Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Inventory Management Essay
Companies often suffer because they are unable to meet demands due to a shortage of inventory or from large, expensive inventory maintenance costs. Problems occur due to uncertainties and lack of coordination between the company and its suppliers, partners and customers. Demand can be influenced by prices, competition, weather, fashion trend, technological developments which leads to uncertainties in forecasting demand. Uncertainties also exist in delivery times, quality of raw materials and parts. Factory floor is not just involved in the production and manufacturing of goods but in activities that see to the flow of raw material from the raw material factories through factories and warehouses to the production floor, purchasing, material handling, production planning and controlling, logistics, inventory control and quality assurance. Right level of inventory has to be maintained that is promptly delivered. Internet access will enable the factory floor to have access to useful and relevant information. The employees will have access to operational data that will be concise and relevant. The data will be shared across the organization. New and additional information will be readily available which will give them the insight to the external environment including information about the competitors. One of the most significant changes would be that there will be faster accessibility to all the required information. Availability of correct information will help managers to predict, speculate, forecast and estimate demands and trends. Based on these speculations planning for production is done. According to the planning, ordering, purchasing and using of resources like raw material, capital and labor is chalked out. This will cut down on most of the uncertainties faced by companies. The main problem for any company is determining inventory levels which must be done accurately for each and every product and part. Too high inventory levels raises costs and low levels may lose customers as there might be lead times. E. g. Littlewoods Stores in Britain was able to eliminate $17 million of overstocked inventory by using Web. Better inventory management led to the reduction of the need to liquidate stock which saved the company $1. 4 million (www. microstrategy. com, 2000) Real time collaboration and enhanced communications would help all employees within the organization to coordinate matters more easily. Better collaboration can save the industry $40 billion annually (cited in Konicki, 2002). Customer complaints will be delivered to the production floor on time and immediate steps will be taken. This will help the factory floor to raise the quality of goods, reduce scrap wastage and errors. A proactive approach rather than a reactive approach can be taken. Goods can move on time from suppliers to the production floor to the customers. Better communication would also mean that coordination with suppliers will be improved greatly. Production scheduling can be done more efficiently. Communication can be done via electronic mails, transfer of files, a call for a meeting, commenting on a news group, conferencing etc. During peak demands if the factory floor is unable to meet rising demand it will be able to judge which products it should outsource. Better buy or make decisions can be made. Better communication with suppliers will enable the company to use a just-in-time (JIT) approach by strengthening its ties with a few suppliers who will make prompt delivery of raw materials. The factory floor can also keep a system that will automatically warn the production unit if the inventory falls to a certain level. Automatic placement of order with the suppliers can be made which will reduce the lead time. Intermediaries will be reduced which will help the factory floor to cut down on the costs. Manufacturing can start once the order is placed by the customer like in the case of Dell. Training costs can be cut down on. E. g. a new machine has come in an ice-cream factory which can simultaneously produce 5 different varieties. Employees can be given instructions and a demonstration can be shown online Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) promises benefits from increased efficiency to improved quality, productivity and profitability (cited in Umble and Umble, 2002). This integrates all departments and fuctions in an organization into a single system and hence caters to the organization need. It enhances competitiveness by integrating information on finance and accounting, human resource, operations supply chain, and customer information (Turban, Aronson, Liang, 2006 p. 72) An enterprise portal can be used to integrate the internal applications such as the database containing information on the number of raw materials available for the production of bikes with external applications such as supplier websites etc. Information in this manner can be distributed efficiently and effectively. It will help form a link between the production floor, suppliers, customers, retailers and partners. This is particularly useful if the company is involved in cross selling and is operating in more than one city or country. Diageo plc, a beer and alcohol manufacturer was able to save $1. 1 million in inventory reduction and $600,000 in logistics through accurate forecasting of sales Hence inventory management is extremely important as it can bring breakthrough results within an organization. It gives a competitive edge to the companies as it slashes the costs down by providing a tighter control on inventory stocks. In this fast moving, fiercely competitive world internet has become a necessity and organizations must get technologically advanced to survive and compete.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Race Unity Speech
However, how can we appreciate our differences and grow together as a country? In Beam's Inaugural speech, he said that:†We recall that what binds this nation together Is not the colors of our skin or the tenets of our faith or the origins of our names. †In New Zealand, as a multi-Anton of Immigrants, It Is the same for us. Maybe our parents or grandparents are from other countries, maybe we have eyes In different colors, maybe we speak another language at home, but, now, at this time, we have the same name -nit is New Zealand.We can see kinds of culture every day without having to live our country. We have blue sky, pure air, vast grassland, delicious food and lovely Kiwi birds. How lucky living in such a comfortable country! I remember the time when I was on the plane. It was my first time in NZ, there was more excitement than worry. However, when I arrived in this country Just over a year ago. I saw people in different colors speaking different languages were walking past me. It felt like a silent movie, there was no sound and I was standing among the stream of people. I was lost, all of the exciting feelings were gone, there was fear only left.I cannot imagine how I can live in such a different environment and I know nothing about It. It was a long and sleepless night before the school began. Next morning when I stepped Into the classroom, I received a warm welcome and curious glance and nothing else. I found It was not as scared as I imagined. They are nice and patient. They are interested in my hometown and would talk about themselves to me. I really appreciate them giving me a suspicious start of my new life in NZ. Now there are more and more new faces joining us. I'd like to help them and share my experience with them , Just like how I eave been treated.So the circle will go on. As a country, the most important thing is tolerance. Just like NZ, she accepts all of us and mixes us together. The world is whole and wide, as it happens, it is u s who build up a country together. We need to use our thankful hearts and smiles to smooth over those differences, take away the insecurities and grow together as a country. What can we do to create a safe and inclusive society, characterized by racial equality and freedom from violence and abuse? An old Negro spiritual sang that: Free at last, Free at last, Thank God almighty, we are free at last!A short song but full of wishes of the black. Nowadays, no matter Maori or Europeans , western or eastern, rich or poor, we are all in NZ, we all have a dream that all men are created equal. Maybe in the past, there were wars between our birth countries but the world is peaceful now, we cannot still hold the ethnic hatred tightly and never forgive. It does not mean to forget the history but not regard others from the national point. We are the person who we are. The dark chapter of the history should not be put on our shoulders. That Is not fair for us, we are Innocent. I have learnt a art icle called Going for the bread†.It Is written by a Maori writer. It shows conflicts between Maori and Europeans. Some European girls say that the little Maori girl is dirty and even European mother Just shocks the door and less her get off with her dirty lies. A kid knows nothing but they can learn everything from their parents. There is also a story about a white mother and a black driver. When they take a taxi, the white daughter asks her mother why they are in different colors. The white mother answers her peacefully:†My dear, in order to make the world colorful, God lets us human beings be different colors. Such a different answer!Parents are our first and best teacher, they should be a good model. Thus it can be seen that to create an equal society, we need to Judge others by the content of their character. Can Treaty of Waiting help all New Slanderer have a sense of belonging and connectedness? If so, how? If not, why? I think the Treaty of Waiting can help all N ew Slanderer, however, time is changing, we are not in the same situation as before. We definitely need a treaty but a new version which is more suitable to this modern society. Do you have a proverb from your own ethnic or cultural background hat related to the theme?Meniscus has said:†The time is not important as the terrain; but the terrain is not as important as the unity with people. †On first March 2014, there was a serious mishap happened in Gumming China. At around 9:20 pm local time, a group of eight knife-wielding men and women attacked passengers at the city railway station. There were 29 people killed and 143 injured. According to the following research, those assailants are Shrug Muslim terrorists. After the attack, people from all over China are giving a hand to those victim's families and ray for them especially Gaining Province where the assailants come from.Even a Shrug boy, he run on a blood donation vehicle and said deeply sorry to the others but he did nothing worry. It is a small part who has discrimination to different ethnics and only a few bit people of the small part will take extreme action to hurt the innocent. As the same time we accuse the assailants, we cannot pour our anger on the people who are from the same place with the criminals. In the end, I want to say: I have a dream today, I hope with our effort, one day the war would end and let freedom ring from all over New Zealand.
Monday, July 29, 2019
A triangulation approach Essay
Thomas had heard the same devastating story before. He knew what to expect or so he thought. He had seen the shattered lives, lost youth and the trail of broken dreams that had divided families and friends. Often it was the innocent bystanders most affected by such behaviour. The collateral damage was often so costly. But it was Thomas who would end up as Daniel’s target that day. Introduction All researchers have different beliefs and ways of viewing and interacting within their surroundings. As a result, the way in which research studies are conducted vary. However, there are certain standards and rules that guide a researcher’s actions and beliefs. Such standards or principles can be referred to as a paradigm. To gain a better understanding of why and how the researcher chose the methodological approach in this study, an initial discussion will be completed about the paradigm that best fits the focus of this study. Following a discussion about the research paradigm, the aim of this chapter is to discuss the research design and methodology utilised in this study. In order to describe the variety of research activities undertaken during this study, the data collection activities and associated analysis methods will be systematically discussed under four phases. For ease of discussion, the study activities will be described in the order in which the researcher completed them. The order of the study activities have been outlined in Figure 3. Research Paradigm According to Taylor, Kermode, and Roberts (2007, p. 5), a paradigm is â€Å"a broad view or perspective of something†. Additionally, Weaver and Olson’s (2006, p. 460) definition of paradigm reveals how research could be affected and guided by a certain paradigm by stating, â€Å"paradigms are patterns of beliefs and practices that regulate inquiry within a discipline by providing lenses, frames and processes through which investigation is accomplished†. Therefore, to clarify the researcher’s structure of inquiry and methodological choices, an exploration of the paradigm adopted for this study will be discussed prior to any discussion about the specific methodologies utilized in this study. This study utilised a triangulation approach to explore and guide the development and evaluation of a clinical forensic nursing educational package. The use of both the qualitative and quantitative methodologies was necessary to encompass the different aspects of forensic science and nursing’s holistic approach to patient care. According to Lynch (2006), providing forensic patient care requires objectivity and neutrality while attending to the various human dimensions of health and well-being. To address the diversity and complexity of such nursing and forensic issues, a mixed methodology was necessary. According to Weaver and Olson (2006), the paradigms most commonly utilised in nursing research are positivist, postpositivist, interpretive, and critical social theory. The quantitative methodology shares its philosophical foundation with the positivist paradigm (Weaver and Olson). The positivist paradigm arose from the philosophy identified as logical positivism and is based on rigid rules of logic and measurement, truth, absolute principles and prediction (Halcomb and Andrew, 2005; Cole, 2006; Weaver and Olson). The positivist philosophy argues that there is one objective reality. Therefore, as a consequence, valid research is demonstrated only by the degree of proof that can be corresponded to the phenomena that study results stand for (Hope and Waterman, 2003). In this study, such rigid principles lend themselves more to the scientific forensic aspects such as scientific knowledge, logic and measurement incorporated into this study (Weaver and Olson, 2006; Lynch, 2006). However, such inflexible beliefs did not have the capacity to accommodate the investigatory aspects of this study that dealt with the social and human experiences. As a result, qualitative methodologies were also incorporated into the research design (see Table 3.1). The qualitative methodology shares its philosophical foundation with the interpretive paradigm which supports the view that there are many truths and multiple realities. This type of paradigm focuses the holistic perspective of the person and environment which is more congruent with the nursing discipline (Weaver and Olson, 2006). Additionally, the interpretive paradigm is associated more with methodological approaches that provide an opportunity for the voice, concerns and practices of research participants to be heard (Cole, 2006; Weaver and Olson). Cole further argues that qualitative researchers are â€Å"more concerned about uncovering knowledge about how people feel and think in the circumstances in which they find themselves, than making judgements about whether those thoughts and feelings are valid†(p. 26). Due to the complex nature of the research study, there was no single paradigm that could satisfactorily deal with all of the required methodological aspects. Therefore, the researcher found it necessary to combine the quantitative/positivist paradigm with the qualitative/interpretive paradigm. The blending of both paradigms provided the researcher with the ability to statistically analyse the scientific data whilst also recognizing the complex psychosocial and emotional factors that influence patient care issues. The discussion that follows will further elaborate and describe in detail how each paradigm and methodological approach was implemented in this study. Research Design In this descriptive study, qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques were used including; semi-structured interviews, chart audits, pre and post-test questionnaires, focus group interviews, and the researcher’s field notes of personal observations and conversations. Additionally, to provide a more complete and multidimensional understanding of the issues, a triangulation methodology design was employed (Taylor, Kermode, and Roberts, 2007). In the section below, the discussion will be divided into two main headings; that of descriptive research and triangulation. Descriptive Research In order for the researcher to gain different perspectives and draw attention to different factors that affect forensic practice in Western Australia, descriptive research methods were employed in this study. According to Polit, Beck, and Hungler (2001, p. 180), descriptive methods are used when the researcher seeks to â€Å"describe, observe, and document a naturally occurring phenomenon which cannot readily be ascribed an objective value†. In other words, descriptive research deals with questions that look to explain what things are like and describe relationships but do not predict relationships between variables or the direction of the relationship. Depending on what is to be described, descriptive research can be very concrete or more abstract (DeVaus, 2002). At a concrete level, data collected is often strongly quantitative in nature (Polit, Beck, and Hungler, 2001). In this study, data will be collected in the form of participant demographics, chart audit data, monitoring of implementation tools, and data collected from the pre and post-test questionnaires. In addition, more abstract descriptive research, in the form of stakeholder interviews, was also included. According to Morse and Richards (2002), qualitative descriptive approaches are extremely helpful because evidence of experience and knowledge can be easily missed when quantitative methods are used. In this study, semi-structured interviews were incorporated into the study design because the researcher believed that open ended questions would be the most efficient way to collect data from stakeholder participants. Open ended questions are thought to allow an individual time and scope to discuss their perception and knowledge (Morse and Richards, 2002). DeVaus (2002) believes that descriptive research can play a key role in highlighting the existence and extent of problems which can stimulate interventions and actions that lead to policy change. The intent of stakeholder interviews was to investigate and describe current forensic practices occurring in Western Australia. According to Taylor, Kerrmode and Roberts (2007), qualitative interviews attempt to â€Å"make meanings†from individual accounts and experiences. Forensic patients are usually treated in partnership by medical and legal professionals (Lynch, 2006). Therefore forensic and healthcare stakeholders who work in the field have the best ability to contribute, enhance links and increase the successful integration of services (Haddow, O’Donnell, and Heaney, 2007). The incorporation of stakeholders in this study was to enhance the understanding of the current issues and experiences confronting forensic and healthcare professionals working with and providing care to forensic patients. Triangulation Multiple triangulation methods were utilised in this descriptive study. Triangulation involves the application and combination of several research methodologies in one study (Schneider, Elliott, Lo-Biondo-Wood, and Haber, 2003; Taylor, Kermode, and Roberts, 2007). There are four common types of triangulation discussed within the literature including: data triangulation that involves time, space, and persons; investigator triangulation which uses multiple observers; theory triangulation that uses more than one theoretical perspective to interpret the study phenomenon; and methodological triangulation that involves using more than one methodological strategy during data collection. According to Halcomb and Andrew (2005), the use of multiple data sources and methods to cross-check and validate findings increase the depth and quality of the results and also provides valuable guidance to nursing practice. Triangulation provides in-depth data, increases the confidence in the research results as well as enables different dimensions of the problem to be considered (Barbour, 2001; Jones and Bugge, 2006). A combination of methods is thought by some to improve the consistency and accuracy of data by providing a more complete picture of the phenomenon (Roberts and Taylor, 2002; Halcomb and Andrew, 2005; Williams, Rittman, Boylstein, Faircloth, and Haijing, 2005; Jones and Bugge, 2006). Morse (1991) cited in Minichiello, Sullivan, Greenwood, and Axford, (1999, p. 258) believes that triangulation is a means by which the researcher is able to â€Å"capture a more complete and holistic portrait of the phenomena under study†. In this study, the researcher employed methodological, data, and unit of analysis triangulation. Each of these aspects of triangulation will be discussed individually below and study examples provided to help illustrate the concepts. Firstly, methodological triangulation will be explored which can be sub-divided into within and across-method triangulation (Schneider, et al., 2003; Halcomb and Andrew, 2005). Methodological triangulation Methodological triangulation, according to Taylor, Kermode, and Roberts (2007), involves using two or more research methods in one study at the level of data collection or design. Across-method triangulation involves combining research strategies usually qualitative and quantitative methods. Such an approach is common in nursing studies (Jones and Bugge, 2006; Halcomb and Andrew, 2005). In this study, for example, data from stakeholders interviews were utilised to reinforce and complement the data from quantitative chart audits because concepts mentioned by the stakeholders were checked during the chart audits. Complementary findings in a study make a more valid contribution to theory and knowledge development, enhance diversity, and enrich the understanding surrounding the study’s objectives and goals (Schneider, et al., 2003; Macnee and McCabe, 2008). Data triangulation Data triangulation can be described as the use of multiple sources of data to obtain differing views about a situation in a single study (Roberts and Taylor, 2002). For example, in this study, data was collected from various interviews, pre and post-test questionnaires and by reviewing nurse participant’s documentation within patient medical records. Multiple data sources help validate the findings by exploring different views of the situation under investigation (Taylor, Kermode, and Roberts, 2007). Data triangulation can be divided into categories of time, space, and person (Roberts and Taylor). Time triangulation involves researchers collecting data at different points in time such as time of day; at different days of the week, or at different months of the year (Rinaldi, Carpenter, and Speziale, 2006). In this study, however, the goal was not to compare participant knowledge between shifts or from one month to the next. 46 Instead, the researcher was interested in evaluating an educational intervention over time. Therefore, for this study, only two types of data triangulation were utilised: space and person. Space triangulation involves the collection of data from multiple sites (Roberts and Taylor, 2002). In this study, for example, data was collected from two hospitals emergency departments. Analysis from both sites helped evaluate the effectiveness of Phase III activities of this research and also increased the validity and strengthened the study (Begley, 1996; Halcomb and Andrew, 2005). Person triangulation implies that data was collected from more than one category of person (Roberts and Taylor, 2002; Taylor, Kermode, and Roberts, 2007). For example, in this study, participants included ED nurses as well as key forensic and healthcare stakeholders. The use of various legal and healthcare professionals provided greater insight into a variety of issues including: hospital administration, staffing, costing concerns; medical practices; Western Australian legal requirements and governmental policies; current evidentiary processes; as well as existing investigatory practices. Such data was utilised to support, supplement, and validate the information gained from published forensic material as well as the research data.
Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leader - Essay Example - one of the most critical of all. During the game, we had been steadily falling further and further behind our opponents, and as their score continued to rise with ours to no avail, the spirit of the team began to drop. It was painfully obvious that the mood was changing from one of hope and passion to that of upset and frustration. I knew that we could not give up, and began to push my team. I tried to raise spirits, and get everyone motivated, using my personal motivation to inspire the others. I knew how critical this game was, and this is what drove me most of all. I knew I had to step it up myself before anyone else would, and so I began playing harder and stronger. I became more aggressive, and my actions wore off on the others; they saw how motivated I was, and how unwilling I was to just give up, and it seemed to give them that enthusiasm which they had needed so crucially. I was actually surprised at how quickly the effects were seen, it was as though immediately the mood changed, and the team began playing better. As an end result, we won at last. A leader is literally considered to be "a person who rules or guides or inspires others." ("Wordnet", n.d.). I believe that on this occasion not only did I rule, guide, and inspire others, but I also earnestly learned what it meant to be a leader.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
My political passport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
My political passport - Essay Example Another thing that would change would be my social life. A stress that I currently do not have would come from the endowments and charitable organizations that would constantly ask me for donations. I am sure that the mega-rich have constant requests from these types of organizations. I would want to use my money for good, but there are so many worthy causes I would not be sure which would be best to give to. For example, I would love to help cure cancer, but which research facility would be best? The only way to know would be to get out and mingle with the people that run these organizations. Instead of watching football on the couch with my buddies, I probably would be spending more time at galas and openings sponsored by these various groups and individuals. I think that one of the biggest differences in my life would be the exposure my wealth would bring to me. Simply because I am rich, people will judge all of my actions in a different light than they would a middle-class guy. I f I would drive myself around in a 1985 Toyota Corolla, the media would probably call me cheap and tacky. If I am driven about in an armor-plated stretch Hummer everywhere, I will be accused of waste and self-importance. It would seem to be easy to simply ignore the attention and focus on my own pleasure. But I know that deep inside; I like to be liked by others. Even though I am in a dominant group in society, I do not know if this is possible for the mega-rich because of the constant media scrutiny of their every move.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
United Nations and Israel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
United Nations and Israel - Research Paper Example The adoption of this Resolution involved 13votes against none however, two countries never participated, and this included China and Iraq (Zunes 24). Resolution 452 by the UNSC This resolution came into existence in July 20 1979 and was concerned with Israeli settlements evident in Golan Heights, Jerusalem, Gaza Strip and West Bank, which, mainly focused on discussing the illegality of these settlements. The resolution further condemns the illegality of the settlements and is in violation of the 4th Geneva Convention that relates to ensuring civilian are protected, in times of War. The resolution further called on Israel to stop the construction of more settlements in the occupied territories; in essence, this resolution was passed by 14 votes, however; there was 1 abstention by the United States (Zunes 24). Resolution 465 by the UNSC This resolution was passed unanimously in March 1st of 1980 in regard to issues that concerned the Israeli settlements and how the territories occupied by the Arab is administrated and which, also included Jerusalem. The Arab territories as discussed in this resolution included areas such as, Gaza Strip where, the Israel state controls. As a result of reflecting on the report regarding Resolution 446 adopted in 1979, the Council criticized Israel for lack of co-operation and highlighted on concerns regarding settlement policy adopted by Israel within the Arab territories which, led to a recall of five resolution and further recalled on Israeli government and its civilians to dismantle illegal settlements. This resolution further c ondemned Israel for its act of issuing a travel ban for Hebron’s Mayor Know as Fahd Qawasma who, was supposed to travel to the Security Council. The Council requested Israel to lift the ban so as to allow the Mayor to present at the United Nations Headquarters. This resolution as adopted in 1980, and gave the commission a mandate to further assess the situation in particular, the occupied territories and monitor how the resolution is being implemented. This resolution further called on countries to avoid providing assistance to Israel and in particular, assistance that was directly channeled to the occupied territories (Gilland 27). Resolution 468 by the UNSC This resolution came into existence in May 8, 1980 following the recall of Geneva Convention. The Council was concerned about the act by Israel to expel Hebron and Halhoul’s Mayor, and the expulsion of Hebron’s Judge concerned with Sharia. This resolution asked Israel to stop enacting illegal measures and a ssist in returning the elected or appointed individuals to resume their duty. The Council further sought the indulgence of the Secretary-General to assist in monitoring and ensuring this resolution is implemented. This resolution sailed through after approval from 14 votes, but the United States did not vote in regard to adopting this resolution (Zunes 26). Resolution 487 by the UNSC Implemented in June 19, 1981 the Council convicted Israel for attacking a nuclear site in Iraq that was approved by the IAEA; therefore, this resolution articulated for a cessation in regard hostile activities. The resolution further approved Iraq’s claim for compensation and implored Israel to accept the IAEA safeguards for its nuclear facilities. In the 70s, Iraq acquired a nuclear reactor that
Friday, July 26, 2019
Ancient Intelligence Techniques in Modern Times Essay
Ancient Intelligence Techniques in Modern Times - Essay Example In order to determine the methods of intelligence gathering that used by ancient states, it can be affirmed that gathering valuable information in order to save a nation from the danger of invasion is an important task. The ancient states such as Romans, Greeks and Mesopotamians among others used various unique methods of intelligence gathering in order to save their respective boundaries or geographical area . The oldest form of gathering information was espionage which can be viewed to be mostly used by the ancient states. It can be apparently observed in this similar concern that this particular method or principle of intelligence gathering is also relevant in this modern day context having enhanced operational procedure along with innovative technological advancements. It has been argued that though espionage is regarded as one of the oldest methods of gathering valuable information, the Romans were not viewed to use this method rather they possessed private network. This private network possessed business associates, slaves, informers and agents among others . Specially mentioning, the Romans used certain symbols such as toga and dagger for the purpose of performing their respective foreign along with domestic policy objectives. However, this method is not relevant today in this modern day context due to the introduction of pioneering technological advancements . The use of transcribed messages having codes by the ancient states can be apparently observed to play a decisive role within the sphere of intelligence gathering... Specially mentioning, the Romans used certain symbols such as toga and dagger for the purpose of performing their respective foreign along with domestic policy objectives. However, this method is not relevant today in this modern day context due to the introduction of pioneering technological advancements4. The use of transcribed messages having codes by the ancient states can be apparently observed to play a decisive role within the sphere of intelligence gathering. Moreover, the ancient states often used signals such as flashlight as one of the methods of intelligence gathering5. Usage of Past Methods and Experiences in Modern Situations The intelligence techniques that were used earlier have by the ancient states have their relevance in the modern day context by a certain degree. In this regard, one of the methods i.e. human intelligence which had been used by the ancient states has its importance even today that can be used in modern situations. This can be justified with referen ce to the fact that the quality of intelligence techniques has improved due to broader adoption along with execution of advanced electronic signals resulting in gathering valuable information effectively. The technical advancements eventually made the technique to deal with modern situations along with circumstances wherein the conduct of terrorist activities is quite prevalent. The present method of human intelligence incorporates certain fundamental aspects such as pointing, collecting of data, data analysis of data and broadcasting the information to users that raises its standard and thus used in modern situations4. In order to safeguard any country and most vitally to avoid internal spying, the technique concerning human intelligence has to keep a track of its own
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Employment Law--Whitakers Fine Wines Limited Essay
Employment Law--Whitakers Fine Wines Limited - Essay Example Some of these mistakes include are discussed herein. Principle and application of law relating to Adam’s employment At the time of his inclusion into the firm, Adam had his job specifically spelled out for him. His job entailed overseeing general sales as a manager. This he has done effectively and is yielding positive returns. According to the Employment Rights Act 1996, before taking up a job, one is normally briefed on his or her scope of operation which to Adam was the state of Surrey. When the sales manager for the Hampshire area eventually falls sick and is not therefore able to respond to his official duties, the company must find a replacement as soon as possible and ensure that the interests of the company are upheld. Some of the known ways of filling such vacancies have been through appointing an assistant to the victim to take over his position or to request assistance from another employee of equal rank. The firm opted for the later but failed to realise that in su ch a circumstance, the solicited services are offered on an interim basis which should not always last more than three weeks (Kidner, 2013). When Collins fails to return to work by the third month, the firm ought to have found a permanent solution to his truancy (United Bank Ltd v. Akhtar [1989] IRLR 507). Adam, being a dedicated employee, does both the tasks diligently despite the fact that he is overwhelmed. When he can bear the strain no longer, he lodges a formal complaint with his bosses. This was a formal and an expected way of handling such issues. His bosses assure him that they will look into the matter and find an amicable solution sooner; this assurance however, is given verbally by an immediate boss. This, according to the Equality Act 2010, is a clear show that the firm treats its employees with a lot of negligence. An employee communicates officially with his employers over very pertinent issues of production and the best the firm does is to device mechanisms of avoidi ng claims by merely failing to respond to the letters sent to them and the responsible officer is left to give an unbinding verbal communication in response. Adam eventually develops a life threatening condition from his employment. Given the nature of the disease, it is clear that he developed it out of the frustrations he experienced out of his work place. In case of a court case, it will be very difficult to exonerate the firm since it is clear that the firm bears all the claims. After admitting responsibility of the above faults, the firm should send a formal invitation to Adam expressing regret in the maltreatment he underwent and offer him an opportunity for talks. The receipt of this letter may prompt Adam to take the case to court since it will be evidence of the laxity shown to him by his employers and an admission of culpability. Conclusion The company has shown a lot of laxity in handling its employees. Issues affecting employees is not amicably looked into and the level of negligence specifically shown to Adam’s case is unacceptable. The company risks facing serious industrial actions should the case be filed in a court of law. The firm must therefore carry out very prudent restructuring strategies to try and convince its employees that in deed it holds their interests at heart and avert any legal tussle. On Adam’s case, a great deal of mistake has taken place, the
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Global Warming and Temperature Increase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Warming and Temperature Increase - Essay Example Situation Average global temperature is the widely applied measure for global warming and time series data has been used to demonstrate the state of global warming and its reality as a threat to the world. Temperature measures, traced by different reliable and independent institutions suggest a significant and consistent increase in global temperatures, at least in the past five decades. Even though temperature variations had previously been reported, the past half-century has reported an anomaly that raises concerns. With the temperatures between the years 1961 and 1990 as the basis, relative temperature changes before the year 1950 were negative as compared to changes in the post-1950 era. Relative change averaged between -0.20c and -0.40c with a notable exemption towards the year 1879 in which the relative anomaly went above 00c. The temperature change had however been gradual, with average oscillations along the increasing pattern, and decreased thereafter for two decades. Though the change in relative anomaly later increased, the increase was not as significant as the current state. By the year 1950, the average anomaly was reported bellow 00c and has since risen, with a consistent trend, to about 0.60c. The constant pattern in the increment in the past six decades establishes the significance of global warming and even though historical trends suggest a cyclical pattern, a climax and time for such a climax have not been predicted and the general temperature rise is expected to continue. The temperature changes have also been realized in the arctic regions that are known for their extremely cold temperatures (American Institute of Physics 2013, p. 1). Empirical studies on causes of global warming suggest human activities, as opposed to natural changes, as causes of global warming. In a time series data on temperature anomaly by cause, whether caused by human activities or non-human activities, the two activities reported averagely similar degrees of contri bution to temperature anomaly before the second half of the 20th century. Effects of the two categories of phenomena had equivalent magnitudes until the year 1950 when the effects of human activities dominated effects of non-human activities in influencing positive temperature change. While the effects of non-human sources of temperature anomaly have remained constant, over the past century, being fairly bellow 00c, effects of human activities have gained significance and constantly increased to explain about 0.60c temperature anomaly. This accounts for almost 100 percent of total anomaly and suggests that human activities into the emission of greenhouse gases could be the significant cause of the global warming that has become significant in the past half-century (Lindsey 2010, p. 1). Problem Climate change due to global warming has induced diversified impact on the environment and adverse secondary effects on people’s lives. Melting of polar ice caps is one of the significa nt consequences of global warming and means mass conversion of ice into water and a consequent down flow of the water towards adverse consequences of floods and destruction of properties in the affected regions.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Explain the basic principles of MR image production Essay - 2
Explain the basic principles of MR image production - Essay Example MRI is the safest imaging clinical imaging technique that is used for a variety of medical purposes like differentiating between normal and pathological tissues for diagnosis and tracking dynamic changes in tissue properties over time. Magnetism is physical phenomenon in which materials and moving charged particles can attract or repel other materials or moving charged particles (Ballinger, Intro to MRI, 1998). Magnetism results from moving electric charges or intrinsic spin moments of electrons or nucleis. Spin is a quantum mechanical property. This means that the available spin energy levels are constrained to specific, discrete values. A spin 1/2 particle has only two possible spin states: spin up (+ 1/2) or spin down (- 1/2). The magnetic moment is aligned with the spin. The spin-up and spin-down states are described as being equal in energy, or degenerate. However, if another magnetic field is introduced, the spin-up and spin-down states will be no longer equal in energy. The energy difference introduced by applying the external magnetic field is known as the Zeeman splitting (van Geuns, 1999). This effect is very important in such applications as magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetism can be classified as par amagnetism, diamagnetism, ferromagnetism, and antiferromagnetism (Ballinger, Intro to MRI, 1998). Having microscopic magnetization, protons within a magnetic field produce wobbling as they spin. The rate of this wobbling or precession constitutes resonance or Larmor frequency (Intro to MRI). The application of a radio frequency pulse at the Larmor frequency causes a change in the distribution of spins with respect to their energy state and precessional phase coherence (Rodr ´Ã„ ±guez, 2003). Practically, it means that If individual nuclei is exposed to RF radiation at the Larmor frequency, nuclei in the lower energy state jumps to the higher energy state (Intro to MRI). Upon
Jus 201Milestone 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jus 201Milestone 1 - Essay Example In solving such a case, it calls for conduction on the thorough investigations on the matter which will not only investigators make progress towards arresting perpetrators, but also for the purpose of aiding victims and preparing for prosecution. Hence, it is important to keep a comprehensive and systematized case files to make sure that it is possible later to tell a comprehensive and logical story about the crime and the suspect’s engrossment (Haines, 1980). First, I would conduct an interview with the victims by asking the most basic questions about the bombing, recording all the first-hand reactions. This will include obtaining confession from eyewitnesses at the scene. Also, it will call for reviewing street cameras or security camera footage of cameras installed in the near premises facing the scene. After that, I would review details provided in the initial interview with the victims familiarizing myself with the facts reported. This will also help determine that the facts meet the features of the crime classification and help resolve what information is required from the victim in the next interview (Geberth, 1986) Conducting a follow up interview will determine whether the facts have changed, or new facts have been learned by the victim. This will also present an opportunity for the victim to clarify any information in the initial report that is not clear. At this point, I will be able to determine the true nature of the bombing and whether there are other incidences involved before setting out on analyzing the information at hand. Based upon the known facts obtained from the site of the bombing, analysis will include examining photographs from the traffic cameras, running fingerprint match from fingerprints collected from the scene, examining photographs of taken from the scene trying to figure out the motive of the perpetrator who can be identified through eyewitness testimony, through circumstantial evidence or
Monday, July 22, 2019
Aeromodel Guidelines Essay Example for Free
Aeromodel Guidelines Essay Since the dihedral angles vary from model to model, bend the wing upward until the angle is identical to the angle indicated in the assembly instructions for the particular model When gluing the main wing and horizontal stabilizer to the fuselage, make sure that the center line is properly aligned lengthwise with the center of the fuselage. You will find that if you glue the stabilizer onto the fuselage before gluing the main wing onto the fuselage, assembly will be much easier. the Challenge Ahead! Meeting SAEINDIA Student Activities Student Convention Enjoy Learn and align with Curriculum September 2008 Paper Wings Guidelines The importance of gluing the main wing firmly to the fuselage cannot be overemphasized. In order not to leave any gap between the main wing and the body, press down firmly on the center of the main wing about 5 – 6 minutes after gluing. After gluing the main wing and stabilizer onto the fuselage, let it dry thoroughly for 3 – 4 hours. Finishing Touches To make a truly high performance plane, it is important that the cross section of the main wing be curved in such a fashion as to minimize drag, or air resistance, and maximize lift, the upward draft of air. To make the proper curve, bend the main wing slightly in the manner shown in the figure (this is called cambering the wing). This shape is necessary for top performance. Use the figure on the right as a guide to give an appropriate camber to the main wing. The maximum camber point should be between a distance of 30% and 40% from the front edge of the main wing. Only the main wing is to be cambered. The stabilizer should be left flat. Placing the dihedral angle gauge on the middle of the wing, once again make sure that the dihedral angle is the required one. To test to see if the center of gravity is properly aligned or not, take an open pair of scissors or tweezers and balance the plain on the two tips at the mark as shown in the figure. All the planes in the Heritage series are designed to have the center of gravity located at the mark. In some cases, however, due to an excess of glue or lacquer on the plane, your may find that the center of gravity is not properly located at the mark. When this the Challenge Ahead! Meeting SAEINDIA Student Activities SAE Page 6 of 31 SAEINDIA SAE Student Convention Enjoy Learn and align with Curriculum September 2008 Paper Wings Guidelines Happens, it becomes necessary to add some additional weight. To do so, attach a small scrap of the remaining white wings paper lightly to either side of the plane nose or the rear of the fuselage and secure it temporarily with a small amount of glue. Vary the position or size of the attached paper until the center of gravity is located properly and then glue the attached paper firmly to the fuselage. The center of gravity should be located within 1 mm (1/24†) of the mark. If your paper plane is coated with lacquer, it will become water resistant. Therefore when it lands on wet grass, if you quickly wipe the water off with a soft cloth, you are ready for another flight for preserving the beauty of the white paper, clear lacquer is good, but if your want your plane to be a different colour, your can use colored lacquer. It doesn’t matter whether you spray it on or paint it on with a brush, but in order to keep the plane light and preserve its balance and center of gravity, be careful to coat the plane as thinly and evenly as possible. 2. Flight Instructions One of the secrets of flying a paper plane well is to view the plane closely from ahead on position and straighter out all warps, bends or twists with your fingers. Inspect your plane thoroughly from the front: (1) Is the fuselage bent? (2) Are both the right and left main wings straight, perfectly matched and are both inclined at the same angle? (3) Is the horizontal stabilizer warped or bent? (4) Is the vertical stabilizer warped or bent? the Challenge Ahead!
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Cause and Consequences of the Great Recession
Cause and Consequences of the Great Recession 1.0 Introduction There was a recession in the United States (US) at the end of 2007 (Verick and Islam 2010). McKean (2010) noted that a healthy economy will proceed into a period of high growth, slow growth or no growth. Power (1996) commented that the economy is needed to be contracting and expanding in order for the economy to be healthy. When the contracting period has last for a long period of time (such as at least two consecutive quarters of a year or 6 months in a row), the economy is considered as a recession (Arnold 2008; Brainard and Perry 2001). According to National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) (2010), recession was defined as a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real gross domestic product (GDP), real income, employment, industrial production and wholesale-retail sales. According to Wang (2009), the US recession has leaded to a global financial crisis shattering businesses and consumers confidence in many countries such as in European Union, China, Japan and Asia countries. As a result, it has been named as the Great Recession which has caused financial meltdown in the US and was spread out quickly affecting almost every corner of the world (Kurki et al 2009). The great recession was seen as the worst economic downturn since the great depression that the world was in recession after World War II (Wang 2009; Verick and Islam 2010). According to economists, this episode of great recession was resulted from a sudden busting of house bubble in US, where the house bubble was caused by rapid growth of improper regulation on sub-prime mortgages (Merriam 2009; Wang 2009; Whitney 2007). This episode of great recession have proven and shown the accuracy of Greenspan prediction who was the former Federal Reserve Chairman predicting that US has one-third probability getting into recession at the end of 2007 (Torres 2007). In order to have a better understanding on the great recession, causes and consequences of this recession will be analysed at the following chapters. 2.0 Causes of the Great Recession Apparently, US was faced many severe problems including banks on the verge of bankruptcy, high record levels of public debt, a falling stock market, a plummeting dollar, frozen money markets and imminent threat of a recession (Lyons 2009; Stiglitz 2010; Taylor 2009). According to Verick and Islam (2010), the global financial crisis was greatly affected by global imbalances, perceptions of risks, interest rates, and regulation of the financial system (Figure 1). With references to the Figure 1, causes of the great recession was summarised as below: 2.1 Housing Crash US housing market are a major determinant of consumers spending and rate of economic growth (Congressional Budget Office 2007). There are various factors affecting house price to rise much faster than consumer incomes, and thus it was created overvalued assets (Eklavya 2008). Taylor (2008) noted that US house prices were raised rapidly until 2006 and experienced a fall of house prices after the boom. Figure 2 shows the trend for house price for 1991 to 2007. When house prices fall to correct the imbalance, it had a significant impact on consumers spending where people cannot remortgage to obtain extra capital for spending (Taylor 2008). 2.1.1 Subprime Mortgages Burst According to Eklavya (2008), there was no regulation of subprime mortgages where the mortgage industry was able to sell mortgages without considering whether the buyers could pay back. Global research (2009) was estimated the value of US subprime mortgages at $1.3 trillion on March 2007, but there was over 7.5 million first-lien subprime mortgages outstanding. It was because the subprime mortgage was spiked to nearly 20% of all mortgage originations during the peak of US housing bubble (Smith 2007). In figure 3, it shows that subprime mortgage was expanded significantly during the period of 2004 to 2006. The huge majority of the subprime mortgages were caused massive foreclosures, and thus it was greatly affected the institutions and independent mortgage brokers which were not covered by the Community Reinvestment Act (Pressman 2008). Thus, it was indirectly affected a slow growth or even started to fall on consumer spending and investment (Taylor 2009). 2.1.2 Low Interest Rate Economists commented that US monetary authorities had adjusted the interest rates at unprecedented levels which created a debt-finance consumption boom leading the way in boosting housing bubble (Taylor 2009; Eklavya 2008; Kurki et al 2009). Similarly, some economists argued that interest rates in the US were stayed too low for too long and even stood at just 1 per cent in 2003 and 2004 which activated the great recession (Figure 4) (Elmendorf 2007; Taylor 2009; Verick and Islam 2010). Verick and Islam (2010) criticized that the monetary policy in US was failed to tackle the overvalued asset bubble, and at the same time contributed to the rapid growth in subprime mortgages. 2.2 Credit Crunch McHugh (2007) commented that high subprime mortgage defaults in US had caused credit crunch which referred to a sudden shortage of funds resulting a decline in loans available. According to Bloom (2008), many investment banks and commercial banks were faced huge losses due to the risky mortgage loans. Therefore, banks were reluctant to lend money to anyone and even to other banks leading a shortage of funds in the money markets (Smith 2007; Verick and Islam 2010). Whalen (2007) commented that the shortage of liquidity in the finance sector had caused borrowing to be more difficult and more expensive which had leaded to a lower consumer spending and investment. 2.3 Budget Deficit and National Debt According to GAO (2009), the US national debt was stood at 65% of GDP for 2007 and it was even worst when pension liabilities were included. With such a large deficit, US government had less room for expansionary fiscal policy because demographics worked against fiscal stability and the stage of economic cycle worsened the deficit (Auerbach 2009). Kurki et al (2009) noted that the deficit has caused difficulties in attracting capital flow because Asian investors who were aware of the US deficit had slowed down the capital flow to US and contributed to devaluing dollar. Thus, it indicated that there is a fundamental imbalance between domestic production and consumption which had become a constraint for future economic growth (Auerbach 2009). 2.4 Devaluation of Dollar According to basic economic theory, a decrease in exchange rates will eventually help to increase exports and stimulate growth in the export sector (Grant and Vidler 2003). However, the depreciating dollar had contributed to cost-push inflation and declining in living standards where consumer goods were more expensive leading to lower spending power of individuals (Bloomberg 2010). Bloomberg (2010) argued that decline in dollar was resulted US to become less competitive compared to its trading partners. 3.0 Consequences of Great Recession Since US went into recession at the end of 2007, it had caused a crisis on economies across the world (Verick and Islam 2010). According to Taylor (2008), middle-incomes countries (especially in Central and Eastern Europe, and the Commomwealth of Independent States) were severely affected (Figure 5), where as low-income countries such as Uganda and Ethiopia were able to grow strongly despite the downturn (Figure 6). Verick and Islam (2010) noted that although most low-income countries have evaded from recession, these countries had experienced a slow growth in economy due to the negative implications for poverty. Lockstein (2010) argued that, in overall, the smaller and more open economies countries had been hit stronger, whereas the larger emerging economies countries could be survived by the supporting from domestic demand and government spending. It had been noted that China and India were able to recover faster from the great recession (Taylor 2009; Verick and Islam 2010). Llaudes, Salman and Chivakul (2010) commented that the great recession had caused various impacts to different countries. Thus, an analytical study on the consequences of great recession towards US and India have stated as below: 3.1 The United States According to Gulzar (2010), the great recession had caused a great impact on US labour market. Laibson (2010) noted that although government had adjusted the inflation rate causing the economy grew 2.2% in 2009 Q3, 5.6% in 2009 Q4, and 2.7% in 2010 Q1, the unemployment rate had stubbornly remained high. The unemployment rate had risen from 9.5% in June 2009 to 10.1% in October 2009, before it felt back to 9.5% in June 2010 (Laibson 2010). Altig (2010) commented that the disconnection between the demand and supply of workers which was reflected in statistics such as the hiring rate, the layoff rate, and the unemployment rate can be expressed by the Beveridge curve (Figure 7). Altig (2010) argued that, with the given average number of job opening in April and May, the unemployed were expected about 10.4 million instead of 15 million as stated in Figure 7. Some analysts have commented that the unemployment benefits policies should responsible for abnormally high unemployment rates (Altig 2010; Gulzar 2010; Verick and Islam 2010). Valletta and Kuang (2010) estimated that extended unemployment benefits may have increased between 0.4% and 1.7% of unemployment rate. Krugman (2010) argued that there is a strong tendency of high unemployment to become permanent because those who have out of work for a long enough periods have become less productive and less competitive in the job market. Ball (cited in Krugman 2010) prompted a problem that high unemployment tend to increase the level of structural unemployment, if there is a weak policy, thus inflation will increase much higher unemployment rates than before. 3.2 India During great recession, India economy was turning down because of Indian companies with big tickets dealing in the US were seeing their profits margin shrinking, and majority of Indian companies have major outsourcing deals with US (Malik and Pandit 2010). According to Alex and Kumar (2009), Indias merchandise has been exported to ASEAN (52%), followed by the EU27 (21%), and the US (13%). However, Malik and Pandit (2010) noted that the global crisis has caused the USs share felt to 11% (March 2009), which was even lower than the United Arab Emirates (13%) (Figure 8). Figure 9 shows that all of the products (except gems and jewellery) were experienced a major contraction during the great recession: petroleum and crude products have the largest contraction (about 45%), whereas agriculture and allied products contracted by 28%, engineering goods exports by 22%, chemical and related products by 9%, and textiles by only 2% (Alex and Kumar 2009). Besides, Indias financial market was hit badly from the great recession where share market was fall, rupee was weakening again dollars, and banks were faced severe cash crunch resulting in shortage of liquidity in the market (Eklavya 2008). Due to Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) were the main investors for India, the investors (majority based in US and Europe) had withdrawal their money from Indian Stock Markets to meet their liabilities at their home countries (Mohanty 2009). Alex and Kumar (2009) commented that rupee was lost its strength against dollar when FIIs converted their invested money into dollars. However, India was able to recover faster from the great recession due to Indian Banks were escaped from the ill-effects of subprime mortgage crisis where major Public Sector Banks exercising extremely caution in giving loans to needy people or companies (Eklavya 2008). 4.0 Conclusion In the age of globalisation, every country is affected by the fluctuations of world economy where no country can remains isolated (Eklavya 2008). Thus, great recession has caused a vast impact to the world such as fall in demands, shortage of cash, decreasing growth rate, and high unemployment rate (Taylor 2008; Verick and Islam 2010). On the other hand, recession can help to transform country or businesss outlook for the future (Kurki et al 2009). Although the recession has turned down the growth process, it helps to generate ideas and strategies stimulating the economic growth and maintaining stability of the market in order to become more competitive in the world.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Evaluating a Website for Credibility
Evaluating a Website for Credibility Introduction The website selected to be discussed in this paper is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC- CDC is the national health system that promotes health systems, research data, new onset of research, safety of the general population, and other life-threatening issues that can lead to death. The CDC operates the Department of Health and Human Services Purpose of the website It is the main online information channel for users, and it has credible, reliable health information on data and statistics, diseases, injury, work place safety, environmental health, traveler’s information and pertinent issues. The website is intended to provide valuable health and safety information to individuals about health, public health professionals, healthcare providers, researchers, policy makers, media, students, and educators (CDC 2014). Search Engine The search engine used to locate the website is the internet explorer. The domain of the website retrieved is (CDC, 2014). Rationale The reason why this website aroused this writers attention is the due its long history as a premier leader in advocating for public health issues, health promotion, prevention and alertness agencies. The site provides information relevant for family members, health professionals, immunizations, travelers, researchers, various communities and many others. This writer can clearly apply information in the practice setting and also recommend it to patients. The URL identified for the site is (CDC, 2014). Authority about the Website The website is the official government site operating under the Department of Health and Human Services, and one of its goal is to serve users with accurate, peer review and current scientific findings. The United States’ Office of Management and Budget sets the guidelines and standards for peer review. The organization has strict standards to ensure accurate and reliable research and information. The website list the credentials of the authors on the information on the articles retrieved (CDC, 2014). Information about the Website The CDC’s website has in place of information quality guidelines in order to maintain and provide users with high quality information. The Office and the Associate director of Science (OADS) and the Office of Scientific integrity focuses on implementing these guidelines, laws, policies related to the quality, integrity, ethics and morals of the science at CDC .The information on the site is revised and regularly updated with current research and peer reviewed information (CDC, 2014). Objectivity of the Website As aforementioned, CDC website is a government sponsored site and is part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The OADS establishes the guidelines and endorses peer review practices to ensure that funding for research and projects are based on fair, unbiased, and transparent review process. The organization aims to get an objective evaluation of scientific information from fellow scientists (CDC, 2014). Ease of Navigation The website is user friendly and easily navigated .The newly designed website is very friendly to those who are not technologically savvy, quick to download and has printer-friendly information easily accessible to those who need to print. Patients can print out such documents and discuss with their physician or they can use the information personally. This government site is regulated by several policies. Few of the policies noted are Plain policy Act and the Rehabilitation Act as a federal agency. These policies ensure that browsers can read and understand information and that the information is accessible to all people of any disability (CDC, 2014). Privacy and Security Policies The CDC site is regulated by the U.S government and protected by Title 18 of the U.S Code, web privacy policy and the HIPPA law. Unauthorized attempt to change information on the website may be dealt with the law of the land. The site is committed to maintaining the privacy of user’s information with respect to collection, use and disclosure of personally information. The site does not request personal identifiable information before browsing; however it does collect information about viewer’s time date of visit and pages reviewed. The data collected is for a short period and helps the site to collectively measure the number of visitors and improve the performance and experience. This government website does not disclose, give and sell any personal information about visitors unless required by law. Information provided to the site will not be given to third parties or private organizations. The website provides its users with unbiased, quality credible, peer reviewed in formation (CDC, 2014). Empirical evidence The CDC website is credible and recommendable to individuals, patients and professional about the health, environment, traveling, or simply to educate one’s self. One article retrieved from the site reviewed persistent decline in depression treatment after FDA issued a warning about the risk of suicide for pediatric patients taking antidepressants. The studying findings reported that physician visits did not increase there was also a large roll over to the adult population which was not the target of cautioning. The study recommended new policies to track the unintended consequences of reduced depression treatment (Libby, Orton, Valuck 2009). The second article reviewed antimicrobial resistant pathogens associated with healthcare associated infections (HAIs) reported to the National Safety Network (NHSN) from 2009 -2010. The study surveyed the use of antimicrobials and the effectiveness and the results indicated that studies of the nature are very important and beneficial t o the nursing profession. Summary The centers for disease and control provides very valuable resource to the nursing profession and it helps nurses with evidenced based information, data analysis and as a resource to nurses. First nurses are able to have enough access to any health care information and data that will help them with evidence based research and the practicability of the profession. Nursing research has developed over the years and based on the research today, nurses have stopped unhealthy practices and the use of standard precautions has been very beneficial to nurses. Hand washing for instance has saved lives and the use of antibiotic soaps have reduced the rate of infections drastically. Also, the use of the data from the CDC website is an important resource for nurse educators and researchers. The information gathered on this website is valuable tool that nursing researchers can use for comparative studies and educators can also use it for instructional purposes. Another important fact is that the C DC website has lifesaving information that nurses can refer to during major disasters. Through the department of health and human services nurses have access to a wide range of vital statistics. In conclusion, the CDC website has been very beneficial to nurses and the general health care profession due to the accessibility to credible data and the enormous services offered to the entire population through research findings. References Libby, A. M., Orton, H. D., Valuck, R. J. (2009). Persisting decline in depression treatment after FDA warnings. Archives of general psychiatry, 66(6), 633-639 doi:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2009.46. Sievert, D. M., Ricks, P., Edwards, J. R., Schneider, A., Patel, J., Srinivasan, A. Fridkin, S. (2013). Antimicrobial-resistant pathogens associated with healthcare-associated infections: summary of data reported to the National Healthcare Safety Network at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009–2010. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 34(1), 1-14 DOI: 10.1086/668770
The Tragedy of Human Nature in Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
The Tragedy of Human Nature in Othello     In the tragedy Othello, Shakespeare creates a mood that challenges the way a person sees his or her self and the world. Subjects like racism, sexism, love, hate, jealously, pride, and trickery are thoroughly developed in the play of Othello to enable the audience to view the characters and also themselves. The Shakespearean tragedy of Othello was written in a time of great racial tensions in England. According to Eldred Jones, in 1600 just three years before Othello was written, Queen Elizabeth proclaimed an Edict for the Transportation of all "negars and blackmoores" out of the country ("Othello- An Interpretation" Critical Essays 39). It is in this atmosphere that Shakespeare began the masterpiece of Othello, a drama about a noble black Arab general, Othello, who falls in love with and marries, Desdemona, a young white daughter of a senator. From the above knowledge one may conclude that Shakespeare wrote Othello to express that all people, of all ethnicity, are ba sically the same in human nature. Shakespeare borrowed the idea of Othello from an Italian love story by Giraldi Cinthio. However, Shakespeare focuses more on the differences in color and age between Othello and Desdemona than Cinthio. Shakespeare does this to escalate Othello’s isolation from the rest of Venetian society and to display Othello’s vulnerability due to his color. In the tragedy not only is Othello susceptible to weaknesses but so is every major character . The tragedy reminds humans that even one’s good nature can be taken advantage of for the worse. The drama Othello expresses, through relationships and emotional attitudes, a theme that all humans are vulnerable to destruction even if they are in positions of power and glory. All the relationships in the play are used to demonstrate the vulnerability of people when involved personally with other people. Each of the relationships in Othello portrays insecurities in each person, except Iago. In fact, all of the relationships with one character, Iago, are focused around him and his devilish plot for the demise of Othello. However, most of the relationships in Othello bring about unintentional frustrations and vulnerabilities. The marriages in Othello are the most important relationships in conferring vulnerability because they bring out the best hopes and attitudes, and the worst fears and emotions in each character. Shakespeare, in designing Othello’s marriage to Desdemona, shows that although one can truly love a person, the need for human control can destroy any relationship causing heartbreak and turmoil.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Plato on the Existence of Negative Forms Essay -- Plato Philosophy Neg
Plato on the Existence of Negative Forms The question of the origin and nature of evil in the world has preoccupied philosophers throughout history. The ancient philosopher Plato does not directly address this question in his writings, but it can be argued that the logic of his theory of forms demands the existence of forms that are negative in meaning, such as the evil and the bad. When discussing his theory of imitation, Plato alludes to the principle that whenever there are many things of the same nature, there is one form for that nature. In several passages, Plato makes mention of many negative things. It can be debated, however, whether or not the negative has a positive ontological character of its own for which there can be a form. The several senses in which an object can be considered negative must first be distinguished before the texts of Plato can be analyzed. It will be shown that, although Plato makes references in the Republic to a common nature amongst many negative things, the supposition of a negative form is not in harmony with the hierarchal structure of forms that depends on the good, which is also presented in the Republic. A solution to this problem will be presented and analyzed. In order to understand why it is argued that negative forms must exist according to Plato's logic, one must first understand the meaning of form for Plato. Plato thinks that forms are separate and eternal entities that exist apart from the sensible world. Plato thinks that objects in the sensible world imitate a particular form and that form makes them what they are. Plato writes, "As you know, we customarily hypothesize a single form in connection with each of the many things to which w... ...rendon Press), 167-9. [4] Ross, 168. [5] Ross, 168. [6] Plato, Statesman, trans. Seth Benardete (Chicage: University of Chicago Press, 1986), 262 d. [7] Plato, Republic, 491 d 3. [8] Plato, Republic, 608 e 3. [9] Plato, Republic, 609 a 4-7. [10] Plato, Republic, 610 b 4-6. [11] Plato, Republic, 382 b. [12] Plato, Republic, 476 a. [13] Plato, Republic, 507 b 10-11. [14] Plato, Republic, 509 b 11-c. [15] Plato, Republic, 508 c-e. [16] Plato, Republic, 508 b ? 509 a 3. [17] Plato, Republic, 509 b 7 - 7 [18] Plato, Republic, 379 a 6 - c. [19] I.M. Crombie, An Examination of Plato?s Doctrines: Plato on Knowledge and Reality (New York: The Humanities Press), 283. [20] Crombie, 283. [21] Crombie, 284. [22] Plato, Statesman, 262 d. [23] Ross, 169. [24] Plato, Republic, 491 d 3. [25] Crombie, 284.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Front Office Operations
Front office and guest safety and security Security Issues â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Security encompasses areas such as security of the property itself, company assets, employees' and customers' personal belongings and valuables, life security, personal security etc. In all workplaces management stipulates that it is not responsible for valuables and employees personal belongings (their handbags, items kept in the personal lockers, etc. . Yet management must take all possible measures to prevent theft among employees and of employee belongings through its hiring practices and through the implementation of effective management, human resources and operational policies, such as:  †¢ Background checks of selected applicants †¢ Policies related to employees' entry to, and exit from, the workplace †¢ Spot checks of locker rooms and lockers Effective supervision and control during the work cycle †¢ Policies related to the discovery of criminal records and wrongdoing among, and by,  employees †¢ Control of people entering and exiting the workplace With regard to guest valuables, management informs guests that the hotel is not responsible for valuables left in the room, advising them to secure these in safety deposit boxes provided by the hotel.Besides taking care of security issues related to the people they employ (as outlined above), management must undertake some necessary measures, among which: †¢ Providing â€Å"secure†(safety) deposit boxes and areas to keep valuables †¢ Policies and practices to ensure the security of these boxes and areas †¢ Management and operational policies regarding the security of guest rooms †¢ Management and operational policies regarding the security of public areas †¢ Security policies and practices for the back-of-the-house areas †¢ Employment and training of security personnel Policies and practices to minimize the â€Å"presenceâ € and â€Å"patronage†of  â€Å"shady characters†and criminals, verification of registration and check-in personal data and documentation submitted, and curtailing free movement of unknowns on the premises, as well as direct, free flowing communication with local, national and international security authorities) †¢ Training of staff in guest and valuable security †¢ Effective supervision and control procedures. Some of the security measures taken by hotels: | |Key Card Locks: | |While key card locks on guest rooms are quickly becoming the standard, some hotels still don't take advantage of the added safety | |provided to guests. | |Guest room locking systems these days include punch and magnetic key cards which have locks with flash memory and other productivity | |linked functions. The system can directly be linked with PMS. |Security Guards: | |Most hotels do not have security guards while some employ them only at night. At Best Western Sterl ing Inn, we have our own staff of | |trained security guards working 24-hours every day to provide the best in safety and security for our guests | |Defibrillation Units: | |A life saving device in case of heart attacks, defibrillation units are starting to be deployed among police and emergency personnel | |across the nation. |Security Cameras: | |Few Hotels have security cameras with digital technology, intelligent access central system, software interface with CCTV for matching| |undesirable visitors and criminals, interfacing with motion detectors, pocket lie detectors and spy cameras and use of biometric | |readers like hand key reader or face recognition system etc. |Fire Alarms: | |While most hotels now have smoke detectors and fire alarms, Some hotels have a state of the art alarm system with smoke detectors in | |each guest room and throughout the entire complex that is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days per week that pinpoints the exact point of | |the alarm allowing our s ecurity staff to respond immediately to the area of any alarm condition. |Emergency Power: | |Very few hotels have any provision for emergency power in case of an electrical outage while a few hotels provide limited emergency | |stand-by power to provide elevator service and some lighting. Some hotels has a 2-Megawatt stand-by generator that provides 100% | |emergency power that can provide uninterrupted guest service during a power outage. |Emergency Manual: | |Hotels maintain an emergency manual, detailing operations in the event of a variety of emergencies. | |Employee Photo ID: | |For added security, some hotels have employees wearing a photo ID nametag allowing quick identification. |In-Room Safes: | |In addition to the safety deposit boxes offered by most hotels at the front desks, Some hotels provide in-room guest safes capable of | |holding a lap-top computer that use the guest's own credit card as the key. | |Guest elevators: | |Elevators may also be interfaced with a ro om electronic locking system, where swiping the room card key takes the guest to the floor | |on which he is staying. | Bomb threat security:Precautions and measures that may be taken in the above case: 1. Security nets and body searches for guests not known to the staff. 2. Banqueting suites and other non-public areas should be security checked and locked after use 3. Goods received and bags should be checked and kept tidy. 4. If a bomb threat is received via telephone, the telephonist should note carefully what exactly is said, the time of the call received the accent of the caller and background noise if any. After the alert the GM should stay put in the lobby where he can be reached easily. . Duties and responsibility of staff during an emergency should be well-defined. 6. The hotel should work closely with the police to keep them updated. 7. Chamber maids and HK supervisors should be trained to conduct security checks in the guest rooms. Security measures for women travelers -M irrored walls of the guestroom floor elevators so that you can see who is walking behind you -Well-lit public areas such a s lobby bars -Valet parking services to avoid the need o a woman to enter the parking lot -Assigning rooms closer to the elevator If a woman traveler is not assigned a room on the special executive floor , hotels most often on request, upgrade her accommodation to that floor without an increase in room rate. The floor is staffed almost 24 hours a day with a concierge IMPORTANCE OF A SECURITY SYSTEM The guest, who comes to a particular hotel, comes with an understanding that he and his belongings both will be safe and secure during his stay at the hotel. At the same time it is also quite important that the hotel staff and assets are protected and secure.Hence it is very important to have a proper security system in place to protect staff, guests and physical resources and assets such as equipment, appliances buildings, gardens of the hotel and also the belongings of the guest. The management must take care that the security and safety systems cover the following areas: ? Guest: Protection from crimes such as murder, abduction and health hazards from outsiders, hotel staff, pests, food poisoning etc. ? Staff: Providing staff lockers, insurances, health schemes, provident funds etc.Protective clothing, shoes, fire fighting drills, supply of clean drinking water use of aqua guards, sanitized wash rooms etc. ? Guest luggage: Secure luggage store rooms and proper equipment such as luggage trolley and bell hop trolley should be provided. ? Hotel Equipments: Lifts, Boilers, Kitchen equipment, furniture fitting and building etc. must be protected and for these the security and safety should cover up fire safety equipment, bomb threat security system, water floods security system, earthquake security system , safe vault security system etc. Protection of raw materials, goods, provisions and groceries etc. for this the security system should cover pr oper storage and pest control systems, apart from the application of total material management system. TYPES OF SECURITY: 1) Physical aspect 2) Security of persons 3) Security of systems 1) Physical aspect is divided into two parts a) Internal b)external a) Internal security Against theft Fire safety Proper lighting Safeguarding assets Track unwanted guests b) External Security Proper lighting outside the buildingProper fencing of the building Fecing of pool area to avoid accidents in the night Manning of service gates to restrict entry Fixing of closed circuit TV cameras 2) Security aspects of persons a) Staff Effective recruitment and selection Identification of staff Key control Red tag system Training Locker inspection b) Guests: Check scanty baggage guests Guests suspected of taking away hotel property should be charged according to hotel policy Guest room security: Provide wide angle door viewer, dead bolt locks, night torch, chains on doors tc Employees should be trained to n ot give any information abount in house guests to outsiders While issuing a card key ask for key card if in doubt of the guest. House keeping staff should never leave keys expose on unattended carts in corridors 3) Security aspects of systems: Record of all losses and missing items immediately Inventory control should be proper Auditing should be done on a regular basis Proper system for cash disbursements should be made The term system implies the operations of the hotel eg: all the equipment used for operation, procedures laid down for operations and policies to be followed.Systems procedures and policies if followed properly shall safeguard the assets and increase life span of equipment as well as avoid any breakdown maintenance This would mean the following: Fix duties and responsibilities: Fix duties of staff members so that they don’t interfere with others’ work. Make surprise checks Staff who have access to liquid assets should be made to sign a bond so that in case of theft the concerned person can easily be caught Hiring of some independent security company to check the security system of the hotel Safety issues â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œWhen we take the same hotel as example, it is management's duty to ensure â€Å"safety†in several areas, such as: †¢ The structure itself †¢ Installations and fixtures (check electrical, plumbing, air-conditioning and other installations) †¢ Public and work areas (e. g. slippery floors,  hazardous obstacles in traffic areas), safety of furniture, equipment, appliances, and utensils. This is followed by: †¢ Health safety (nontoxic cleaning material and detergents used) †¢ Good quality air (what we breathe, dependent upon the type of equipment, installations and fixtures used, and regular repairs and maintenance) Food safety (a whole world in itself including sanitation, food quality, food spoilage, correct handling procedures, allowable and recomme nded temperatures, etc. ), and checking and control procedures. An important â€Å"preventive measure†is eliminating the possibility of communicating contagious diseases. Even if local regulations do not require it, it is recommended to send food and beverage handlers for a regular medical checkup. Another preventive measure is the formulation and implementation of policies and procedures related to employee accidents which may present a threat to food sanitation.Culinary staff who cut themselves accidentally at work, as often happens while slicing food products, have to immediately stop handling food, and report to their Executive Chef and to the person in charge of First Aid in their company (Security or Human Resources Department) for preliminary treatment and handling. Healing and precautionary measures are taken before they are allowed back at their job. There are also some basic â€Å"dress†requirements for staff involved in food and beverage preparations:  e. g.Chefs' hats (to prevent hair and whatever hair contains to fall into the food), discreet earrings (non-dangling) or no earrings for women, and long hair neatly and securely tied in a bun at the back of the head. Of no lesser importance is the safety of work tools and work procedures covering all areas, such as stable ladders, secure shelving, safety shoes, well-fitting work garments, clearly written and complete safety procedures and guidelines from management, safety training, and safety installations and equipment, e. g. ire fighting units, regular maintenance schedules for safety equipment and installations, wider traffic areas (to prevent accidents), adequate staffing, and last but not least, continuous effective training in work procedures. All of this necessitates comprehensive planning, the creation of clear policies and work procedures, organization, implementation, training of supervisors and employees, supervision and control. FIRE: Fires in the hotel may result in th e injury and loss of life of both the guests and the staff. Main causes of fire are: i) Smoking: -Smoke only where allowed. -Put out cigarettes in the right place. Sufficient ash trays should be provided in eating places and in rooms, but away from curtains and draperies. -Educate the guests about fire possibilities due to smoking. ii) Defective wiring, faulty appliances and motor and worn out insulation Such hazards should be immediately reported to the concerned person and such equipment should be immediately repaired iii) Laundry Areas: Care should be taken to see that none of the electrical equipment is left on after use iv)Gas leaks: Precautions should be taken against this especially in kitchen areas. v) Combustible waste Combustible material should never b e left near the boiler room i) Kitchen All equipment such as chimneys, exhausts, ventilators, grills, hoods etc. which collect a lot of fume vapor and catch fire easily should be cleaned regularly. vii) Elevator shafts: The se require constant check and inspection. Cigarette butts can ignite the debris and oils that gather at the bottom of elevator shafts. Types of Fire and fire extinguishers: Hotel personnel are trained about the fire protection procedure and the types of fire. They must be able to recognize the various types of fire, all fire require air. Air contains O2 which is necessary for combustion.Fire has been classified in 5 categories depending on how they can be extinguished- Class A Fire- It is the fire of wood, paper, linen and similar dry materials. They are extinguished by cooling and quenching effect of water. The water reduces the temperature of burning substances below their combustion temperature. These are the most frequent and easiest to extinguish when there is an ample water supply and when water can be directed on the combustible material . Keeping the other combustible material wet will limit the spreading of fire Class B Fire-These include fires of oil, gasoline, grease and other petroleum product.These fires are extinguished by blanketing the source of burning substances and eliminating the supply of O2. Petroleum products is lighter than water and will float on water and continue to burn and spread by means of flowing water to other section of the building, hence water is never used for this category. Class C Fire-These are the fires of pressurized gases. For e. g. L. P. G. , most of the gases are lighter than air but L. P. G. is heavier than air. Water is not to be used for this class of fire. Class D Fire-These are fire of metals having low burning temperature for e. g. Na, Mg etc.This class of fire does not exist in the hotel. Class E Fire-These are electrical fire. The fire extinguishing agent must not conduct electrical energy which could spread the fire. Electrical fires are usually blanketed and cooled down. Water is a good cooling agent but it also conducts electricity, so it is not used to control or extinguish this class of fire. Electrical fire is usually caused by a part of circuit overheating or by short circuit. Controlling the sizes of electrical fuses and circuit breaker will often minimize this class of fire. There are 2 systems of fire protection . Portable fire extinguisher. 2. Stationary fire fighting system. Portable fire extinguisher a. Soda acid fire extinguisher- It is used for class A fire. The extinguishing agent is H2O. The fire extinguisher is a cylinder type of pan in which a rubber or flexible hose is attached to the top. When it is desired to use the extinguisher, it is carried to the fire and inverted. A small bottle of acid usually H2SO4 is spilled when the cylinder is inverted or turn upside down. Powdered sodas, bicarbonate of soda (Baking Soda) is mixed with H2O when the tank is charge or fills with water.The chemical reaction of acid and soda water creates a pressure which forces the water out of the cylinder or tank. The hose is used to direct the flow of water to the fire. It has 2 disadva ntages:- -It must be kept away from freezing -Acid causes corrogen problem which reduce the life of the tank or cylinder. The corrogen problem has been minimized by replacing the acid with CO2 cartridge. Upon the cylinder inversion the cartridge opens and releases CO2 gas under high pressure. The high pressure gas than forces the water out of cylinder. b. CaCl2 fire extinguisher-It is also used on class A fire. CaCl2 is a salt which when added to water form brine which has very low freezing temperature. CO2 cartridge is used as pressure agent to force H2O and CaCl2 out of the cylinder to the fire. These extinguishers are used where freezing is a potential hazard c. Foam type extinguisher-It is used on class B type of fire. The extinguisher is charged with special chemical (Al2SiO4), the chemical spread on the burning material and the solution, blanket the fire by excluding O2. d. CO2 fire extinguisher- It is used on C, D and E class of fire. The CO2 types spray a chemical fog toward s the fire.The fog quickly excludes the O2 from the burning material and blanket the combustible material. e. D. C. P. extinguisher- It can be used on C, D and E class of fire. The most common extinguishing agent is sodium bicarbonate or plain baking soda. The extinguisher is charged with the dry chemical and a small tank of CO2 gas. The CO2 gas exerts pressure on dry chemical and forces it out of a nozzle directly to the fire. The powder strict the fire and the heat from the fire breaks down the chemical which releases CO2 gas on a large scale which helps in extinguishing the fire.Stationary fire fighting system a. Automatic sprinklers-It is generally mounted just below the ceiling height with a temperature detector or smoke detector, attached with each sprinkler. The temperature from the fire melts the fusible link on the detector, which opens a water valve. The water is then sprayed on the ceiling and falls on the floor, extinguishing the fire. If the fire area should spread, mor e sprinklers are automatically opened, thus confining the fire to a small area. The temperature detector can be purchased for different activating temperature.The high temperature detectors are often used in kitchens. b. Fire Hose System-It is a semi portable system. In this system the fire hose box is permanently located but the flexible hose can be moved to various distances throughout the building. The hose used to fight fire within a building should be of linen type. The linen allows some water seepage through it which will prevent its burning when in use. HANDLING EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Apart from fire and bomb threat etc. the front office staff at some point of time have to handle a lot of unusual situations also.Some such situations may be death and illness of guests, theft in hotels etc and many others. 1) Death of a guest in the hotel : ? Once the information comes to the front desk it should directly be reported to the front office manager. ? The front office manager will th en report it to the GM or resident manager ? The security manager should also be informed immediately ? The police is informed and the hotel doctor is summoned who will check and confirm the death ? Meanwhile the hotel will locate the residential address of the deceased and will inform the relatives. Once the police complete all formalities and activities and gives the permission, the dead body is fully covered and then removed from the room on a stretcher. For this purpose the service elevator and not the guest elevator is used ? A death certificate is obtained from the doctor ? A report should be prepared as to who informed of the death, time, room number and date of death. In case there is any luggage of the deceased in the room a list should be prepared and the luggage should be kept in the luggage room and the person performing this activity should sign this report ? The guest room is locked and sealed. After obtaining clearance from the police the room is opened and thoroughly disinfected and spring cleaned and only after permission of the police and subsequent permission of the GM or resident manager the room should be sold. Some important facts to be kept in mind are: ? Donot enter the room alone always take the lobby manager and security officer with you ? In case you are aware that the deceased was under the treatment of a specific doctor, the same should be called instead of the hotel doctor. His physician will also be helpful in knowing and notifying the incident to the relatives and people known to him ?Donot disturb the body or touch anything before the arrival of the police as this may be a murder or suicide case. 2) Handling accident cases: †¢ A knowledge of first aid would come very handy in such situations. In general the following points should be taken care of : †¢ Remove the person who has met with accident from the site of accident {as early as possible and take him to a more comfortable area, use a stretcher in case the need be } †¢ Call the doctor and if possible give him the details of accident and gravity of the accident. Take someone along with you to the site of the accident as you may need help †¢ Keep alert you must serve the victim immediately by providing first aid †¢ Try to protect your establishment from any false allegations Prepare a full report of the whole accident giving details of the date and time who reported the incident, room no. , site of the accident etc. Also make your comments as to the reason of the accident and how could it have been prevented and what action is to be taken to avoid the same in the future.The accident book: – An accident book is usually maintained in all organizations and the receptionist should record all details of accidents which have occurred to employees whilst carrying out their daily activities. – The book must be kept in a place easily accessible by any injured person or a person bona fide – Particulars of an accident m ay be entered here in either by the injured person himself or by a person acting on his behalf – The accident ook when filled up should be preserved for a period of three years after the date of the last entry – Every employer is required to take steps to investigate the circumstances of the accident recorded and if there happens to be any discrepancy between the circumstances found by him and the entry made, he is required to record the circumstances so found. 3) Situation of Theft: Theft is divided into four categories: I. Theft by employees of the hotel can be avoided by: – Work business and personal references should be checked before the employee is hired. A detailed record of all employees who enter the guest room such as chamber maids bellboys room boys maintenance etc – All hotel keys should be returned to the department concerned and no employee should be allowed to take keys out of the hotel’s premises. II. Damage of hotel property by the guest can be avoided by: – The hotel staff should identify the main cause for the damage. – If the damage is appears to be done intentionally the hotel can ask the guest to pay compensation for the same. For this it is necessary that the front desk is well versed with the cost of the damaged item.III. Theft of hotel property by the guest: Can be avoided by taking the following steps: – Installing automatic locks on the guest room doors – Appointing a security officer who would walk and take rounds at regular intervals – Inform guests to use the safe vault of the hotel and not to keep valuables in the guest room – Keep a watch on walk in as their likelihood of being a thief is more as compared to a guest who has undergone a process of making a reservation in the hotel – Avoid giving room numbers of resident guests to visitors or over the telephone callers. In case the guest loses his key and asks housekeeping to open the room door for them, HK should direct them to front desk – Master key should be kept under strict supervision and control Theft by outside visitors can be avoided by: – being aware of suspicious persons – regular and irregular schedule of vigil and rounds – Stagger lunch and rest periods of employees so as to keep one person on duty on each floor at all times – Instruct eh telephone operator not to connect calls to the guest room incase the request is made by the caller by room number.The receptionist should insist on knowing the name of the guest who the caller wishes to speak to. – Guest should be informed to keep the balcony door closed to avoid anyone entering the rooms from the balcony – Closed circuit televisions should be used 4) Situation of illness and epidemics: – The receptionist may be called for assistance during sickness of a guest. – Patient should be advised to consult the house physician but in case the guest has his own physician the same should be called. Housekeeping needs to be notified about the sickness and instructions if any – If the case of serious sickness, the guest should be moved to a nursing home – During epidemics all precautionary measures especially in food and beverage service area should be followed 5) Handling a drunk guest : – The guest should be removed from the lobby as early as possible but being careful not to irritate/offend him. – Preferably taken to the back office or to his room. – If he behaves unruly, the hotel security must be called.Safe deposit facility in the hotel for security of guests’ valuables: – It is the responsibility of management to develop and maintain proper safe deposit procedures for its property. – If this facility is available for guests, notices regarding it should be put up in various conspicuous/noticeable places in the hotel and also should be mentioned to the guest. – Safe depos it boxes should be located in an area, in vicinity of the front desk and which has limited access.Unauthorized guests or personnel should not be permitted inside the area. – Front office staff should be well-versed with the procedures regarding safe deposit boxes. – Strict control should apply to the storage and issue of safe deposit keys. – At any point of time there should be only one key issued for each safe even if more than one person is using the safe. – Two keys are required to open a safe deposit box: one being the guest’s key and the other being the control key/guard key put in by the cashier/safe deposit attendant. After the verification f the identity of the guest, the safe deposit attendant/cashier should accompany the guest to the safe deposit area where in clear sight should make use of the control key and the guest’s key to open the safe. Sometimes the hotel may not be able to meet the demand for individual safe box; in that c ase a large box containing the belongings of more than one guest is used. Each guest’s belongings are put in an envelope which is sealed. The key to this box is stored in a secure place and a log is maintained which records an entry each time the key is used to open the box
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