Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Online Shopping And The Future Of All Business - 1867 Words
Popularized by websites like Amazon and eBay. Online shopping and the virtual store may be the future of all business. Online shoppers spent an estimated 126 billion in the U.S. alone in 2013. Seeing exponential growth in coming years, Many major retailers have already made efforts to set up online shops. Retail juggernauts like Walmart and Target have thrown their hats into the online arena with websites of their own. Many more entrepreneurs have begun creating entire businesses online. The reasons to take your company digital may be plentiful. As more of the world gains access to the internet even more markets become accessible. With the advent of drone technology and better delivery methods online sales and logistics are becoming easier and more cost efficient. Also online stores and warehouses require less manpower making them cheaper. But a major impact of this growth is the decline in recent years of big box retailers and subsequently the fall of The Mall. As more consumers choose to do their shopping online many retailers and shopping centers are being left behind. As the number of failing malls begin to rise and consumers choose in larger numbers to forgo the lines and do their shopping online, it is a trend that we predict will grow in importance and impact in the coming years. So in this paper we will discuss online retail and e-commerce as a whole. We will look at it’s history and current impact. Then we will make some predictionsShow MoreRelatedOnline Shopping And The Future Of All Business1936 Words  | 8 Pageswebsites like Amazon and eBay. Online shopping and the virtual store may be the future of all business. Online shoppers spent an estimated 126 billion in the U.S. alone in 2013. Seeing exponential growth in coming years, Many major retailers have already made efforts to set up online shops. Retail juggernauts like Walmart and Target have thrown their hats into the online arena with websites of their own. Many more entrepreneu rs have begun creating entire businesses online. The reasons to takeRead MoreEffects Of Online Shopping For Brick And Mortar Stores906 Words  | 4 Pages The Effects of Online Shopping for Brick-and-Mortar Stores Retail businesses and other small businesses have seen a huge drop in sales due to the convenience and simplicity of shopping online when and where the customer wants too. According to Market Line’s 2015 Industry Profile, Table 4 and Figure 4 show the expected percent of the retail sector value to grow 10.5% by the year 2019 and to reach a projection of 574.5 million dollars. (Market Line) The retail businesses and other small businessesRead MoreThe Future of Online Shopping1047 Words  | 4 PagesThe future of online shopping: Welcome to the matrix? Shopping online is about to blow up. Retailers of all types are increasing product offerings, adding in-store pickup, free shipping and testing social media. 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An online shop, eshop, e-store, Internet shop, webshop, webstore, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or shopping centre As we know that online shopping is the easy way shopping but also there are certain advantages asRead MoreEvaluate How Future Changes in Economic, Political, Legal and Social Factors May Impact on the Strategy of a Chosen Organisation997 Words  | 4 PagesEvaluate how future changes in economic, political, legal and social factors may impact on the strategy of a chosen organisation Changes in a number of different factors can affect the way in which the business is run in the future and this could mean that the business has to look into different ways of tackling problems, which would mean they have to forecast what they believe the future is going to be like. Tesco as an organisation is constantly expanding because of the amount of people who needRead MoreOnline Shopping versus Traditional Retail Store639 Words  | 3 PagesOnline Shopping vs. Traditional Retail Store One of the most debatable decisions for most Americans during the sale event or holiday is whether to shop or not to shop. Especially, when considering that some of the online shopping websites such as Amazon and eBay are established. To shop online or to shop in the store has become a more practical question. I used to be a traditional shopper, but I changed my mind sometime over years since I found that shopping online is much cheaper and more convenientRead MoreImpact Of Online Shopping On Businesses1439 Words  | 6 Pagesthat applies in Australian workforces. The issue is the impact of online shopping and what effects it has on businesses. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics, 43% of Australians use the internet to buy products and services . This states that the internet is changing consumer shopping habits fast, and most likely, forever. As reported by the National Retail Association, 50,000 people will lose their jobs due to internet shopping . These statistics wil l significantly affect the work place withRead MoreBackground. Today, People Are Engaging In E-Commerce More1742 Words  | 7 Pagesareas of business including retail, services, wholesaling and manufacturing. The growing acceptance of the Internet and e-commerce in the early 1990’s changed the way people shopped, shifting consumer preference from traditional to online shopping. With the introduction of personal electronic devices and more readily available wireless internet, Amazon’s customer membership continues to grow. As online retailers continue to experience high demand among American consumers, small business owners areRead MoreAmazon s Major Competitors Are Divided1086 Words  | 5 Pages C. Shawn and Peilan Amazon’s major competitors are divided in two parts. The first part is physical stores such as Walmart or Target. The second area of competition is through the online market eg; EBay and BestBuy. As opposed to Amazon, customers in a physical store could have more comprehensive experience, especially for specific products like clothes and electronic devices. Some customers need to be able to see and try the product themselves before feeling comfortable enoughRead MoreE Commerce : A Market Scale1690 Words  | 7 Pagesfor other activities and it is not only tedious but time consuming to go out shopping in physical stores. In a market scale this could be an astounding figure providing enormous market space. E-business can be used interchangeably with the term E-commerce with occasional use of the term e-tail to refer to online retailing activities. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Context, Violence and Leadership in Cormac McCarthys...
Cormac McCarthy’s â€Å"Blood Meridian†does a marvelous job of highlighting the violent nature of mankind. The underlying cause of this violent nature can be analyzed from three perspectives, the first being where the occurrence of violence takes place, the second man’s need to be led and the way their leader leads them, and lastly whether violence is truly an innate and inherent characteristic in man. Cormac McCarthy once said, â€Å"I think the notion that the species can be improved in some way, that everyone can live in harmony is a really dangerous idea.†(Overview) This quote leaves us with the impression that humanity as a whole is innately violent, and we will explore this idea by examining â€Å"Blood Meridian.†This paper consists of three†¦show more content†¦The question to ask is what caused the West to be such a formidable location? The first theory to explore is that which states the land â€Å"Blood Meridian†took p lace in, Southwest America and Mexico, caused an absence of responsibility, which then caused the violent acts. In â€Å"Blood Meridian†massacres occur almost daily, yet civilization is neither built up nor hurt because there is no civilization to break down. (Kiefer) At the beginning of the book, The Kid has been brought to Captain White to be interviewed for a spot in the company. Captain White exclaims to the Kid, â€Å"There is no government in Mexico. Hell, there’s no God in Mexico. Never will be.†(Blood Meridian 36) While this statement may be the byproduct of racism on Captain White’s part, there is no doubt that some part of this statement holds true. On many occasions the gang of scalp-hunters engage in illegal behavior in Mexico and are met by little law enforcement. For three weeks the gang of Americans make Chihuahua city theirs, feasting, drinking and whoring. It becomes so bad that the locals write on walls of the city, â€Å"Mejor Los In dios.†This translates to, â€Å"Better the Indians.†(Schopen) Of course the gang encountered little to no resistance during their three-week takeover of the city, proving the
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Importance of Data Management
Question: Describe about the Importance of Data Management and Drawbacks in Data Management? Answer: Introduction Data management is executing and developing the policies, procedures and practices which help in managing the data lifecycle that is mainly needed for the enterprise in a successful manner. This is the administrative part of the system where the datas are stored, acquired, protected, processed and validated through which the timeliness, accessibility and reliability are ensured in satisfying the wants of information users. Data are the one of important assets of the company (Clougherty and Moliterno, 2010). In Data management, there are various steps for managing the data. At first the plan is made that how to manage the data and other requirements, then comes the storing of the data where the organization of files is done. The data are secured and back up is made so that if any tampering is done with those data then a back up file is available. Formats are made on files so that it benefits in the long run(Baldoni, 2006).After the storing is done then comes the sharing of the data where the data storing is found and with that requirements of the journals are met. The database management system is an important feature in the sector of IT management where the resources are the idea of new economy. The significance of database management is not at all like the filing of information in traditional system but it gives more importance to the current technologies in this field (Wiggins, 2012). Under the data management system there are different sections like- data integration, data preparatio n for Hadoop, data quality and data governance (Loshin, 2009). Importance of Data Management For research work data management is one of the important areas and it is one of the complex tasks in any field. While doing a new project the researchers at first tackle the issues which they might face while doing the work because its save their effort and time in the later stage. Data management plays an important role in an organization (Vakali and Jain, 2011). It generates the costs and revenues and lessens the risks. It successfully shares, protects and stores the data and brings a competitive benefit in todays business. Managing the data results of the customers binds a good relationship with the customers. While expanding, the storage of the data requirements has also increased with investment of the equipments. There are many costs which are hidden are mainly associated with the data management. These costs includes the consumption of current, cooling of this requirements, cabling, backup of this data and recovering them are also done (Liao and Triantaphyllou, 2007). Benefits for managing the data- Detect and interpret the data when it is needed. Evade undesired duplication. If required try to prove the results. Ensure that the research work has its own impact. Take credits when others commend the work. Data management plays an important role in the risk area of the organization. Like- establishing a confinement policy which helps in reducing the costs of the storage and decreases the risk assessment (Choi and Huang, 2014). Drawbacks in Data Management If there is a loss of data then it is a huge risk for the organization and this matter is generally neglected by the organization and this error causes huge loss for the organization. Loss of data is a risk which causes both in external and internal area of the organization. Loss of data can take place by hacking and also by the negligence of the employee (Bilitewski, Darbra and BarceloÃÅ'Â , 2013). Every company both private and public has a review system which processes the data regularly. The information is made up-to dated and the protection and recovery of the data are also important. The infrastructure of the IT sectors is becoming complex. Accurate security policies are made so that the loss of data can be safeguarded. At every step the data are checked daily to confirm that the data are fitting the purposes or not. So, it is important to keep the back up of the data and storing them rightly and if by chance there is a loss of data then there should be way of recovering those data. Conclusion In todays world of technology data management is one of the important factors. Every organization has lot of data which are used every day of for working and managing and securing those data is a very important job. If by any chance any data gets hacked, misplaced or it gets lost then it will create a lot of problems for the organization. So to keep those data secure the organization should keep more than backups so that it does not affects the work of the organization (Richardson and Hoffman-Kim, 2010). References Baldoni, R. (2006).Global data management. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Bilitewski, B., Darbra, R. and BarceloÃÅ'Â , D. (2013).Global risk-based management of chemical additives II. Berlin: Springer. Choi, S. and Huang, X. (2014). Maximum likelihood estimation of semiparametric mixture component models for competing risks data.Biom, 70(3), pp.588-598. Clougherty, J. and Moliterno, T. (2010). Empirically eliciting complementarities in capabilities: integrating quasi-experimental and panel data methodologies.Strategic Organization, 8(2), pp.107-131. Liao, T. and Triantaphyllou, E. (2007).Recent advances in data mining of enterprise data. Singapore: World Scientific. Loshin, D. (2009).Master data management. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann. Richardson, J. and Hoffman-Kim, D. (2010). The Importance of Defining Data in Data Management Policies.Sci Eng Ethics, 16(4), pp.749-751. Vakali, A. and Jain, L. (2011).New directions in web data management 1. Berlin: Springer. Wiggins, B. (2012).Effective document and data management. Farnha
Sunday, December 1, 2019
One Love free essay sample
As he approaches me, he cheerfully greets me saying â€Å"Hey, how are you?†, and warmly shakes my hand. A bit unsure of my new surroundings, I give a shy response with a timid handshake. He asks, â€Å"Would you come this way please?†I slowly stand up and he leads me out of the waiting room and we start walking through a maze of hallways. There are classrooms on both sides of me. Finally, we reach his room and step inside. I look around and see a drum set, a marimba, and two drum thrones that are facing each other. The room seems small, and I wonder how all of this equipment is able to fit inside such a tiny room. On the walls, I see posters with pictures of famous musicians, most of whom have gone before us. Because of my uneasiness about this unfamiliar place, I was a bit doubtful about taking drum lessons here. We will write a custom essay sample on One Love or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Little did I know that this classroom in Meridian Music Studios in Carmel, Indiana, would serve as a place that holds some of my life’s greatest experiences. It is a place where I learned much more than just the art of music. To me, a hero is someone that a person looks up to and has a lot of respect for. It is someone that has made a profound impact on another’s life, and does so much without expecting repayment. Walking down the street, one might think that Wade Parish is just another â€Å"average joe†. He doesn’t have a superman cape or a jet pack. Standing at six feet tall, with broad shoulders, any other person would think he’s another ordinary guy going to work. Dressed in dark blue jeans and a sweater or jacket, he looks like another ordinary person. However, his long dark hair as well as his artsy yet contemporary style of clothing accurately expresses his independent outlooks on life. Wade forms his own views on life and refuses to conform to others’ beliefs. He carries on this independency in his music as well. â€Å"The silent space that we instill in music is sometimes more powerful than the music itself†He would often tell me this to relay the mess age that music is not about how fast you can play. Instead, it is about the emotions that musicians express to the audience. The musical creativity that Wade expresses is just as admirable as his overall non-conforming attitude toward today’s society. One of Wade’s favorite quotes is â€Å"Carpe Diem†. I see him live by this quote each and every day. He knows that every day is his, and sees that each day is an opportunity to do something worthwhile. He knows that the days that he has are limited, so he chooses to live each one to the fullest. In our interview, he explains to me that many people are driven by materialistic things such as money, cars, and success. The most important thing in one’s life is doing what you love. â€Å"Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life†. Another admirable trait that Wade possesses is the passion that he has for music. Wade has always told his students, to follow their dreams and do what is most important to them. He too follows this philosophy. Wade first moved out of his parents’ house when he was 18 and had taken ordinary jobs such as a waiter and a landscaper. However, he soon came to be unhappy with these jobs because they interfered with the schedule that he had with his band. If his employers refused to give him time off to play at shows, he would easily quit the position he held. Wade started to play the drums when he was 14. Even though he was a poor academic student, he worked hard in the field of music. For someone to love a hobby so much that they would quit their job just to pursue it is a truly courageous action. He would also reduce the amount of time that he spent with other hobbies, such as motorcycle racing, so he would be able to play more music. Wade would look hypocritical if he told his s tudents to follow their dreams when he himself did not do that. This is what makes him most respectable. Not only did he take a risk financially, but he followed his dream which makes him one of the most successful people I know. The final trait that I really admire in Wade is the sense of love that he shows everyone. When teaching, he never gives up on his students. Even if they themselves give up, he still sees the talent that they have and tries to get them to see it too. One time, while I was in a lesson, I was being a little too hard on myself. I had had a rough day and I was expecting to be perfect. The more I played, the more I became upset. Finally, Wade told me to stop and we would play something else. So, he went over to his stereo and turned on â€Å"One Love†by Bob Marley. That’s when he told me to drum to that song. I drummed to that song for 20 minutes and afterward I felt very relaxed. That’s when he explained that I am not a bad drummer. I was actually his only student that could do that. I had a lot more confidence after that because what he said about my great skills meant a lot. â€Å"I believe that everyone wants to be loved, but they show this desire in warped ways.†When he told me this, it really showed me that there is no such thing as purely evil people. We all need each other when we are hurt, and some people just don’t know how to ask for support. Whether we choose to see it or not, there will always be at least one person that unexpectedly walks into our lives and makes a profound impact that we are most certainly not expecting. For me, that person was Wade. I can only hope that everyone will come to see the values that others unconsciously instill in us, and hopefully cherish them. Above all else, Wade taught me to follow my dreams and do exactly what I love. After I met Wade, I realized life is wasted when one does not do what they love. â€Å"Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life†.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Pac-Man Video Game History and Background
Pac-Man Video Game History and Background On May 22, 1980, the Pac-Man video game was released in Japan and by October of the same year, it was released in the United States. The yellow, pie-shaped Pac-Man character, who travels around a maze trying to eat dots and avoid four mean ghosts, quickly became an icon of the 1980s. To this day, Pac-Man remains one of the most popular video games in history. Inventing Pac-Man If you ever thought that the Pac-Man character looked like some kind of food, then you and Japanese game designer Toru Iwatani think alike. Iwatani was eating pizza when he came up with the idea for the Pac-Man character. Iwatani has more recently said that the Pac-Man character is also a simplification of the Kanji character for mouth, ​kuchi. While a pizza with a slice out of it turned into the main character of Pac-Man, cookies became the power pellets. In the Japanese version, the pellets look like cookies, but they lost their cookie look when the game came to the U.S. Apparently, Namco, the company that made Pac-Man, was hoping to create a video game that would entice girls to play as well as boys. And everyone knows that girls like food, right? Hmmm. Anyway, a relatively nonviolent, food-based video game with cute little ghosts and a bit of humor did appeal to both genders, which quickly made Pac-Man an unquestionable success. How He Got His Name The name Pac-Man continues the eating theme of the game. In Japanese, puck-puck (sometimes said paku-paku) is a word used for munching. So, in Japan, Namco named the video game Puck-Man. After all, it was a video game about a pizza eating super-powered cookies. However, when it was time for the video game to be sold in the U.S., many were worried about the name Puck-Man, mostly because the name sounded a bit too similar to a particular four-letter word in English. Thus, Puck-Man underwent a name change and became Pac-Man when the game came to the States. Playing Pac-Man Its probably a very rare person who has never played Pac-Man. Even for those who may have missed it in the 1980s, Pac-Man has been remade on nearly every video game platform since then. Pac-Man even appeared on the front page of Google (as a playable game) on Pac-Mans 30th anniversary. However, for those few who are unfamiliar with the game, here are the basics. You, the player, control the yellow, circular Pac-Man using either keyboard arrows or a joystick. The goal is to move Pac-Man around the maze-like screen gobbling up all 240 dots before the four ghosts (sometimes called monsters) get you. The four ghosts are all different colors: Blinky (red), Inky (light blue), Pinky (pink), and Clyde (orange). Blinky was also known as Shadow because hes the fastest. The ghosts begin the game in the ghost cage in the center of the maze and roam around the board as the game progresses. If Pac-Man collides with a ghost, he loses a life, and the game restarts. If Pac-Man eats one of the four power pellets available on each level; the ghosts all turn dark blue and Pac-Man is able to eat the ghosts. Once a ghost is gobbled up, it disappears- except for its eyes, which run back to the ghost cage. Occasionally, fruit and other objects appear on the screen. If Pac-Man gobbles those up then he earns a point bonus, with different fruit worth different values. While all this is happening, Pac-Man makes a wocka-wocka sound that is nearly as memorable as the yellow character itself. The game ends when Pac-Man has lost all (usually three) of his lives. When You Win Many people are impressed with themselves if they get to level five or six on Pac-Man. However, there are always those die-hards out there who are determined to finish the game. Despite how popular Pac-Man was in the 1980s, it actually took 19 years for the first person to ever finish Pac-Man. That amazing feat was reported to be accomplished by 33-year-old Billy Mitchell, who finished Pac-Man with a perfect game on July 3, 1999. A Scandal in Gaming Mitchell completed all 255 levels of Pac-Man. When he reached level 256, half the screen became jumbled. This is an impossible level to complete and thus the end of the game. It took Mitchell about six hours to win the game and he did so with the highest possible score- 3,333,360 points. Mitchell went on to record record-breaking runs in Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., and Centipede, and became a mini-celebrity, named as Gamer of the Century, featured in Life magazine in 1982 and in the 2007 movie The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. In 2018, however, Twin Galaxies, the American organization that tracks video game records, announced their discovery that some of Mitchells record-breaking runs were not achieved on an arcade machine, but rather using emulation software, a violation of the rules. All of Mitchells titles, including his Guinness World Records, have since been stripped. Pac-Man Fever In the early 1980s, the nonviolent and goofy nature of Pac-Man made it a phenomenal attraction. In 1982 an estimated 30 million Americans spent $8 million a week playing Pac-Man, feeding quarters into machines located in arcades or bars. Its popularity among teenagers made it threatening to their parents: Pac-Man was loud and stunningly popular, and the arcades where the machines were located were noisy, congested places. Many towns in the United States passed statutes to regulate or restrict the games, just as they were allowed to regulate pinball machines and pool tables to combat gambling and other immoral behaviors. Des Plaines, Illinois, banned people under 21 from playing video games unless they were accompanied by their parents. Marshfield, Massachusetts, banned video games outright. Other cities used licensing or zoning to limit video game playing. A license to run an arcade could stipulate that it had to be at least a certain distance from a school, or it could not sell food or alcohol. Ms. Pac-Man and More The Pac-Man video game was so immensely popular that within a year there were spin-offs being created and released, some of them unauthorized. The most popular of these was Ms. Pac-Man, which first appeared in 1981 as an unauthorized version of the game. Ms. Pac-Man was created by Midway, the same company authorized to sell the original Pac-Man in the U.S. Ms. Pac-Man became so popular that Namco eventually made it an official game. Ms. Pac-Man has four different mazes with varying numbers of dots, compared to Pac-Mans only one with 240 dots; Ms. Pac-Mans maze walls, dots, and pellets come in a variety of colors; and the orange ghost is named Sue, not Clyde. A few of the other notable spin-offs were Pac-Man Plus, Professor Pac-Man, Junior Pac-Man, Pac-Land, Pac-Man World, and Pac-Pix. By the mid-1990s, Pac-Man was available on home computers, game consoles, and hand-held devices. Lunch Boxes and Other Collectibles As with anything super popular, merchandising went wild with the Pac-Man image. You could purchase Pac-Man T-shirts, mugs, stickers, a board game, plush dolls, belt buckles, puzzles, a card game, wind-up toys, wrapping paper, pajamas, lunch boxes, sheets, bumper stickers, plus so much more. In addition to buying Pac-Man merchandise, kids could satisfy their Pac-Man cravings by watching a 30-minute Pac-Man cartoon that started airing in 1982. Produced by Hanna-Barbera, the cartoon lasted for two seasons. In case you really wanted that wocka-wocka sound to stay in your head, listen again to the 1982 song by Jerry Buckner and Gary Garcia called Pac-Man Fever, which made it all the way up to No. 9 on Billboards Top 100 chart. Although the decade of Pac-Man Fever might be over, Pac-Man continues to be loved and played year after year. Sources Crecente, Brian. King of Kong Star Stripped of High Scores, Banned from Competition. Variety April 12, 2018.Gallagher, Marcus, and Amanda Ryan. Learning to Play Pac-Man: An Evolutionary, Rule-Based Approach. The 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2003. CEC 03. 2003. Print.Goroff, David B. The First Amendment Side Effects of Curing Pac-Man Fever. Columbia Law Review 84.3 (1984): 744–74. Print.Lucas, Simon. Evolving a Neural Network Location Evaluation to Play Ms. Pac-Man. IEE 2005 Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games. Ed. Graham Kendall and Simon Lucas. Essex University, 2005. Print.Moore, Mike. Videogames: Sons of Pong. Film Comment 19.1 (1983): 34–37. Print.Rife, Katie. King of Kongs Billy Mitchell Has Been Stripped of All His High Scores, Banned From Competitive Gaming. AV News April 12, 2018.Yannakakis, Georgios N., and John Hallam. A Generic Approach for Generating Interesting Interactive Pac-Man. IEE 2005 Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games. Ed. Graham Kendall and Simon Lucas: Essex University, 2005. Print.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Standard Courses for 11th Grade Students
Standard Courses for 11th Grade Students As they enter their junior year of high school, many students are starting to think about life after graduation. If they are college-bound, 11th graders will begin taking college entrance exams and focus on getting academically and emotionally prepared for college. If they are following a different path, such as entrepreneurship or entering the workforce, students may begin to refine their elective studies to prepare for their specific field of interest. Language Arts A typical course of study for 11th-grade language arts will focus on developing higher level skills in the areas of literature, grammar, composition, and vocabulary. Students will refine and build on the skills they have previously learned. Colleges expect students to have earned four language arts credits. In 11th grade, students will likely study American, British, or World literature, completing whichever course they did not complete in 9th or 10th grade. Homeschooling families may wish to combine literature and history, so an 11th-grade student taking world history would choose world literature titles.  Families who dont want to tie literature into their history studies should work with their student to select a robust and well-rounded reading list. Students should continue to gain writing practice in a wide variety of composition types such as how-to, persuasive, and narrative essays and research papers. Grammar is not typically taught separately in 11th grade but is incorporated in the writing and self-editing process. Math A typical course of study for 11th-grade math usually means geometry or Algebra II, depending on what the student has previously completed. High school math is traditionally taught in the order Algebra I, geometry, and Algebra II to ensure that students have a solid understanding of geometry for college entrance exams. However, some homeschool curriculum follows Algebra I with Algebra II before introducing geometry. Students who completed pre-algebra in 9th grade may follow a different schedule, as will those who completed Algebra I in 8th grade. For students who are strong in math, 11th-grade options may include pre-Calculus, trigonometry, or statistics. Students who are not planning on going into a science- or math-related field may take courses such as business or consumer math. Science Most students will study chemistry in 11th grade after having successfully completed the math courses necessary for understanding how to balance chemical equations. Alternative science courses include physics, meteorology, ecology, equine studies, marine biology, or any dual-enrollment college science course. Common topics for 11th-grade chemistry include matter and its behavior; formulas and chemical equations; acids, bases, and salts; atomic theory; periodic law; molecular theory; ionization and ionic solutions; colloids, suspensions, and emulsions; electrochemistry; energy; and nuclear reactions and radioactivity. Social Studies Most colleges expect a student to have three credits for social studies, so many 11th grade students will be completing their final social studies course. For homeschooled students following a classical education model, 11th-grade students will study the Renaissance. Other students may be studying American or world history. Common topics for 11th grade social studies include the Age of Exploration and Discovery; the colonization and development of America; sectionalism; the American Civil War and Reconstruction; World Wars; the Great Depression; the Cold War and the nuclear era; and civil rights. Other acceptable courses of study for 11th-grade social studies include geography, psychology, sociology, anthropology, civics, economics, and dual enrollment college social studies courses. Electives Most colleges expect to see at least six elective credits. Even if a student is not college-bound, electives are an ideal way to explore areas of interest that may lead to a future career or a lifelong hobby. A student can study just about anything for elective credit. Most colleges expect a student to have completed two years of the same foreign language, so many 11th graders will be finishing their second year. Many colleges also like to see at least one credit in the visual or performing arts. Students can earn this credit with courses such as drama, music, dance, art history, or a class like painting, drawing, or photography. Other examples of elective credit options include digital media, computer technology, creative writing, journalism, speech, debate, auto mechanics, or woodworking. Students can also earn credit for test prep courses, which can be useful in helping them meet their elective credit requirements and approaching entrance exams with more confidence.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Assignment2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assignment2 - Coursework Example The customer noticed that there was a problem with his skin and he starts making a research about the perfect cure for that by searching online, consulting a doctor, or asking a group of friend. After that, the customer can make a decision about what he wants. Next is the actual purchase of the facial product and finally, a post-purchase evaluation. When the customer was asked why she bought the facial mask she replied, â€Å"For treatment.†When asked why the mask is important to her, she says the product will treat black head and even tone making her to have a better skin and appearance. By having a better skin and appearance, she replied that she would be beautiful, healthy, and bright. Therefore, we know something about the features of the facial mask and her perception of the benefit which she has gained by that product’s feature (good health, beauty, and brightness). On the other hand, when asked â€Å"How do you feel when you are using the mask?†she repli es â€Å"Relax and calm.†In this case, it can conclude that the benefit of using the facial mask for treatment is crucial to this customer since it results in the valued end state of self-esteem. In this regard, the customer responded that the benefit of using the facial mask was self-esteem (relaxed and calm) as well as for beauty, brightness, and good health. The process of establishing links between features, benefits, and valued end states is termed as a laddering interview. It involves asking a customer repeatedly to identify the reason why something is important to her. As cited by Kuester (2012), a brand delivers the benefits which the customer truly desires. Branding also assists the customers to remember the product. The customer bought a facial mask of the Clearance brand not because of the product’s attributes but because of those attributes, combined with the brand’s image and many other intangible and tangible factors that created an attractive whole. In the same way,
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
A Beloved Place for the Rest, namely the Forest Essay
A Beloved Place for the Rest, namely the Forest - Essay Example Going to the forest is one of the best voyages in life to take. God indeed loves humanity as it manifests through the perfect beauty of the nature surrounding us. I can remember it was a sunny and blissful morning when I decided to take a trip to an outskirt nearby. Half a kilometer away, I could already tell that one blissful reunion would take place later that day. Because I am a forest addict, I had the cheek to go there all by myself. Just like what most forest goers encounter, I had my share of stern tests. Before I could get to the heart of the timberland, I knew, I had to go through some tough challenges. Finally, I arrived at the doorstep of the jungle. The first thing I saw was a cohort of vibrant buds bowing down their heads to welcome me. Although quite silly, I felt I was treated like a royalty. As I hovered above my head, I could see the wild vines meshing up with each other to form a lovely wild curtain; I could also hear the birds chirping tones in mirth. It seemed like they were chanting out in harmony to serenade me. I stared down and saw my leather booths muddled up with some thick mud clinging around them, but I knew the sludge was not going to stay there for long as the spikey fingers of the eyes were ready to wipe them out. When I finally took several steps inward, it seemed like the time has traveled so fast that day... the surroundings turned rather gloomy, although everything was still in sight. Different sounds I heard: the blabbing voice of the river, the squeaky and tiny sounds of the squirrels, the sound of the clapping leaves as they were swayed against each othe r by the wild winds, and some mysterious noises that blended together to create a perfect music – something that could not be produced even by the most brilliant record producers, composers, and singers. But of course it was not a walk-in-the-park trail; I also had some of the tensest feelings I have ever felt in my life. Who does not get scared by snakes? By scorpions and tarantulas?
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Benefits of a C Corporation Essay Example for Free
Benefits of a C Corporation Essay Firstly, a C Corporation can be defined as a legal unit of business that has its own separate identity from its owners or the persons that form it. To use the general legal term, it is a â€Å"body corporate†, a â€Å"legal entity†, which simply means a corporation can be treated just like an individual in law, it can sue and can be sued. This singular characteristic does not only make it quite unique but also gives it an edge over other business entities such as sole proprietor, partnership, limited liability Company to mention but few. However, the two major types of corporation, which are the C Corporation and S Corporation. The C Corporation has quite numerous benefits; the most technical of these is its ability to guard its owners’ personal assets from judgment against the business. Owners can also split profit and loss with the business for a lower overall tax rate. Yet another benefit is that it has no limits in number of shareholders and owner. Again, Owners do not need to be U. S. citizens or residents; both foreign and local are equally allowed to share in its ownership. A C corporation also has the flexibility of being owned by yet another business entity, rather than an individual or several individuals. Finally, the C Corporation has a package of much greater tax advantages over any other business entity, for it was primarily designated for tax purposes, while the â€Å"S†corporation passes it tax to the shareholders, the C Corporation on the other hand acts as it own tax entity. Reference Bakan J. , 2004, The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power. USA
Thursday, November 14, 2019
William Blake, the Jonah of London :: Blake Jonah London
William Blake, the Jonah of London missing works cited Through the streets and alleyways of Nineveh the prophet Jonah trudged. At every marketplace and city gate he joyously roared his tidings of evil, â€Å"forty more days and Nineveh will be overturned!†Two and a half millennia after the great fish vomited Jonah back onto dry land, William Blake faithfully follows that path of bilge and seaweed, bile and gall, into the fraternity of prophets and oracles. Just as Jonah was reluctant to prophesy to the Ninevites for fear that his enemies would hear and repent, Blake has a vested interest in perpetuating the blindness of his readers. In fact, even as he works his metaphysics to impose his â€Å"phantasy†as the prophet who proclaims the liberation of the world, he shows a full awareness that true success can only lead to his demise as a poet. Thus, standing upon his apple-crate in the marketplace, he chokes back his voice a little and mumbles in ciphers, desperately praying that he would not be understood. Amidst angry fires and hungry clouds the poet arises in prophet’s robes, and with a roar to shake the worlds to their very foundations proclaims the revival of â€Å"Eternal Hell†! Like Christ upon the commencement of his ministry, he boldly steps forth and seizes the words of Isaiah to legitimize his mission. He points to Isaiah’s vision of Edom becoming â€Å"blazing pitch (Isaiah XXXIV, v9)†and cries, â€Å"now is the dominion of Edom (plate 3)†; now is the fulfillment of the prophecy, â€Å"then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped,†and Blake, the prophet of Hell, shall be the one to fulfill it (Isaiah XXXV, v5). By positioning his first proclamation in parallel with Isaiah 34 and 35, Blake invites, or rather, forces dialogue between Isaiah and himself, and claims for himself Isaiah’s prophetic authority. Later, he dines with both Isaiah and Ezekiel in a symbolic gesture of equality and solidarity and discusses with them as one prophet to another the challenges that one faces in such a line of work (plate 12). Blake again establishes the bond between prophets and the fires of Hell by telling of an angel who, having been converted by a devil, embraces the fire and, consumed by it, arises as the prophet Elijah (plate 24). Thus allegiance to Hell, Bake claims, makes one a prophet.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
British Author Research Paper Essay
Lord Bryon once said, â€Å"Fools are my theme, let satire be my song†. A satire is a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision,or ridicule ( A well recognized satire is George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Orwell wrote this allegorical novella in England when the wartime alliance with the Soviet Union was at its height and Stalin was held in highest esteem in Britain both among the people and government. George Orwell wrote Animal Farm to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole, thus addressing the downfall of the Russian Revolution which was caused by its corrupt leaders and ignorant citizens. George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair. He was born on June 25th 1903 in Bengal, India to a British colonial civil servant. About a year after his birth, Orwell was brought back to England by his mother along with his older sister. He began writing poems at the age of four, ultimately getting one of his poems published in a local newspaper. In 1911 he went to St. Cyprian’s, on a partial scholarship, in the coastal town of Eastbourne, where he got his first taste of England’s class system. There he began to read the works of Rudyard Kipling and H. G. Wells. He was exceptionally intelligent that he received a scholarship to study at Eton college. After graduating, Orwell joined the India Imperial Police Force in 1922. After five years, he resigned his post and returned to England. He wanted to try his luck as a writer. He would spend his time between England and Paris, thus writing his first major work Down and Out in Paris and London. He felt that it would embarrass his family, so he published it under the pseudonym George Orwell. He was not successful and began to take up any job offer just to make ends meet. He later published Burmese Days, which offered a dark look at British colonialism in Burma, then part of the country’s Indian empire. Orwell’s interest in political matters grew rapidly after this novel was published. In 1937, Orwell traveled to Spain, where he joined one of the groups fighting against General Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War. He was injured and left back for England. For years, Orwell had periods of sickness, and he was officially diagnosed with tuberculosis in 1938. Later, he landed a job with the BBC as a producer and in 1943 he became the literary editor for a socialist newspaper. Orwell is best known for two novels, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, both of which were published toward the end of his life. Animal Farm was published in 1945 and Nineteen Eighty-Four was published in 1949. Orwell, however, was not able to enjoy his success due to his battle with tuberculosis. He died on January 21, 1950, in a London hospital. England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, while the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separate it from continental Europe. It has a population of 53,013,000 inhabitants. The official language is British English. Christianity is the most widely practised religion in England. The major form of Christianity practised is Anglicanism. English folklore is big part of English Culture. Some of the characters and stories are present across England, but most belong to specific regions. Common folkloric beings include pixies, giants, elves, bogeymen, trolls, goblins and dwarves. Since the Early Modern Period the food of England has historically been characterised by its simplicity of approach and a reliance on the high quality of natural produce. Traditional examples of English food include the Sunday roast, featuring a roasted joint served with assorted vegetables, Yorkshire pudding, stuffing and gravy. Other prominent meals include fish and chips and the full English breakfast. Various meat pies and sausages are consumed by the British. Lancashire hotpot is a well known stew. Frequently consumed alcoholic drinks include wines, ciders and English beers, such as bitter, mild, stout, and brown ale. England has a strong sporting heritage, and during the 19th century codified many sports that are now played around the world. Sports originating in England include association football, cricket, and rugby. The basic political system in England is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system. Today England is governed directly by the Parliament of the United Kingdom. The monarch is Queen Elizabeth II and the prime minister is David Cameron MP. Animal Farm was published by Orwell on August 17th , 1945. This novel shows how potential ignorance and indifference to problems within a revolution could allow horrors to happen if a smooth transition to a people’s government is not achieved. The novel starts out with Old Major, a prize-winning boar, gathers the animals of the Manor Farm for a meeting in the big barn. He tells them of a dream he has had in which all animals live together with no human beings to oppress or control them. He tells the animals that they must work toward such a paradise and teaches them a song called â€Å"Beasts of England,†in which his dream vision is lyrically described. The animals greet Major’s vision with great enthusiasm. When he dies only three nights after the meeting, three younger pigsâ€â€Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealerâ€â€formulate his main principles into a philosophy called Animalism. Late one night, the animals manage to defeat the farmer Mr. Jones in a battle, running him off the land. They rename the property Animal Farm and dedicate themselves to achieving Major’s dream. At first, Animal Farm prospers. Snowball works at teaching the animals to read, and Napoleon takes a group of young puppies to educate them in the principles of Animalism. As time passes, however, Napoleon and Snowball increasingly quibble over the future of the farm, and they begin to struggle with each other for power and influence among the other animals. After chasing Snowball away, Napoleon assumes leadership of Animal Farm and declares that there will be no more meetings. From that point on, he asserts, the pigs alone will make all of the decisionsâ€â€for the good of every animal. Napoleon orders the animals to construct a windmill, and the animals devote their efforts to completing it. One day, after a storm, the animals find the windmill toppled. Napoleon claims that Snowball returned to the farm to sabotage the windmill. He uses this as an excuse to rid the farm of various animals who have allegedly participated in Snowball’s great conspiracy by giving them instant death at the teeth of the attack dogs. With his leadership unquestioned, Napoleon begins expanding his powers, rewriting history to make Snowball a villain. Napoleon also begins to act more and more like a human being by sleeping in a bed, drinking whisky, and engaging in trade with neighboring farmers. The original Animalist principles strictly forbade such activities, but Squealer justifies every action to the other animals, convincing them that Napoleon is a great leader and is making things better for everyone even though the other animals are cold, hungry, and overworked. Mr. Frederick, a neighboring farmer, cheats Napoleon in the purchase of some timber and then attacks the farm and dynamites the windmill, which had been rebuilt at great expense. After the demolition of the windmill, a pitched battle ensues. Napoleon then sells his most loyal and long-suffering worker, Boxer, to a glue maker in order to get money for whisky. Years pass on Animal Farm, and the pigs become more and more like human being by walking upright, carrying whips, and wearing clothes. Eventually, the seven principles of Animalism, known as the Seven Commandments and inscribed on the side of the barn, become reduced to a single principle reading â€Å"all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.†Napoleon entertains a human farmer named Mr. Pilkington at a dinner and declares his intent to ally himself with the human farmers against the laboring classes of both the human and animal communities. He also changes the name of Animal Farm back to the Manor Farm, claiming that this title is the â€Å"correct†one. Looking in at the party of elites through the farmhouse window, the common animals can no longer tell which are the pigs and which are the human beings. The story is meant to symbolize the downfall of the Russian Revolution and the corruption of Stalin. Old Major represents Karl Marx, as he originated Communism, hence Animalism. Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, while Snowball represents Leon Trotsky. The attack dogs represent the Red Army, while Boxer represents the soviet workers. The rise of Stalin after the Russian Revolution inspired Orwell to write Animal Farm. It is satire on equality, where all barnyard animals live free from their human masters’ tyranny. Inspired to rebel by Major, an old boar, animals on Mr. Jones’ Manor Farm embrace Animalism and stage a revolution to achieve an idealistic state of justice and progress. A power-hungry pig, Napoleon, becomes a totalitarian dictator who leads the Animal Farm into â€Å"All Animals Are Equal / But Some Are More Equal Than Others†oppression. As an English author, Orwell traditionally used fictional characters to represent actual humans. The novel is an exceptional work of satire and meets its purpose of portraying the truth about the Soviet Union and turning point of the Russian Revolution.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Westin Pune
THE WESTIN PUNE, INDIA INDUSTRAIL TRANING REPORT ABHIJIT. MANE YCMOU -2nd YEAR INSTITUTE OF ADVANCE MANAGEMENT, GOA INDUSTRIAL EXPOSURE TRAINING REPORT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to convey my sincere thanks to all the people who have supported me in making the project and especially to all my faculty member and Mr. Anuraj. Bhatnagar & Mr. Sanjay. Kumar for accepting me as a trainee. I am also thankful to the staff of THE WESTIN who have always been a support in completion of the training & also been very supportive in the entire tenure ABHIJIT MANE. CONTENTS AN INTRODUCTION TO PUNEINTRODUCTION TO THE WESTIN * DEPARTMENTAL STUDY: 1: F & B SERVICE 2: HOUSEKEEPING 3: FRONT OFFICE 4: PRODUCTION * CONCLUSION * REFERENCE About Pune Pune has been known by a plethora of sobriquets. Popular among them: Queen of the Deccan, cultural capital of Maharashtra, pensioner's paradise and Oxford of the East. Pune is one of the historical cities of India with a glorious past, an innovative present and a promising future. The Pune Municipal Corporation administers the city. Its boundaries extend over four hundred square kilometers and it has a population of close to four million.Thus, Pune city has been developed in to a Pune metropolitan area, just equal in area to that of Greater Mumbai. It is located 192 km (by rail) and 160km (by road) from Mumbai and is 559 meters above the mean sea level. Being surrounded by beautiful hills and the Sinhagad fort, it has a temperate climate. Water, which is plentiful, is supplied to the city from Panshet, Khadakvasla and Varasgaon dams –all located about thirty kilometers from Pune. Pune is among the greenest urban areas in the country with more than 40 per cent of its area under green cover.PUNE or Punyanagri as it is called has had a glorious past of nearly 1000 years. Punes history is both illustrious and romantic. The cities historical associations are fast woven with Shivaji Maharaj, the Peshwas and Lo kmanya Tilak. It was here, in the Lal Mahal that Shivaji boldly attacked Aurangzeb’s uncle, and Shaista Khanand won back the lost territories. Later it was ruled by the Peshwas. When Bajirao-Ibecame the Peshwa, he made Pune the headquarters of the army and the Shaniwar Wada was built. Bazaars and shopping plazas. Palaces and ritzy hotels.Temples, mosques, churches and even a synagogue to visit. This sprawling metropolis conjures up myriad images -ancient forts, ornate palaces, lush gardens, shopping arcades, educational institutions and rolling hills. The Ganapati festival celebrated yearly, called the Pune Festival, has made its mark on the tourist map of India. Geographical Profile of Pune: The city of Pune lies between 18 degrees 32 minutes north; 73 degrees 51 minutes East. It has an altitude of 559 meters above mean sea level and has a very pleasant climate. The Temperatures range from 15 degrees C to 35degrees C.The best time to visit is October-March. The W inter Period is between Mid Nov to mid Feb characterized by Dry, cold nights, pleasantly warm days. The spring fall sin between Mid-Feb to end-March having Warm days and pleasant nights Tourist Spots Lal Deval (Synagogue) Lal Deval is conspicuously placed on Moledina Road. The red-brick-and-stone structure built-in the English Gothic style, resembles a church. It is Pune's finest synagogue, built by philanthropist David Sassoon in 1867. Bund Garden Bund Garden lies on the right bank of the Mula Mutha River.Constructed by Sir Jamshedji Jeejeebhoy primarily for providing water to the poor during summer, it has become a popular unwinding spot for citizens with an added attraction of boating facilities and has recently added a well-designed jogging track. Bund Garden is now known as the Mahatma Gandhi Udyan. The Osho International Commune The Osho International Commune is in Koregaon Park, attracting thousands of foreigners wishing to take part in the meditation courses organized by the Ashram. The Commune was founded by Osho Rajneesh who died in 1990. His Samadhi is situated in the Ashram.The commune has beautiful gardens open to the public in the mornings and evenings. Aga Khan Palace True to its name this place boasts of Italianate arches and spacious lawns, an un likely place for a prison but the Britishers interned Mahatma Gandhi and his wife Kasturba Gandhi here. The architecture of the palace will take you down memory lane, reminding you of the illustrations from fairy. Shindyanchi Chhatri Amongst the architectural prides of Pune, the memorial to the great warrior Mahadji Shinde, the commander-in-chief of the Maratha army, between the years 1760 to1780 under the mighty Peshwas.The temple adorned with Rajasthani architecture is an imposing edifice situated at Wanowrie. Shaniwar Wada The historic palace of the Peshwa (Prime Ministers) rulers became the seat of political power during Bajirao reign and became so conspicuous that to this date the palace has become the symbol of the city and its culture. Built in 1736, the Shaniwar Wada was once the palace of the great Peshwa rulers. The wada (Fort) was destroyed by a major fire in 1827, the cause of the fire till today remains a mystery. Parvati Hill and TemplesThe ‘Nagarkhana' drum house, the imposing temple of Parvati and Devdeveshwar are the main structures on the hill. The Parvati museum houses portraits of heroes of the Peshwa dynasty, besides old manuscripts, weapons and coins. A group of beautiful temples of Ganapati and Kartikeya make Parvati add to Parvati attractions. According to the records, the main idol was carved out of gold by craftsmen from Karnataka. After this was stolen in 1932, it was replaced by silver idols plated with gold. The 108 steep climb to the 17th century temple located on top; the hill is also the favorite haunt of fitness fans.Raja Dinkar Kelkar Museum Raja Dinkar Kelkar Museum is housed in a quaint Rajasthani-style building. It holds a o ne-man collection of the most fascinating Indian artifacts. Thirty-six sections of this museum are used to display a plethora of antiques, carved palace doors, pottery, a priceless collection of lamps and musical instruments of the Mughal and Maratha periods. A master piece is the ‘Mastani Mahal' brought and erected as it was from its original place! Bal Gandharv Mandir The home of Marathi Theatre, both commercial and experimental.Throughout the year there are different cultural happenings like exhibitions, theatre, orchestra – instrumental and vocal. Tilak Smarak Mandir Tilak Smarak Mandir on Tilak Road is a building commemorating the great freedom fighter and social reformer Lokmanya Tilak. On the ground floor is a small museum describingTilak's public life and a theatre on the upper floors. SarasBaug Sitting like a flat oyster towards one end of the city, the sunken Sarasbaug is a place where hundreds of Puneites throng every evening, for their share of fresh air among green surroundings.Adjoining Sarasbaug, across a small narrow road is another garden. This however, is not merely a park but a zoo as well – Peshwa Park. The Film and Television Institute of India The Film and Television Institute of India is situated on Law College Road. It imparts training in all branches of the film and television industry and is known for having produced some of the finest show-business professionals in the country The Katraj Snake Park The Katraj Snake Park has a collection of reptiles, birds and turtles. Naturalists would delight in the Park's exhibits and activities. The park has also recently added a zoo.Chaturshrungi Temple: Chaturshrungi Temple is situated on a hillock off Senapati Bapat Road. This temple of the goddess attracts droves of devotees during the nine-day Navaratri festival in October. Sinhagad Fort One of the great forts of Maharashtra is based in Pune. This is the place where brave soldiers fought for the fort. Tanaji, one of the trusted soldiers of Shivaji Maharaja sacrificed his son's wedding to win the fort. He was well supported by his uncle Shelar Mama and his brave Marathas. The fort was named Sinhgad from Kondana, after this brave Maratha who fought till death like a true lion.HISTORY OF PUNE History of Pune Down the centuries, Pune has been ruled by several dynasties. The earliest evidence found (copper plates of 758 A. D. and of 768 A. D. ) reveals that the Rashtrakootas ruled this region then. At that time, Pune was referred to as Punaka Vishaya and Punya Vishaya. Copper plates of 960 A. D. and 963 A. D. refer to it as Punaka Wadi and Punaka Desha. Here Vishaya means region. Later on, the city has been mentioned as Kasabe Pune. The Pune Gazetteer explains the term Pune as Punya – a holy place. In Hindu tradition, a confluence (sangama) of two rivers is sacred.Hence, this city, where there is a confluence of two rivers, is Punyanagari. After th e Rashtrakootas, Pune was ruled by the Yadavadynasty. After the fall of this dynasty, it came under Muslim dominance till the middle of the seventeenth century. With the emergence of Chatrapati Shivaji, who founded the Maratha Empire, Pune became known to the Delhi Sultanate. Shivaji, spent his early childhood in Pune at Lal Mahal, a palace built by his father Shahaji, where Shivaji's mother Jijabai lived for a decade. Dadaji Konddev, Shivaji's mentor, developed Pune city. He constructed temple of Ganesha called Kasba Ganapati.This is the grama devata where invitations for all religious functions are first offered be it for a marriage, upanayana ceremony or any other functions. It was in this Lal Mahal that Shivaji attacked the Moghuls and defeated Shahiste khan, the uncle of Aurangzeb After the death of Shivaji in 1680 and the cold blooded murder of his son Sambhaji, Aurangzeb named Pune as Muhiyabad. Pune gained importance during the period of the second Peshwa Thorala (senior) Bajirao who ruled from1720 to 1740. During his time, the palace of the Peshwas –Shaniwar wada was built.The various mahals or buildings were constructed by different Peshwas. There are still remains of a fountain with thousand outlets called Hazari Karanje. It was Thorala Bajirao who expanded the Maratha Empire into north and central provinces. Nanasaheb Peshwas acceded Thorala Bajirao Peshwa and ruled the Maratha kingdom from 1740 to 1761. He tried to control the Nizamand maintained peace. He was instrumental in urbanizing Pune city and encouraged the setting up of Peths or wards in Pune. He constructed the famous Parvati Temple complex, a pride of Pune city.He designed a water supply system from Katraj Lake that lies to the south of Pune city. A number of temples and palaces were constructed during his time. Due to the family fueds that ensued thereafter, the Maratha power came to an end in 1818, when the British led by Mount Stuart Elphinstone defeated them and establi shed the British Raj in this region. During this period, the French, the Portuguese and the British powers established contacts with the Peshwas, sent representatives for various functions. Pune and Delhi were the only centers of power during this century.Pune has been recognised as asset of learning and the Deccan College (1851) led the educational movement in Pune. Tilak, Agarkar, Bhandarkar and other luminaries of the nineteenth century studied in the Deccan College. They studied in the English language, but a literary movement was started by organizing the first Marathi literary conference in 1878. Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade,V. K. Chiplunkar and others took lead in this sphere of life. Tilak, Agarkar, Nam Joshi and Principal Apte founded the Deccan Education Society and its Fergusson College in 1885.The New English School (1880), the Nutan Marathi Vidyalaya (1883) and the MES Society's HighSchool (1875) were started. Soon after, a high school for Indian girls was established in1884. A new generation of educated Indians started the freedom movement under the leadership of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak. He started two newspapers, the Maratha in English (January 1, 1881) and the Kesri in Marathi (January 4, 1881). Through these newspapers, Tilak aroused interest in national education, national language, swadeshi and swarajyai – the four fold aims for independence. Swaraj is my birthright†was the slogan given by Tilak to the rest of India . Gopal Krishna Gokhale is another builder of modern India who established the Servants of India Society and represented Indian interests in the imperial legislative council. Mahatma Gandhi considered him his guru. Maharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve is yet another gem of modern India, who throughout his life fought for the upliftment of women, started a college for them and established the first Indian University for women, named SNDT Women’s University. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1958.Senior Wr angler R. P. Paranjape is another luminary from Pune who sacrificed higher salaries and worked as the principal of Fergusson College for over twenty years. Mahatma Jyotiba Phule started education for women and struggled hard for the upliftment of the depressed classes. Shrimati Anandibai Joshi was the first lady to complete medical education in the USA. Thus, we find the origin of various movements – social, religious, educational, political, economic and literary-, in Pune city HISTORY OF HOTEL In 1930, hotel owners Severt W.Thurston and Frank Duper, both of Yakima, Washington USA, formed a partnership in order to manage their hotels more efficiently. Together with Peter and Adolph Schmidt they formed Western Hotels, with seventeen properties, all but one in the state of Washington. Early management developed each property individually. After more than two decades of rapid growth, prompting a name change in 1954 to Western International Hotels, many of its properties were merged into a single corporate structure in 1958, and the company went public in1963.For its 50th anniversary in 1980, it changed its name again to the current Westin Hotels &Resorts . In 1970 , the chain was acquired by UAL Corporation. In 1987, UAL Chairman Richard Ferris announced a plan to make UAL into Allegis, a travel conglomerate based around United Airlines, Hertz Rent a Car, Hilton Hotels, and Westin and linked by Apollo. This strategy failed, however, and Westin was sold in 1988 to Aoki Corporation of Japan. In 1994 Aoki sold it to Starwood Capital, real estate investment firm and parent of Starwood Lodging, and Goldman Sachs, an investment bank.In 1998 Starwood assumed full ownership of the company. Westin claims to have been the first hotel chain to introduce guest credit cards (in 1946), 24-hour room service (1969), and personal voice mail in each room (1991). Westin markets certain amenities available in its properties to the public under t he brand name  Heavenly In 2005, Westin became the first hotel company to gain a national retail store presence when Nordstrom started carrying the  Heavenly Bed Line in more than 60 stores . Westin refreshed its partnership with United Airlines in 2008.United offers pillows and blankets from their Heavenly Bed line on select united premium service routes between New York City and California, as well as Westin decorations and scents in some Red Carpet Club lounges Starwood Hotels and Resorts were originally formed by the real estate investment firm Starwood Capital to take advantage of a tax break; at the time the company was known as Starwood Lodging. Initially, Starwood Lodging owned a number of hotels throughout North America, all under different brand names. The Westin Hotel Company was purchased in 1994 from Aoki Corporation of Japan.Starwood acquired the Sheraton, Four Points by Sheraton, and The Luxury Collection brands from ITT Sheraton in 1998. In 1999, St arwood launched their â€Å"W†Hotels brand. In September 2005, Starwood announced the launch of aloft, a new hotel brand based on W. aloft Hotels catered toward business travelers . Starwood intends to have 500 aloft hotels worldwide by 2012. In 2005, Starwood purchased the Le Meridian brand, which greatly increased the company's operations in Europe. In 2004, Starwood's founder and CEO Barry Sternlicht stepped down as CEO to focus his attention on his other firm, Starwood Capital.He remained on the Board of Directors until 2005. He was succeeded as CEO by Steven J. Heyer, and Starwood began selling a number of its company-owned hotels, instead focusing on becoming a management company and franchiser  for its current and future hotel brands. In April 2007, Steven J. Heyer left the company on their request of the Board of Directors because of an issue with Heyer's management style and after allegations of personal misconduct. Chairman of the Board Bruce Duncan served as interim CEO until September 2007, when the company announced Heyer's successor, Frits van PaasscheBRANDS (The following list of Starwood brands is chronological, according to each brand's entry into Starwood) Westin The historic Westin Book-Cadillac Hotel in downtown Detroit . Main Westin Hotels The Westin Hotels and Resorts Brand is Starwood's largest upscale hotels and resorts brand. It was bought by Starwood in 1994 and is also the oldest brand within Starwood, dating back to1930 Sheraton Sheraton Poznan Sheraton Hotels and Resorts Sheraton is Starwood's ‘flagship' brand, providing luxury hotel and resort accommodation.It began operating in 1937 and was sold to Starwood in 1998 by ITT. Four Points by Sheraton Points by Sheraton Four Points by Sheraton was launched by ITT in 1995 as a mid-scale hotel brand. Originally the brand was created by re-naming existing Sheraton â€Å"Inns†(a smaller, limited service version of S heraton Hotels). The new name avoided the confusion Some guests found in having two hotel categories (full service and mid-scale) with the same name (Sheraton). These hotels joined Starwood along with Sheraton in 1998  The Luxury Collection The historic Hotel Imperial in Vienna.The Luxury Collection Brand began when ITT Sheraton purchased a controlling interest in CIGA (Campania Italian a Grande Alberghi, or Italian Grand Hotels Company), an Italian hotel chain, in 1994. Those hotels, as well as a number of top-tier Sheraton Hotels, were then marketed as ITT Sheraton Luxury Hotels. After Starwood bought Sheraton, they established a separate brand identity for The Luxury Collection and expanded it greatly. Both ITT Sheraton and later Starwood kept CIGA's original logo (the four horses of St. Mark) for The Luxury Collection brand logo until 2009; each Luxury Collection hotel now uses its own logo.Many hotels in The Luxury Collection are smaller establishments in converted palaces or other significant buildings; others are lavishly restored historic hotels. Confusingly, eight hotels in The Luxury Collection Which were originally part of the ITT Sheraton Luxury group kept their Sheraton Name, although the Luxury division is now a completely separate brand under Starwood . The following hotels operate using their old Sheraton names, but within The Luxury Collection: Sheraton Sofia Hotel Balkan – Sofia, Bulgaria Sheraton Algarve Hotel – Albufeira, Portugal Sheraton Park Tower Hotel – London, UK Sheraton Ankara Hotel – Ankara, TurkeySheraton Addis – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Sheraton Kuwait Hotel &and Towers – Kuwait Sheraton Grande Sukhumi – Bangkok, Thailand Sheraton Grande Laguna – Phuket, Thailand W Hotels The W Hotel in Washington, D. C. is located in the former Hotel Washington, built in 1918 to the designs of architectural firm Carrere and Hastings. The building is listed on the Natio nal Register of Historic Places. W Hotels is Starwood's luxury boutique hotel brand, launched in 1998. The hotel brand, which generally markets towards a younger crowd, was launched in 1998 with its first property, W New York, at 541 Lexington Avenue in Manhattan.The brand has expanded internationally with properties opening first in Mexico City, Seoul, and Istanbul. The brand's first resort property is W Maldives Retreat & Spa. The W Barcelona hotel was W's first in Western Europe and opened in October 2009. It features futuristic design by architect Ricardo Bo fills in the shape of a sail. Standing 26 stories tall, it can be seen from all over the city. The property is located next to the beach and boasts private access to it. It also includes a Bliss spa, gym and conference facilities.A new W Hotel was opened in early 2010 in Hollywood, CA with a Vegas-style nightclub called Drays designed by Victor Dari, followed by the opening of their fourth hotel in New York City's D owntown District in August. The W plans to double its number of properties by 2011 with hotels planned in Austin, Texas (2010); Taipei, Taiwan (2010); Marrakech, Morocco (2011); Guangzhou, China (2011); Bangkok, Thailand (2011); Paris, France (2011); Athens, Greece (2011); St. Petersburg, Russia (2011); and London (2011) where the Hotel is located in Leicester Square and opened on February 14th 2011.Retreat & spa properties are planned in Bali, Indonesia (2010) and Koh Samui, Thailand (2010). Future hotel properties in Singapore (2012), Milan, Italy (2012); Amman, Jordan (2012); Abu Dhabi, UAE (2012); Santa Fe, Mexico (2013); and Cairo, Egypt (2016) have been planned as well as a retreat & spa property in Riviera Maya, Mexico (2014). Starwood is planning the W Hotel's first ski retreat in Verbier, Switzerland (2012), bringing the total number of W Hotels to 55. St. Regis The St. Regis New York. Is Starwood's main luxury brand, launched in 1999 . It is named for the flagship St.Re gis Hotel in New York, which was built in 1904 in Manhattan at 5th Avenue and 55th Street by John Jacob Astor IV, who also founded the Astoria Hotel (which later became the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel) and who died in 1912 on the RMS Titanic. In the 1930s, head bartender Fern and Petit, introduced the Bloody Mary cocktail. The St. Regis was a Sheraton from the 1960s on, and following a lavish restoration in 1988 was part of the ITT Sheraton Luxury division before it became the cornerstone of Starwood's new brand. All St. Regis properties except The Lanes borough in London use The St. Regis name. Le MeridienLe Meridien: Le Meridien was founded by Air France in 1972 and was sold to Starwood in 2005, by which point it was based in the UK. It has 130 properties worldwide and its first property was LeMeridien Etoile in France. Aloft Aloft Hotels: Aloft is a mid-scale, urban-style business / boutique hotel brand. The brand was launched in2005 as a ‘vision of W Hotels', a re lationship similar to Four Points by Sheraton and its ‘brand parent', Sheraton. It has been criticized for being too slick and formulaic. Element by Westin: Announced in 2006, this is Starwood's first brand of hotels intended to be environmentally friendly.The designs include energy and water efficient features. The first Element hotel opened in Lexington, Massachusetts in July 2008. As of April 2010, there are seven Element hotels in operation in Denver (Park Meadows), Las Vegas (Summerlin), Houston (Vintage Park), Dallas (DFW Airport), Ewing NJ, Lexington, and Arundel Mills (BWI Airport). Two Element hotels are scheduled to open within the next year, in New York City and Omaha, Nebraska. Element hotels are built eco-friendly from the ground up, from the floors made of recycled materials to energy-efficient lighting and plumbing fixture Starwood Preferred Guest PartnershipsIt has credit card partnerships with American Express (MBNA Canada Bank partnership replaced by American Express in 2010). Starwood Preferred Guest also has a partnership with 32affiliatedairlinesallowing guests to redeem their points for flights under the â€Å"SPG Flights† program. According to Starwood Hotels and Resorts' corporate profile, the SPG program Have over 41 million members. Star Points Star Points can be used by Starwood Preferred Guest Members (SPG) to redeem Free nights at Starwood's hotel properties. In addition, they can be used for merchandise with their partners such as GAP, Westin at Home, Nordstrom and more.Member Tiers/Levels There are 3 main levels of Starwood Preferred Guest. First, there is the basic level, preferred. Next, there is gold level. Lastly, there is Platinum Level. Each level has better perks. They can be found on the SPG Website In addition to obtaining these statuses through hotel nights, all Starwood Vacation Ownership owners are automatically enrolled into the Gold Starwood Preferred Guest Program. Some owners of seve ral weeks (5* Elite Owners) are enrolled into the Platinum Starwood Preferred Guest program ROOMS The Westin Pune Koregaon Park offers 277 guestrooms. Balconies open to city or river views .Guestrooms are individually furnished and decorated. Pillow top beds feature signature bedding, triple sheeting, and down comforters. Rooms are furnished with desks and ergonomic chairs. 40-inch LCD televisions come with premium satellite channels, free movie channels, and first-run movies. Wired and wireless high-speed Internet access is available for a surcharge; multi-line phones, complimentary newspapers, and in-room safes (accommodate laptops) are also provided. Coffee/tea makers are provided. Bathrooms include separate bathtubs and showers with handheld showerheads, bathrobes, slippers, and makeup/shaving mirrors.Washers/dryers, separate sitting areas, and mini bars are also included. A nightly turndown service and housekeeping are provided. Amenities available on request include h ypo-allergenic bedding. Cribs (infant beds) and rollaway beds are also available. Rooms are accessible via exterior corridors. DINING The Westin Pune Koregaon Park has 6 restaurants serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Guests are offered complimentary hot and cold buffet breakfast. 24-hour room service is available. Dining The Westin Pune Koregaon Park with its six restaurants and bars is the destination to refuel, replenish and refresh.Three unique eateries, one specialty food store and cafe, a lobby lounge, and a bar provide a wide range of culinary delights as well as myriad moments to savor. Our all-day dining restaurant, Seasonal Tastes offers a contemporary buffet and a la carte menu for a unique combination of Asian and international cuisine. Dramatic buffet displays and interactive stations present an exciting dining experience. People; Passion; Pleasure! Prego is a modern Italian restaurant serving authentic regional home-style dishes. Hearty signature dishes a nd an open pizza oven make for a lively and aromatic meal.The refined Kangan features delightfully authentic Indian food from the North-West Frontier. A tandoor show kitchen is the restaurant's central feature, allowing you to look on as culinary artists expertly assemble your meal before your eyes. Make Daily Treats your everyday, one-stop shopping destination for delectable gourmet delicatessen items. Take them with you or relax in the cozy deli while you recharge with a hot coffee or specialty beverage. [email protected], overlooking the Mula Mutha River, offers a stylish setting in which to relax with friends over handcrafted martinis, alluring wines, specialty coffees and teas, and snacks.SPA The Westin Pune Koregaon Park has a full-service spa featuring massage/treatment rooms, facials, body treatments, and beauty services. Body treatments Facial treatments Features; Activities Renew your total health and wellness at The Westin Pune Koregaon Park. Our beautiful outdoor i nfinity pool creates an exciting visual impact, not to mention a refreshing place for exercise or utter relaxation, while our state-of-the-art fitness and health facilities in the Westin WORKOUT ®Gym offer an experience of well-being and serenity for all our guests.Our Heavenly Spa by Westin? helps the body shed fatigue and stress to encourage balance, repose, and wellness. Clear your mind. Free your senses. The hotel presents a multilingual staff committed to offering a unique blend of personal and instinctive service. Our Business Centre provides services 24 hours a day to ease executives’ worries and help complete tasks efficiently and successfully. Elemental amenities and personal touches such as parking and a gift shop help make your stay convenient and comfortable. We welcome families, and will pay special attention to your needs.The Westin Kids Club ® is a program that provides for children's safety and security as well as providing conveniences designe d to make your overnight and dining experiences more enjoyable for both parents and children Hotel Features Concierge Desk Our concierge is here to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. If you have questions or need local area information, tourist information, dining suggestions, tickets or reservations, simplyask? our multilingual staff stands ready to assist. Westin Executive Club LoungeClub floor guests enjoy exclusive access to the upscale Executive Club Lounge, offering all-day tea and coffee service, continental breakfast, evening cocktails and snacks. Subject to availability, a private meeting room is an ideal gathering spot. Outdoor Pool A refreshing view of the Mula Mutha River from our expansive infinity pool with cascading waterfall makes this a sublime setting for relaxing in the sun. Accessible to all resident and Westin Club guests. Food and beverage service offered. Poona Club Golf Course This 18-hole course, located in the city centre just 10 minutes away f rom the hotel, is managed by the Poona Club.This beautiful course has no green fee for hotel guests. Transportation from the hotel is available for a nominal charge. Westin WORKOUT ® Gym Our gym is operational around the clock with the latest equipment from Star Trac ®. Free weights, lat pull down, dumbbells, treadmills, and other weight and cardio equipment make this an ideal place to raise your heart rate and enjoy the process. Westin Kids Club ® A value to both children and parents, Westin Kids Club ® is a unique program that takes care of your children while you are busy, while also providing a fun learning opportunity and enhancing their talents. Business CentreOur full service Business Centre is designed to accommodate the busy lifestyles and minute-by-minute demands on our guests. Heavenly Spa by Westin Experience a unique urban sanctuary where East meets west. We will provide you the best spa experience possible through quality products and services. Indulge yourself with our innovative and luxurious treatments for absolute peace and repose. Unwind(SM) Transition from day to night, and renew your state of mind. Here in Pune, you'll enjoy a variety of evening unwind(SM) activities to relax and recharge, from Indian folk dancing to footer flex logy to a lesson in the art of Henna application.BUSINESS CENTRE Designed to meet the needs of today’s business traveler, Westin hotels and resorts provide services and amenities that take productivity to new levels. Experience ease and comfort throughout your stay with services like wireless internet that can be accessed from guest rooms and the lobby, and high-speed internet access throughout the hotel. Our Business Center offers many of the services required by today’s business traveler, including faxing and printing capabilities. Westin Clutter-Free Meetings helps planners and guests stay organized and productive with an open room design and layout and socially conscious amenities.Streamlined stations provide paper, pens, glasses, water and other thoughtful touches, keeping the main work area uncluttered and organized. ?Green? features such as energy-efficient light bulbs, double-sided meeting pads and water pitchers in lieu of bottled water help eliminate waste and reduce consumption. *Before and after your meetings, you can sharpen your mind and rid your body of stress with thoughtful amenities such as in-room gyms, menus rich in SuperFoodsRx ® and luxurious spa services. And once your work is done, reward yourself with a game of golf, a relaxing massage or a glass of wine during Unwind  « A Westin EveningRitual(SM). You’ve earned it. SUPER-FOODS Eat, drink and be healthy. One of the ways that Westin has made it easy for guests to maintain a healthy lifestyle is with the introduction of our extensive SuperFoodsRx(TM)* menu. We are the first hotel to offer signature SuperFoodsRx menu with more than 10 delicious options from steel-c ut oatmeal and blueberry smoothies to smoked turkey tacos and broccoli and cheddar omelets. These nutrient-rich dishes are available on our in-room dining menu in addition to being offered a la carte and in the breakfast buffet downstairs .We have teamed with doctors and nutritionists to create a menu that cultivates ? food synergy,? or the pairing of certain foods to increase their nutritional value. We pass this knowledge on to you on our menus and buffet fact sheets, which detail all the nutritional benefits of each food and how they work in combination with each other. It’s just one of the many ways Westin is committed to your wellness, from the inside out. Meetings ; Weddings Our 1,470 square meters of meeting space with eight meeting or function rooms will transform your meeting or event into something truly remarkable.The Westin Pune Koregaon Park's unique blend of personal and instinctive service, custom-designed menus, and the latest meetings technology w ill provide everything you need for memorable event. Eight flexible meeting or function rooms? including 1,050 square meters of refined special-event space? guarantees an energized and inspired meeting, conference, wedding or gala social function. All rooms feature the latest in audiovisual technology as well as wireless and High Speed Internet Access. A dedicated meeting and banquet floor houses our Business Centre as well as offering wireless High Speed Internet Access throughout.With state-of-the-art videoconferencing features and services available in every meeting venue, all events can be tailored to your specific needs. Our wedding specialist is available to help as you begin crafting your perfect day, and our experienced and professional Catering Sales Manager will ensure that each event meets your wishes and is a success Distance from commercial areas | | Airport| 06km| Deccan Gymkhana| 15km| Pune Railway Station| 06km| Shivajinagar| 19km| M. G Road| 09km| Kor egaon Park| 1km| Pune University| 20km| HinjewadiPimpri/Chinchwadi| 9km25km| DESIGNATION Position| Name| General Manager| Mr.Anurag Bhatnagar| F&B Manager| Mr. Chandan Thakur| Banquet Manager| Mr. Murari Prasad| Restaurant Manager| Mr. J. K. Pilli| Front Office Manager| Mrs. Sonali Zagade| G. R. E| Mrs. Noorjanha Khan| Executive Chef| Mr. Santosh Zori| Executive HousekeeperSales Marketing ManagerH. R ManagerTraining Manager| Mr. ZulfikarMrs. Megha MathurMr. Jagdeep ShettyMr. Sanjay Kumar| FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICES: INTRODUCTION Hotels have two branches of hospitality  ± the accommodation operations – service & the other one is food & beverage department . Various subdivision of F & B service department is: RestaurantsRoom service Banquet Bar Pastry shop Coffee shop Cafeteria RESTAURANT- Restaurant is a commercial establishment committed to the sale of food & beverage. A restaurant may be a licensed part of a hotel operations, where by the sale of restaurant contr ibute to the sales performance of the hotel as a whole. Restaurant may be I independent business entities under individual ownership &management.. Basically restaurants provide table & chairs for people to sit & eat food prepared by an attached kitchen. ROOM SERVICE The room service department is responsible for service of food & beverage in guest room.It is a 24hrs facility provided to the guests of the hotel. The different types of restaurants in THE WESTIN are Daily Treats With freshly-baked breads, pastries and cakes and a delectable sandwich bar plus an enviable collection of cookbooks, innovative lifestyle products, and eclectic food and beverage events, Daily Treats is an everyday stop on your schedule. Cuisine: Deli Dress Code: Casual Hours: 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM Atmosphere: Coffee & Conversations Setting: Casual K angan Our stylish Indian restaurant serving delectable North-West frontier and Hyderabad cuisine.An open tan door kitchen add s a dramatic element to the venue. Authentic flavors are given contemporary presentation in this unique family-style eatery. Cuisine: Indian Dress Code: Casual Sophistication Hours: 6:30 PM – 12:00 AM Atmosphere: Elegant Setting: Indoor [email protected] This modern, cozy and stylish lounge allows guests meet and mix with a scenic view of the river. [email protected] boasts the best selection of wines, vodkas and whiskies around. Up-front and personable, the bartenders are here to serve and entertain. Cuisine: International Dress Code: Casual Hours: 5:00 PM – 1:00 AM Atmosphere: Warm and CasualSetting: Indoor Prego: People, passion, pleasure: this enjoyable eatery offers a lively atmosphere for tasty pizzas, regional pastas, and hearty and creative Italian food trends. The perfect setting to enjoy an authentic Italian meal with a healthy dash of fun! Cuisine: Italian Dress Code: Casual Hours: Tuesday – Sunday 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM, 6:30 PM â⠂¬â€œ 12:00 AM; Atmosphere: Casual Setting: Informal Seasonal Tastes An interactive dining destination serving a contemporary buffet of Asian and international cuisines highlighting the fresh and in season, Seasonal Tastes is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner.We also offer of an irresistible a la carte menu. Cuisine: International Dress Code: Casual Hours: 24 Hours Atmosphere: Casual Q-bar – Chill out and relax in this hip and intimate Latin American club. Featuring signature cocktails and an extensive collection of premium vodkas, whiskeys and wines, plus intriguing small-plate tapas. DJs and live music add to the festive atmosphere. Dress Code: Closed-Toe Shoes Required Parking: Valet Parking available at the Main Porch and Banquet Lobby Atmosphere: Vibrant Setting: Hip & Classy FRONT-OFFICE INTRODUCTIONThe front office may be regarded as the show window of the hotel and hence must be well designed in the first place and maintained in a well organized and orderly manner. Regardless of how the hotel is organized the front office is always an essential focal point . Front office is the name Given to all offices situated in the front of the house, that is, the lobby, such offices where the guest is received, provided information, his luggage is handled, his accounts are settled at departure, and his problems, complaints and suggestion are looked after.The front desk is the link between the guest and the co-ordination of all guest services. It serves as a main channel of both way communication i. e. from hotel to guest and guest to the hotel . hotel terminology includes terms such as front of the house and bake-of-the house this front of the-house term includes those portion of the hotel with which the guest comes in direct contact during his period of occupation , such as building exterior, lobby front desk ,gust room , function rooms , etc. the back of-the-house areas are those with which the guest generally do not come in con tact such as the pay roll ,accounting epartment , food preparation centre , repairs and maintenance and laundry , etc . The front office is the main controlling centre of all guest services, and also co-ordinate as the back office functions with these services Reservation The reservation section is very important section of front office as this section deals with the important of booking rooms for the free individual traveler guest as well as group. Reception or reservation: The reception department is one of the most important of the front office as this of the sections remains indirect contact with guest right from the time their arrival till their time of departure.Cash: The cash section maintains the various accounts of the guests during their stay at the hotel. It also insures that the various account of the guest accurate and complete regularly by process of night. Bell desk: Bell desk staff with who the guest are in contact the moment entire lobby o f the hotel. The bell boy helps the guest in transporting their luggage to their respective rooms. Telephone Exchange: This department performs the important job of directing the various incoming as well as outgoing telephone calls of the hotel.They also compile the bill of the guest incurring various STDs and ISDs call charge and provide wake-up calls to the guest. Information: The information section plays an important role in providing valuable information to guests regarding the hotel, city and the country at large. Booking reservation: All front office and reservations personnel will alt facilities, packages, special sand corporate programmer to effectively sell accommodations and properly record reservations. * Reservations will be accepted by front office or reservations staff 24 hrs per day.All personnel are to be comfortable using suggestive selling techniques. * The information must be neat, accurate and complete. * Dates requested must be available. * A complete reservati on includes: * First name, middle initial, last name * Complete address * Telephone number * Arrival date * Arrival time * Departure date * Number of persons GROUP BOOKING: * The front offices will co- ordinate the booking of group rooms with the hotel sales. * Group room blocks will be recorded on charts to maintain room inventory. Accurate and complete group information will provide by the hotel sales to the front office on the monthly group booking chart. * Group booking confirmation & all group correspondence will be kept on file by arrival date. * Provision will be made to ensure that all details of the booking agreement are carried out as arranged. Preconvention and all group correspondence will be kept on file by arrival date. * The reservation manager will review rooms blocks vs. pick ? ups daily within the reservation system to maintain room s inventory. Business lost due to all space being held by groups should be reported to the hotel Sales immediately. * All Reservations and front office personne4 will be providing complete information regarding booking TELEPHONES The telephone operator handles both in-house & outside calls & transfers them wherever needed. She is completely in-charged & responsible. Her shift timing is from 10. 00am to 7. 00 pm. In her absence she forwards the calls to the reception& the receptionists on duty look after the calls. Instruments Used 1. EPBX (electronic private branch of exchange) 2. Computer . Printer 4. Xerox machine 5. Fax machine Registers maintained: 1. STD/ISD call register 2. Wake up call register Concierge (Bell desk) Functions 1. Postage 2. Message 3. Check in (carry luggage) 4. Check out (carry luggage) 5. Provide newspaper 6. Provide stretcher, wheel chair if required 7. Assisting guests 8. Purchasing items required by the guests from outside Note; Newspaper is complimentary; If guest requires some medicines from outside then they charged. HOUSEKEEPING: INTRODUCTION Housekeeping is the most important depar tment in a hotel, as people want to stay in a clean hotel.It is the biggest physical area in many hotels. Housekeeping is responsible for maintenance of a clean, pleasant and orderly environment the housekeeping department is the nerve center of the hotel. It is responsible for cleanliness, maintenance and aesthetic upkeep of the hotel . It takes a well organized approach and technicalunderstanding to enable housekeeping to cope with the volume of work. Housekeeping standards have a direct bearing on forming aneverlasting impression and impact in the mind of the guest. A cleanhotel is the foremost requirement of every visitor putting up the hotel. tandard cleanliness is the basic responsibility of thehousekeeping department repeat clientele and generation of maximumrevenue depends upon the efficient and smooth running  of thehousekeeping operation. To have such efficiency, there should be a proper network, so that maximum service can be provided to the guest and for this, each one should put in ones best efforts. STAFFING * One floor supervisor, one public area supervisor, one line room supervisor, mini-bar supervisor & one desk attendant reports in the morning. * 18 Room boys & 12 public area boys come in the morning shift. Executive House Keeper comes for the general shift. The desk attendant supervisor or any other supervisor is supposed to take note of the expected arrivals, expected departure, V. I. P. arrivals for the hotel promotions, group check-ins / check-outs, guest comments & feedback, special in-house guest, special requests if any, complaints, & any relevant inter office correspondence &mentions the same on the white board displayed The desk attendant supervisor or any other supervisor is supposed to take note of the expected arrivals, expected departure, V. I. P. rrival s for the hotel promotions, group check-ins / check-outs, guest comments & feedback, special in-house guest, special requests if any, complaints, & any relevant inter office correspondence &mentions the same on the white board displayed. MINI BAR * Objective Effective & quick system of refilling room upon consumption/check-outs & controlled replenishments. * Location – 2nd floor * No. of mini bars -277 * Staff strength – 03 MINI BAR SETUP 1. Kenly packaged drinking water ( 1 lt. ) 05 2. Cola (300ml) 02 3. Lemon (Sprite-300ml) 02 4. Orange (Fanta-300ml) 02 5. Pint Beer (Foster-330ml) 02 . Salted Wafers (40g-basket) 01 7. Roasted Almond (30g) 01 8. Kitchen chocolate 01 9. Snickers chocolate 02 10. Creamers 04 11. Absolute vodka (90ml) 02 12. Black dog Whisky (90ml) 02 The supervisor in charge of mini bar looks after this section in the housekeeping department with the assistan ce of another room boy. The consumption is checked in the morning & note. This is charged daily to the guest through the reception. Then depending on the consumption the mini bar is refilled . A mini consumption register is maintained which contains the consumption of every room day wise along with the bill numbers.The closing stock of the mini bar is also mentioned daily Cleaning Equipment * Vacuum cleaner * Mopping trolley * Mechanical Brush for porch cleaning Cleaning Agents 1. R3 Bathroom cleaner 2. R6 W. C. 3. R4 Room Freshener 4. R2 All Purpose 5. R5 Wooden Surface 6. R6 All Purposes 7. Helios Bathroom Fixtures 8. Spotter Carpet spotting 9. Lemon zee Hard stain 10. Behold Wooden Furniture UNIFORM ROOM: The hotel has a separate uniform room for the staff, situated at the basement level. Each staff is issued with three pairs of uniforms. Each staff has a number which is monogrammed on the uniform for easier identificati on.Manager supervisors have their names written Laundry: THE WESTIN does not have its own in-house Laundry. Linen, uniforms &guests laundry are given on contract basis outside the premises. There are separate contractors for guest’s laundry & linen & a separate contractor for staff uniforms. The laundry taken is written own and a returnable gate pass is made. On bringing the laundry this pass is show & the items are counted . The discrepancy is taken note of. Guest laundry is given in a laundry bag with the particular room number written on it.They are received in a similar way too. Thereafter the room boys return the laundry to the guests;after they are charged, while servicing the : In seasons hotel have off premises laundry which is given on contract basis the laundering of both guest and hotel linen is done on contract by an external laundry . Allthe linen isà ‚ collected in the linen room from where it is dispersed to thelaundry for washing the guest and hotel linen is done on contract by anexternal laundry. All the linen is collected in the linen room from where it is dispersed to the laundry for washing room.FOOD PRODUCTION: INTRODUCTION Room sales & food sales of the hotels revenue are earned by the service outlets, the food production departments hand is more important as it determines the sales volume. So it is often said Food is The Life of the Hotel The main kitchen is planned in such a way to have an easy accessibility to all the service outlets & important areas. The kitchen is divided into section with skilled employees working in it. The stewarding area is attached to the main kitchen The kitchen for the staff is separate & is not related to the main kitchen.The raw material is picked up from the main store. Hotels are justly proud of their reputati on for fine cuisine and elegant dining. Food production is an integral part of the service of the hotel. When the guest arrives at the hotel he not only expects a comfortable and relax stay, but he also expects good food of the highest possible standards. Especially In today times with growing competition it very essential that the hotel tries to provides as many food outlets to the guest serving various kinds of quality cuisines. Food production is the conversion of food from the raw to the palatable state.It is no longer a profession concealed in mystery like the secrets of ancients. The great wealth of knowledge and the most of the secrets are available easily today with its formula. There are principle, procedures and techniques in the food production as they are in other filed As the simple as sounds . It refers to any service rendered to gratify basic human needs of hunger and joy of eating and drinking for physiological satisfaction. Cookery is define as a chemical process, t he mixing of ingredients, the application and with drawl of it decision making, technical knowledge and manipulating skill.In the more advance stages further element occurs that the creativity. Cookery is considered to be both and art and a technology. THE KITCHEN SUBDIVISIONS In the hotel, they use the decentralized system of kitchen functioning though in some places centralized system is used. The main section the food production departments THEWESTIN Hotel are: MAIN KITCHEN This section of kitchen is divided into three subsections. Soup section Hot Range (Continental) Indian GARDEMANGER This section deals with the cold meat and food the department.It serves to all the outlets of the hotel such as butler’s pantry, room service, coffee shop, Ian Rochelle, other section of the kitchen, etc. BAKERY This is the section of the kitchen working continuously and producing high quality cakes, Pastries, desserts, bread rolls, etc. BUTCHERY Butchery in hotel terminology is also cal led meat fabrications as it is involved in changing the form of meat, poultry, and fish etc form unclean large chunks to clean and appropriate sizes as required for various purposes. SPECIALTY KITCHEN These are the kitchen solely working for the restaurant they are attached These kitchen are producing only the typed of cuisines by the restaurant. The kitchen work on break shift basis except for the North West frontier cuisine kitchen as it involves a great deal of cooking over a long period of time. BANQUET KITCHEN Specially meant for banquet functions Food Hygiene, Health and Safety Introduction This module makes an important contribution to the supervisory aspects of food hygiene and safety. Supervisors with food safety and health and safety responsibilities need to ensure that all staff operate in a safe, hygienic and efficient manner.The overall aims of this module are to ensure students are familiar with key aspects of current legislation, good practice and health, safety an d food safety issues. Food hygiene is a broad term used to describe the preservation and preparation of foods in a manner that ensures the food is safe for human consumption. This process of kitchen safety includes proper storage of food items prior to use, maintaining a clean environment when preparing the food, and making sure that all serving dishes are clean and free of bacteria that could lead to some type of contamination.The food storage aspect of food hygiene is focused on maintaining the quality of the food, so that it will be fresh when used in different recipes. With dry goods, proper food hygiene calls for  placing items such as sugar or flour in airtight containers that are clean and dry. The containers are then placed into a pantry or reside on a kitchen counter where they are relatively safe from humidity and extreme temperatures. In like manner, meats must be stored properly as part of proper food hygiene.Many people choose to use containers espe cially designed for use in a freezer in order to preserve raw meats for later use. Freezing helps to slow the process of decay, thus minimizing the chances for food poisoning when the meat is used at a later date. Food sanitation also extends to keeping the preparation area clean and relatively germ-free. Mixing bowls, spoons, paring knives and any other tools used in the kitchen should be washed thoroughly before use. Kitchen countertops and cutting boards should also be cleaned and sterilized from time to time.Keeping a sanitary workplace will also cut down on the chances of some type of food borne illness from developing when people consume the prepared food CONCLUSION THE WESTIN is among the abode in the financial capital of the country. While training at THE WESTIN it has been an honor being trained there the staff was so supportive to pave me a successful training and took out my hesitant attitude out of me and learning ability enhanced forà ‚ people their they are an honor in them selves. When first began my industrial training but went by ever so quickly and have left me craving for much more.I would have to say that ills an absolutely fabulous part of the curriculum and perhaps will remain the most memorable one. Needless to say that this experience was highly enriching and educating one as I went on from one department to another and meet & got the opportunity to train under several highly respected senior professional learned that every individual is different & that everyone has something unique to offer . I learnt that every job has its nuances and its value and that no lob is scarier to the other I learn that on needs to constantly improved &improvise.I learnt that is just the beginning of long road ahead full of challenges. But I know that will be able to run along because I have my foundation firmly built in. It is here that I got the opportunity to continuously introspe ct and improve use budding professional & as a human being. I will always look back at the time spent here with fondness and with pride. I cannot but thank all the people who helped in several different ways thus I will go along way facilitating the commencement of wonderful journey.
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