxide gradually increases. This metabolite is not inactivated but is resistant to epoxide hydrolase and increased in quantity. This increase in concentration increases the likelihood of Mr. X developing cancer. The reason for this is, due to its resistanse to catalysis by epoxide hydrolase, this metabolite causes mutation in
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Psychology- Media File Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Psychology- Media File - Essay Example It also speaks of the child prostitution which takes place when a child is sent away from home in the quest of finding enough money to feed the other family dependents. This news story appealed to me because I think those parents who have no respect and dignity left for their own kids expect nothing from life. I believe they should be taken to task since they are ruining their children’s future as well as playing with their mental psyche. This news story presents the aspect of understanding what the child wants from life and what he is given in return. More than that, the aspects related with prostitution, child labor and begging are not even envisaged by the family when they give away their children so that they could come back with some money for the good of the family. Family violence contributes endlessly to these tactics by the parents who just want to satisfy their whims and short term desires over the long term growth of these kids. This indeed is a heinous activity to speak the least. This news story was published in the Baltimore Sun and it discusses the aspect of child discipline and Angelina Jolie’s domestic life which seems to be in the news for all the odd reasons. Her lawyers tried to protect her from a barrage of questions from the media where they raised a number of speculations in line with the release of the movie â€Å"A mighty heart†, based on the death of Daniel Pearl. Instead of answering questions related with the movie itself, she felt more happy at telling the media how she and Brad Pitt, her boyfriend, felt about disciplining children at home and thus she set a good precedent by talking about her personal life which can easily be an encouraging factor for her fans all over the world and thus they would take a leaf out of her book and look to discipline their own kids. This news story is indeed something very interesting about what Jolie thinks of her domestic life and in what manner she can
Interrelation Between Foucauldian Concepts of Sexuality and Confession Essay
Interrelation Between Foucauldian Concepts of Sexuality and Confession - Essay Example Therefore, at the subconscious level of mind, the person learns through confession to acknowledge the social institutions (that boost up one another and that are interrelated with each other), in other words, the society as the power over his or her life, while learning to view body as an object that needs to be reigned carefully and to remain in continual vigilance. (Reich, 1966: 35-37) According to Foucault, how confession is related to sexuality essentially involves learning about the truth of human body or what Foucault calls the science of sexuality (‘scientia sexualis’). Indeed Foucault’s concepts of ‘confession and sexuality’ are indispensably interwoven with his â€Å"theory of social discipline†in the sense that his theory considers the physicality or the organic existence of body –a seat of needs and appetite- as a subject of politics and power. Foucault assumes that confession comprises â€Å"all those procedures by which th e subject is incited to produce a discourse of truth about his sexuality which is capable of having effects on the subject himself†(Foucault, 1980: 110). Confession produces subjectivity through the authority of speech about sex. Indeed confession and sexuality are related with each other through a power-subject relationship. (Tambling, 1990: 49) When sexuality represents body as a subject to power, confession plays a dual role in power mechanism. Not only has it provided power with the scope to exercise control over the body by informing power of the self-willed, honest and spontaneous truth about human body, but also it assists the confessor over the subject of confession, sex, by distancing it as an object to be discussed. Foucault believes that confession plays â€Å"a central role in the order of civil and religious powers†¦The truthful confession was inscribed at the heart of the procedures of individualization by power [and has become] one of the West’s mo st highly valued techniques for producing truth†(Foucault, 1990: 58). In the very first place, the obligation to confess itself is the sign of power’s influence on the individual, as Foucault writes about it: â€Å"the obligation to confess†¦is so deeply ingrained in us, that we no longer perceive it as the effect of a power that constrains us; on the contrary, it seems to use that truth, lodged in our most secret nature, ‘demands’ only to surface†(Foucault, 1990: 60). This urge of an individual to confess evolves his or her discomfort under the panoptic gaze of power. Smart (1995: 88) explains Foucault’s concept of panoptic as following: The Panopticon was to function as an apparatus of power by virtue of the field of visibility in which individuals were to be located, each in their respective places ... for a centralized and unseen observer. In this schema subjects were to be individualized in their own space, to be visible, and to be conscious of their potentiality constant and continuous visibility. (Foucault, 1975: 88) By confessing the confessor becomes affected in two ways: first, he or she becomes a part of power’s panoptic gaze, which imposes constant surveillance on sex, by internalizing it more; second, the confessor reaffirms his or her identity in term of power relations, since sex holds the truth of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Leadership Bachelor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Leadership Bachelor - Essay Example However, should there be any lapses, which is the one to be blamed If there are irregularities, which are those people responsible Or which brain should conceptualize the plan in order to achieve success How can the people inside the team with different tasks and interests be guided with regards to their movement and execution of plans In these cases, it all boils down to one individual-The Leader. We all know that a team is composed of many individuals, but how important is the leader in unifying these individuals and to achieve the needed success of an endeavor or certain project Leader is defined as the one organizes or is in charge of the group or something that leads or guides others ( 1). In layman's term he is the one who is in charge of the team, the standard bearer per se. How vital is the performance of the leader in order to obtain the desired output Up to what extent does the leader takes over especially if he or she leads the team. These are only some of the questions that are in need to be answered in order for us to know the importance of a leader on a certain team. It is a common connotation that when the word team is used, it has something to do with sports. Perhaps, let us also take a look in this field. In almost all of the team sport, there are leaders in and off the playing court. A coach perhaps can be considered as leader as he is the one who creates and induces his system with regards to the performance of his players in each and every game. The quarterback in American football, point guard in basketball, libero in volleyball and stopper in football. All do have different designations but has the same impact and importance in the team. They lead the team in scoring and in defense. It is also said that they can make or unmake the team, so what's with these leaders that the whole team depends on them It is said that an organization regardless of its nature whether it is a business, political party, alliance et cetera is a form of team. They all have leaders. In most cases, the leaders are the ones whom they look up to whether they are into the peak of the success or into the bitterness of defeat. A team is defined as a group of people working on a common goal, with different task and interdependent with each other. This means that a certain team cannot succeed by an effort of an individual but rather an effort of different individuals with a common goal; they are united with a driving force. However, their efforts will almost be next to inutile, if no one will act to be the head or the leader of that team. Primarily, the main concern of the team leader is to ensure that the team's plan in order to succeed is properly executed. Tam leader must also know the strengths and weaknesses of each and every individual member in order to ensure that the manpower that is delegated to perform specific task can deliver the goods. The leader must also be a good follower like the old saying with regards to the leaders. They should always follow the rules that the team has prescribed for its members. With all these facts laid, it always boils down to one question. How important is leadership to a team Does it have an impact to a team considering a team is comprised of many individuals Sometimes leadership in team particularly in organization is
Interrelation Between Foucauldian Concepts of Sexuality and Confession Essay
Interrelation Between Foucauldian Concepts of Sexuality and Confession - Essay Example Therefore, at the subconscious level of mind, the person learns through confession to acknowledge the social institutions (that boost up one another and that are interrelated with each other), in other words, the society as the power over his or her life, while learning to view body as an object that needs to be reigned carefully and to remain in continual vigilance. (Reich, 1966: 35-37) According to Foucault, how confession is related to sexuality essentially involves learning about the truth of human body or what Foucault calls the science of sexuality (‘scientia sexualis’). Indeed Foucault’s concepts of ‘confession and sexuality’ are indispensably interwoven with his â€Å"theory of social discipline†in the sense that his theory considers the physicality or the organic existence of body –a seat of needs and appetite- as a subject of politics and power. Foucault assumes that confession comprises â€Å"all those procedures by which th e subject is incited to produce a discourse of truth about his sexuality which is capable of having effects on the subject himself†(Foucault, 1980: 110). Confession produces subjectivity through the authority of speech about sex. Indeed confession and sexuality are related with each other through a power-subject relationship. (Tambling, 1990: 49) When sexuality represents body as a subject to power, confession plays a dual role in power mechanism. Not only has it provided power with the scope to exercise control over the body by informing power of the self-willed, honest and spontaneous truth about human body, but also it assists the confessor over the subject of confession, sex, by distancing it as an object to be discussed. Foucault believes that confession plays â€Å"a central role in the order of civil and religious powers†¦The truthful confession was inscribed at the heart of the procedures of individualization by power [and has become] one of the West’s mo st highly valued techniques for producing truth†(Foucault, 1990: 58). In the very first place, the obligation to confess itself is the sign of power’s influence on the individual, as Foucault writes about it: â€Å"the obligation to confess†¦is so deeply ingrained in us, that we no longer perceive it as the effect of a power that constrains us; on the contrary, it seems to use that truth, lodged in our most secret nature, ‘demands’ only to surface†(Foucault, 1990: 60). This urge of an individual to confess evolves his or her discomfort under the panoptic gaze of power. Smart (1995: 88) explains Foucault’s concept of panoptic as following: The Panopticon was to function as an apparatus of power by virtue of the field of visibility in which individuals were to be located, each in their respective places ... for a centralized and unseen observer. In this schema subjects were to be individualized in their own space, to be visible, and to be conscious of their potentiality constant and continuous visibility. (Foucault, 1975: 88) By confessing the confessor becomes affected in two ways: first, he or she becomes a part of power’s panoptic gaze, which imposes constant surveillance on sex, by internalizing it more; second, the confessor reaffirms his or her identity in term of power relations, since sex holds the truth of
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
What Is Philosophy Essay Example for Free
What Is Philosophy Essay Philosophy is integrated into every individual’s life. This essay will analyse the differences between Western, Chinese and Indian traditions. It will evaluate what it is that constitutes a valid philosophical enquiry and investigate different branches of philosophy. It will also look into the ways in which philosophy is utilised in contemporary society and the ways in which language impact on philosophy. Greco-Roman tradition originally came from Greek and Pagan culture, later gaining influences from other cultures. When the belief in the actual existence of Gods and Goddesses died, reasons needed to be provided for human existence, the purpose of life, and the problems of living in a civilisation. This saw the Greek philosophy grow and the traditions main issue was to define and describe human life and conditions. The tradition later became known as Western tradition, as the Greek’s and Roman’s used ideas from other cultures and ingrained them within their tradition. This still remains a key feature of Western tradition today. There are few surviving original sources of the tradition, preserved by Catholic and Orthodox monasteries, despite their differences to Christian teachings. The influences from Western tradition are key features in society today. It provided reason and science which can be seen as the ground works for technology and science today. â€Å"From the Greco-Roman period came respect for the rule of law, the idea of natural law, and, for its day, toleration of religious beliefs. †(Pappas, 2005) If anything was so prevalent in society today it would be that thought. The ability to live among others with different beliefs but still all follow the same laws is a necessity in todays society. The Western tradition taught us to question who we are and respect individuality, a teaching which lives on to this day. Dissimilar to Western tradition, which looks to define human life and conditions, the Chinese traditions main aim is to keep harmony at all times. Confucius was China’s most famous philosopher. â€Å"The most important thing to Confucius was Jen, or human kindness, love of man. Jen is the ideal feeling of warmth, kindness, dignity, and respect that should develop between two people. †(Powell, 2000, p. 95) The Chinese tradition is one of practicality, therefore the importance of logic is paramount. Logic sees that everything is subject to change, and that opinions and beliefs are of their time and place. Differing to the Western tradition, the Chinese took few ideas from other cultures, highlighting the desire for China to remain separated from other societies. It did however, take influence from Buddhism, but even this was adapted to suit Chinese culture. The Chinese tradition believes that to remain harmonious is of more importance than finding the truth. Followers of Chinese tradition may not see it fit to unburden themselves of their woes onto others as this is not harmonious. Arguably the oldest surviving tradition, Indian tradition aims to eliminate unhappiness and create nirvana, the cessation of suffering. Unlike the Western tradition, both the Chinese and Indian combine philosophy and religion. Indian tradition however does so more harmoniously by combining them both equally. Because of this, Indian tradition is compared to a Banyan tree, with its deep roots and tangled canopy representing the intertwining of Indian philosophies and religions. Buddhism is originated from India. This philosophy believes in karma, that what you are reincarnated as is a reflection of your past life. From a cynical point of view, it could be seen that followers of Buddhism are kind only to protect their reincarnation, and that it is not a selfless act they are carrying out, just one which will benefit them in their next life. It is important that all philosophical enquiries are valid so correct outcomes are produced. There are many elements that constitute a valid philosophical enquiry. It must not be biased or favour one side. It must be non-emotional and it must be able to bring together the deductive and inductive methods of reasoning. It is arguable that for the enquiry to be valid it would need to be proven. This may not be the case and it could be believed that it would just need to not be disproved. For example, it has not been proved that God ever existed, however it has not been disproved. Therefore, the question as to whether there is or was a God, is a valid philosophical enquiry. A valid philosophical enquiry should only be based on evidence and not include feeling or opinion. The final conclusion of the enquiry should then be interpreted and evaluated. No hasty predictions should be made as it should be based just on fact. Descartes provides his process when producing a philosophical enquiry in Discourse on Method. (See appendix 1) There are many different branches of philosophy. Romanticism is originated from 18th century Germany. Romantics react negatively to what the modern world does to people, for example the effects modern day technology have on human interaction. Jean-Jacques Rousseau marked the way for the Romanticism movement as he â€Å"believed that civilisation was a corrupting influence on people, who are instinctively good †(Kindersley, 2011, p. 144) Romantics are very much against the dehumanisation of the modern world where technology replaces people. A romantic might argue that the self-service check outs provided at most supermarkets have a negative effect on human interaction as there is no need to communicate with people face to face now when shopping. Romanticism links with another branch of philosophy, Environmentalism. This philosophy is concerned with keeping the planet green. Environmentalists, like Romantics, are concerned with the developments happening in society and the effects they could have on the planet and those within in the future. In complete contrast to Romanticism and Environmentalism, The Enlightenment is another branch of philosophy. It also originated in 18th century Western Europe but is closely allied with science. It challenges the rule of religious superstition and tradition and uses science to provide most, if not all, of the answers. It sits well with the development in human beings and their surroundings. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that moves with the times. As society, religion, and politics move forward, so do the ethics within those institutions. It is perfectly possible that the ethical issues one experienced in their upbringing could totally differ from those they experience in their adult life. Ethics is a system of values where certain things are â€Å"right†and certain things are â€Å"wrong†. Abortion is a subject that has always been surrounded by moral and ethical issues. (See appendix 2, BBC, 2013) Until 1967, abortion was illegal in England. This however, does not mean it did not happen. In the 1950’s, when abortion was still illegal, mothers carrying unwanted babies would seek non medical personnel to carry out abortions. This was highlighted in a recent episode of Call the Midwife, a drama series based on the personal experiences of an East End midwife in the 1950’s, where a mother had an illegal abortion which lead to her contracting septicaemia. (‘Episode 5’, 2013) Times have clearly moved on, and today abortions are far more available and medically safe. But that does not mean that the ethical views of some have changed with the times, regardless of whether the law has changed. It is important to consider teleological and deontological theories when dealing with ethics. Teleological theorists believe that it is the end result of an action that determines whether the action was good or bad. Deontological theorists however, believe that each action in itself is good or bad, regardless of the consequences. (Harrison-Barbet, 2001, p. 186) There are many ethical issues raised in the arguments against abortion, one of the main being that killing an innocent human being is wrong. (BBC, 2013) This is a deontological argument. It is arguable as to when you consider a foetus a human being. Is it at the conception stage when it is simply a collection of cells, or is it when the heart begins to beat and when the brain starts to function? At around 18-22 weeks a foetus acquires sentience, the awareness of pleasure, pain and perception. As it stands, abortions can be carried out on females up to 24 weeks into pregnancy so ethically one could argue that carrying out abortions this far through in pregnancy is wrong. (Lacewing, 2010) Arguing from a potential perspective creates further questions as to whether contraception is as wrong as abortion. People who oppose abortion may argue that although the foetus may start off as just a collection of cells, it has the potential to become a human being who has the right to life. Therefore, even using contraception is wrong as it prevents the potential of life. Pro-abortionists however may argue that potential means that something does not yet exist so why treat it with the same ethical values as something that does exist. (Lacewing, 2010) Pro-abortionists would also argue that the pregnant female has moral and ethical rights and these may outweigh the foetus’ rights. This could be the case if the female was a victim of rape and would suffer mentally and emotionally if they went through with the pregnancy, or if the continued pregnancy could have detrimental effect on the female’s health. In conclusion, abortion faces many ethical issues from both pro and opposing viewpoints. It is a subject that cannot be determined as right or wrong by science or philosophy. In the end, the most important viewpoint that should be considered when making such a decision is the pregnant female. The impact of language on society is a lot more prevalent than one may assume. Umberto Eco believed that we learn through our knowledge of languages, and that translating between one language and another is not just about comparing them both, but interpreting them in the ways they were written, based on culture. The philosophy of language looks at what the nature of meaning is. John Searle explains that language is crucial in the understanding of human life, and to look into human characteristics without language would be impossible. (YouTube, Unknown) Language is what distinguishes human from animals, the ability to understand the concept through language, which would not be possible through just observation. The development of language continues through time. Words used in an offensive manner now, were often used many years ago in day to day language. In Gloria Bertonis’, Stone Age Diva, she talks about the word ‘cunt’ and how its original meanings of woman, queen, and female genitalia, should evoke pride in females and that the word should not offend. It encourages females to reclaim words that have been used as weapons against them and recapture them for their positive qualities. (Bertonis, Date unknown) Such a word would once have just been used to describe a part of the body, like head or knee, but the context in which it is now used has turned it into a derogatory term. Semiotics is the study of the meaning of linguistic expressions. Clear examples of this are apparent every day. The letter ‘M’ presented in such a way is no longer just the letter but also an expression for McDonalds. The same applies to the letter ‘f’, which is now universally seen as a symbol for Facebook. Therefore, applying philosophy to language gives the language itself a whole new meaning. It is not just the letter and words that need to be taken into account, but also the context in which it is received. â€Å"A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself or a situation which seems to defy logic. †(Unknown, 2012) The liar paradox is a clear example of this. If one were to say they are lying, and were truly doing so, then they are actually telling the truth. (See appendix 3, Unknown, 2012) There are four primary paradoxes (see appendix 4). This essay will discuss knowability paradox. This is the recognition that some truths are not currently known but that they are all knowable. This means that we as a world do not know everything, so truths that may be proven in the future, could make what we consider as known truths today untrue. (Salerno, 2009) An example of this could be developments in medical science. With the constant developments in medicine, something we thought we knew as true 50 years ago, may now prove to be untrue because of new medical knowledge. In conclusion, it is clear that all individuals use philosophy in day to day life, whether they are aware of it or not. Philosophy aids us in learning more about ourselves and the world, which is what humans naturally strive for. It helps us be reasonable, which is a characteristic which helps one fit in to society and live among others who may be different. It also helps us be moral and ethical, as discussed previously in this essay. Without morals and ethics we would have no guidance as to what is right and wrong. Therefore, the world would not be as it is today without philosophy, and may be a much harder world to live in without it. ‘Episode 5’ (2013) Call the Midwife, Series 2, episode 5. BBC One Television, 17 February BBC. (2013). Ethics Guide. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from BBC: http://www. bbc. co. uk/ethics/abortion/philosophical/introduction. shtml Bertonis, G. (Date unknown). Say It! The Origins of Cunt. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from vdaysunyoswego: http://vdaysunyoswego. worldbreak. com/custom2. html Harrison-Barbet, A. (2001). Philosophy. New York: Palgrave. Kindersley, D. (2011). The Philosophy Book. London: Dorling Kindersley. Lacewing, M. (2010). Philosophy for A2. Oxon: Routledge. Pappas, J. (2005, September 24). Our Greco-Roman Heritage. Retrieved March 2, 2013, from Liberty and Culture: http://libertyandculture. blogspot. co. uk/2005/09/our-greco-roman-heritage. html Powell, J. (2000). Eastern Philosophy For Beginners. New York: Writers and Readers Publishing, Inc. Salerno, B. B. (2009). Fitchs Paradox of Knowability. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/fitch-paradox/ Unknown. (2012). Famous Paradoxes. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from BrainDen. com: http://brainden. com/paradoxes. htm YouTube. (Unknown). John Searle on the Philosophy of Language: Section 1. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from YouTube: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=jOlJZabio3g.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Analysis of the Harlem Renaissance
Analysis of the Harlem Renaissance The movement raised significant issues affecting the lives of African Americans through a variety of literature, art, music, drama, painting, sculpture, movies, and protests. The outburst of creativity among black writers of this period was the productof the many moods and circumstances of the time. Therefore, the Harlem Renaissance was more than a literary movement; it was anexciting cultural expression of racial experience which extendedinto every area of black life. The significance of this movement to African American literary art lies in the efforts of its writers to praise the legacy of African Americans and to use their unique culture as a means toward re-defining African American literary expression Harlem Renaissance was the era when African-Americans for the first time had a real reason to experience pride and rejoice in their identity. In Harlem they found something that was uniquely their own. African-American literature, art, music, and beliefs were respected, appreciated and recognized on a national level. African-Americans were first time regarded as intellectuals before Harlem renaissance Afro Americans were generally considered a stereotype from the outside. This stereotype was an individual servile, unqualified, unskillful and with little potential other than as a laborer. After many years of suffering through imprisonment and domination by the White man, African Americans began to come together to express their strong beliefs of racial pride and self-identity. This movement increased self confidence of Afro Americans and made them feel proud and happy. For the first time, all publishers and critics took Afro American literature seriously and Africans Americans started to work with white people. The Harlem Renaissance was a turning point in African American literature; it was no longer read mainly by black people, but started to be absorbed into the whole American culture. Due to all reasons mentioned above Harlem Renaissance stands as one of the most celebrated movements in African-American culture and American history. It is known as the golden period of African American art and literature. The purpose of the Harlem Renaissance was for African Americans to express their need for racial equality. Civil Rights activists such as W.E.B. Du Bois, who helped to establish the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), decided that instead of using direct political means to achieve their goals of racial equality, that they would employ artists and writers of their culture to achieve their goals. During the Harlem renaissance there was an outburst of artistic creation in all fields including visual arts, literature and poetry, music and dance that both represented and gave voice to the afro American thoughts. Even Newspapers and magazines such as The Messenger, Crisis, and Opportunity: A Journal of Negro Life, were also highly important because they exposed the evils of discrimination. African Americans looked to these pieces of literature for leadership and direction. The main goal of the writers of the Harlem Renaissance was to show the Negro as a talented individual, worthy of the same respect given to white Americans. Writers such as Claude McKay and Langston Hughes not only changed the way Negros have been portrayed in theaters throughout history but also blazed the path for the future generations to follow. The Harlem Renaissance was a transitional time when poetry changed a state of African-Americans to outstanding heights. It was one of the most vital expressive vehicles used for the promotion and celebration of African American history, culture and political awareness. The presence of many lower and middle-class blacks in theNorthern ghettoes who could buy books and magazines and go totheaters and clubs provided the financial backing to support thecreative blacks who contributed to the Harlem Renaissance. One of the chief poets who emerged from the period was Langston Hughes. He was born in 1920 in Joplin, Missouri and spent most his youth in the American Midwest. He first came to New York in 1921 to attend Columbia University. A year later he shipped out as a salesman and cook’s helper on a tramp steamer to Africa and Europe. He lived and worked in Paris and Italy and then returned to the United States, where he took a job as a busboy in a Washington DC, hotel. There in 1925, he was discovered by the poet Vachel Lindsay, who praised Hughes’s poems and advised him to devote himself to literature. His first books, The Weary Blues (1926) and Fine Clothes to the Jew (1927) won poetry prizes and brought him wide acclaim. Unlike many of his peers who were turning inward for poetic expression. Hughes explored the expressive validity of black vernacular in urban and rural black lifestyle. His dynamic and insightful representation of African-Americans touches the souls of many. His poetry paints a picture of the complications faced by African-Americans with a mixture of music, culture, happiness and environmental struggles. Langston Hughes lived ina society that was completely dominated by White men. Heremembers the company of his grandmother, â€Å"She†¦held mein her lap and told†¦stories about people who wanted to makethe Negroes free†¦.†(Emanuel19). Thus, not only social atmospherebut his family experiences have also made him touse poetry as a weapon by which he could give an effectiveexpression to cultural and ethnic qualities of his black race inorder to shape a society. â€Å"He has asserted his voice of selfacceptance†(Berry 87). For the first time, there has been aman on the literary scene to glorify his â€Å"Blackness†and not tofeel ashamed of his being Black. Hughes is most famous for his poetry but he contributed to numerous forms of literature and nonfiction throughout his long career.His first novelNot Without Laughter appeared in 1930. Hughes had a wide range of talent. He was a successful humorist and a historian of the lives of blacks. He wrote proudly and sanguinely about the African American conditions. His most famous fictional character is Jesse B. Semple, nicknamed Simple, who uses humor to protest and satirize the existing injustices. Apart from poems and novels he also wrote short stories, children’s books, song lyrics and operas. He translated foreign writers and wrote numerous plays, three of which were produced on Broadway. Langston Hughes in his essay The Negro Artist and The Racial Mountain (1926), expressed the new rebellious mood of the Renaissance writers: Let the blare of Negro jazz bands and the bellowing voice of Bessie Smith singing Blues penetrate the closed ears of the colored near-intellectuals until they listen and perhaps understand. Let Paul Robeson singing Water Boy, and Rudolph Fisher writing about the streets of Harlem, and Jean Toomer holding the heart of Georgia in his hands, and Aaron Douglas drawing strange black fantasies cause the smug Negro middle class to turn from their white, respectable, ordinary books and papers to catch a glimmer of his own beauty.(Ervin 48) Much of his best writing was journalistic. In 1937 he served as a foreign correspondent covering the Spanish Civil war for the Baltimore,Afro American news –paper. His most popular works were news paper sketches written for the Chicago Defender in the 1940s .The sketches recounted the adventures opinions of an innocent downtrodden Negro, â€Å"Simple,†whose penetrating views of blacks and whites provided Hughes with the means for making broad satirical and critical commentary on society and government. Hughes was a worldly cosmopolite who lived an almost nomadic life. He traveled to Mexico, Cuba, and the Caribbean, to Africa, Western Europe, The SovietUnion, China and Japan. But he was most influenced by his American experience, by his black heritage, and by the vivid life of New York’s city and Harlem, with its blues and jazz music that so influenced the structure and rhythm of such poems as â€Å"The Weary Blues†. He was the first black American to support himself as a professional writer. In all, he produced more than sixty books. He was also one of the first American writers to receive extended and serious critical attention for realistic portrayals of black Americans. Through his poetry, fiction, and essays, he became one of the dominant voices speaking out for the significance of black culture at the core of life in the twentieth –century America. In the Twenty-first century his work still proclaims, â€Å"I, too, am America.†He created a new literary art form called jazz poetry.He was perhaps the most original of African American poets in the breadth and variety of his work and assuredly the most representative of African American writers. He believes in the ideals of liberty,equality and universal brotherhood. His creative oeuvrereflects that how he constantly struggled for the dignity andequal rights of African Americans. Claude McKay, from Jamaica, was another most influencing poet of the Harlem Renaissance. He was born on September 15, 1890 in, Clarendon Parish, Jamaica, and West Indies. Youngest of eleven children he was sent to live with his oldest brother at an early age so that he could be given the best education. McKay was an avid reader who began to write poetry at the age of ten. Much of his writings are a reflection of that shock he felt about American racism. With the publication of two volumes of poetry, Spring in New Hampshire (1920) and Harlem Shadows (1922), McKay emerged as the most militant voice of the Harlem Renaissance. His poetry gained a lasting admiration among African-Americans during the Harlem Renaissance and addressed social and political concerns. McKay wrote three novels: Home to Harlem (1928), a best-seller which won the Harmon Gold Award for Literature, Banjo (1929), and Banana Bottom (1933). He also authored a collection of short stories, Gingertown (1932), and two autobiographical books, A Long Way from Home (1937) and Harlem: Negro Metropolis (1940). His book of poetry, Harlem Shadows (1922) was among the first books published during the Harlem Renaissance. His book of collected poems, Selected Poems (1953), was published posthumously. Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen identified McKay as a chief inspiring force, even though he did not put pen to paper for modern verse. His poem â€Å"If We Must Die earned excellent remarks for him from fellow writers such as James Weldon Johnson and Walter White. Lines from his poem, If We Must Die, indicate the spirit of protest: If we must die, let it not be like hogs Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot, While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs, Making their mock at our accursed lot. If we must die, O let us nobly die, So that our precious blood may not be shed In vain; then even the monsters we defy Shall be constrained to honor us though dead!
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Slavery and the Life of Harriet Jacobs Essay -- Slavery Essays
Slavery and the Life of Harriet Jacobs It is well known that slavery was a horrible event in the history of the United States. However, what isn't as well known is the actual severity of slavery. The experiences of slave women presented by Angela Davis and the theories of black women presented by Patricia Hill Collins are evident in the life of Harriet Jacobs and show the severity of slavery for black women. The history of slave women offered by Davis suggests that "compulsory labor overshadowed every other aspect of women's existence" (Davis 5). This is quite apparent through examination of the life of Harriet Jacobs. All slaves were forced to do hard labor and were subject to cruel remarks by whites, in this sense they were genderless, except women endured much more foul treatment. Harriet Jacobs was forced to listen to the sexual berating from her master, Dr. Flint, as well as receive jealous scorn from her mistress, Mrs. Flint. Yet worse than the verbal abuse was the physical, sexual abuse imposed on slave women. "Naming or not naming the father of a child, taking as a wife a woman who had children by unnamed fathers, [and] giving a newborn child the name of a father" were all considered by Herbert Gutman to be "everyday choices" in slave communities (Davis 15). Not being able to name a father must have made slave women feel great pain from being a "genderless" tool and great isolat ion by forcing them to take care of bastard children on their own. However, the worst comes when the child is old enough to work and, in most cases, is auctioned off. By auctioning off a slave woman's children slave masters not only dehumanized slave women but gave additional pain to slave women by taking their loved children away. Slave... These past three points all serve as examples of the severity of slavery for women. The U.S. slave system has placed African American women at a disadvantage for hundreds of years. It's atrocious to think this kind of thing could ever be allowed to happen. Even worse is to the reality that it wouldn't be that way if people truly believed in equality. Women were owned in every aspect, not merely free labor. Their minds, bodies, and souls were pushed to the limits and Harriet Jacobs is an example of this being true. Works Cited Collins, Patricia. Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment. New York, NY: Routledge, 2000 Davis, Angela. The Legacy Of Slavery: Standards For A New Womanhood. Jacobs, Harriet, and Yellin, Jean. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Gunslinger: Battle Between Good and Evil :: essays research papers
The dilemma between good and evil began long before our time, and it’s been chronicled since man could write. Stephen King, one of the controversial writers of our time, brings his characters to life by giving them peculiar attributes, individual and bold attitudes, and places them in unusual predicaments. The Gunslinger series by Stephen King is a sequence of books that show the internal struggle between good and evil. His character are presented with obstacles, and readers observe how each one responds to the challenges presented to them, waiting to see how far they will go to achieve what they believe is the greater good. King realistically conveys to his readers that although his characters put forth their best efforts to do what they feel is upright, their actions are not always in their best interests. The author clearly shows readers that no amount of good a person does can prevent them from getting hurt. In books one, two, and four King puts his characters through cer tain situations to create certain outcomes. King makes an effort to show readers how people arrive at the right, or wrong choice, in different situations. This is, of course, the classic struggle between good and evil.      King introduces Roland, the protagonist, in â€Å"Gunslinger†. Roland is crucial in King’s endeavor to present to his readers how people make the choice between good and evil. In â€Å"Gunslinger†, Roland is presented with an option; he can either save a boy’s life, or he can let the boy plunge to his death and not deviate from his plan. Roland loves the boy, Jake, and is torn between saving him and pursuing his target, the man in black. Roland decides to sacrifice his friend’s life in order to hound the man in black. Roland’s goal is to reach the Dark Tower, and he feels that he must make sacrifices and forgo the sentimental, in order to achieve his goal. His ultimate goal is what he believes is the greater good, and he will go to any length to reach it. Society has sacrificed of innocence to achieve their definitive purpose, history is proof of this. King simply brings this to light. Roland has love for the boy; however, in not saving his life he saves more lives in the end. Saving Jake’s life might be in Jake’s best interest, but in doing so Roland will be affected negatively.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Dr. Phil: A Disturbing Episode on Sexual Abuse Essay
Recently, an episode of Dr. Phil aired which addressed the issue of sexual molestation. It was different from other shows about molestation, in that they normally address the sexual abuse being perpetrated by a stranger, parent, or extended family member. In this case the perpetrator was the oldest of five children, Mikai, 19. Brad and Kenda are married and have five children; four boys, Mikai being the oldest, and one girl, the youngest. Both parents work and take care of the children. Brad and Kenda came to Dr. Phil with worries about their son being a sexual predator. There have been many accusations from different aged girls over the past several years that had led them to this conclusion. Most of all, they were worried that Mikai has been molesting their daughter. When they first became suspicious of Mikai’s relationship with his sister, they set up a â€Å"two brother rule†under which no one brother could be alone with the little girl at any time. When they first became aware of the inappropriate sexual behavior between Mikai and these girls, they began monitoring his internet access to prevent him from harassing more potential victims. Later on in the show, with the knowledge that Mikai is a pathological liar, he was given a polygraph test. The results showed that he was engaging in the sexual assault of his sister, as well as other girls. Both of his parents had a look of disgust on their faces upon receiving these results. Mikai still tried to deny these accusations even though the polygraph test was administered by a world renowned expert. Dr. Phil told Mikai that he needed to own what he has done and be accountable for it. Mikai responded by admitting that he had sexually molested his sister once Later, when Dr. Phil asked Mikai a question, Brad said â€Å"You better talk to him because you’re dead to us†which led to Mikai crying. Kenda expressed that although she was both hurt and angry, she didn’t love Mikai any less. The decision was made by the parents and Mikai in agreement with Dr. Phil that Mikai would need a lot of help and rehabilitation. Both of the parents agreed with Dr. Phil that Mikai would not be allowed to live at their house anymore and would have absolutely no access to the li ttle girl. Dr. Phil said that although he was willing to help Mikai, the protection of the little girl was his number one priority. The only activity that the family was shown doing together was going on Dr. Phil, and even then the little girl was not present, in order to conceal her identity. Though this show did not support the authors’ of Millennial Rising idea that child abuse is on the decline, the abuse was not carried out by either parent, but the oldest brother instead. The show definitely disproved the authors’ idea that millennials have more supervision than earlier generations. It seemed that although the parents cared, neither one of them quit their job to ensure the safety of the little girl. Instead, the four boys watched her and had little to no control over situations between the oldest brother and the sister. Because there was hardly any interaction between the parents and the children shown, none of the kids’ attitudes towards the parents could be established. In conclusion, I do not believe that Mikai, nor any sex offender can ever be rehabilitated. I think that he will always be a threat to society and should be kept away from women and children for the rest of his life. He will always have the impulse to sexually assault someone and the chances of him being able to overcome that impulse every time he has it is almost nonexistent. I do not feel any sympathy for Mikai. However, I feel a lot of sadness for the rest of the family, especially the little girl. They have a long road of recovery still left to travel.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Indian Capital Market Essay
History of Indian Capital Markets S. Sowdeesram The history of the Indian capital markets and the stock market, in particular can be traced back to 1861 when the American Civil War began. The opening of the Suez Canal during the 1860s led to a tremendous increase in exports to the United Kingdom and United States. Several companies were formed during this period and many banks came to the fore to handle the finances relating to these trades. With many of these registered under the British Companies Act, the Stock Exchange, Mumbai, came into existence in 1875. It was an unincorporated body of stockbrokers, which started doing business in the city under a banyan tree. Business was essentially confined to company owners and brokers, with very little interest evinced by the general public. There had been much fluctuation in the stock market on account of the American war and the battles in Europe. Sir Premchand Roychand remained a kingpin for many years. Sir Phiroze Jeejeebhoy was another who dominated the stock market scene from 1946 to 1980. His word was law and he had a great deal of influence over both brokers and the government. He was a good regulator and many crises were averted due to his wisdom and practicality. The BSE building, icon of the Indian capital markets, is called P. J. Tower in his memory. The planning process started in India in 1951, with importance being given to the formation of institutions and markets The Securities Contract Regulation Act 1956 became the parent regulation after the Indian Contract Act 1872, a basic law to be followed by security markets in India. To regulate the issue of share prices, the Controller of Capital Issues Act (CCI) was passed in 1947. The stock markets have had many turbulent times in the last 140 years of their existence. The imposition of wealth and expenditure tax in 1957 by Mr. T. T. Krishnamachari, the then finance minister, led to a huge fall in the markets. The dividend freeze and tax on bonus issues in 1958-59 also had a negative impact. War with China in 1962 was another memorably bad year, with the resultant shortages increasing prices all round. This led to a ban on forward trading in commodity markets in 1966, which was again a very bad period, together with the introduction of the Gold Control Act in 1963. The markets have witnessed several golden times too. Retail investors began participating in the stock markets in a small way with the dilution of the FERA in 1978. Multinational companies, with operations in India, were forced to reduce foreign share holding to below a certain percentage, which led to a compulsory sale of shares or issuance of fresh stock. Indian investors, who applied for these shares, encountered a real lottery because those were the days when the CCI decided the price at which the shares could be issued. There was no free pricing and their formula was very conservative. The next big boom and mass participation by retail investors happened in 1980, with the entry of Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani. Dhirubhai can be said to be the father of modern capital markets. The Reliance public issue and subsequent issues on various Reliance companies generated huge interest. The general public was so unfamiliar with share certificates that Dhirubhai is rumoured to have distributed them to educate people. Mr. V. P. Singh’s fiscal budget in 1984 was pathbreaking for it started the era of liberalization. The removal of estate duty and reduction of taxes led to a swell in the new issue market and there was a deluge of companies in 1985. Mr. Manmohan Singh as Finance Minister came with a reform agenda in 1991 and this led to a resurgence of interest in the capital markets, only to be punctured by the Harshad Mehta scam in 1992. The mid-1990s saw a rise in leasing company shares, and hundreds of companies, mainly listed in Gujarat, and got listed in the BSE. The end1990s saw the emergence of Ketan
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